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Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version iOS 11 "Memo" can handle paper documents. Significant enhancements enable "scanning documents": iPhone Tips

In large iOS version upgrades, it is customary to enhance the functionality of some standard apps. Some apps have been enhanced in iOS 11, but the one that is less noticeable but notable is the "Memo" app. It is now possible to scan and save documents taken with a camera. Currently, the conversion to character data, the so-called OCR function, is not installed, but since the tilt correction function is installed, even if you shoot from an angle, you can correct and save it as if it were from the front. The feature itself is familiar to third-party apps, but it's a big advantage that you don't have to install the app to scan documents. It's easy to operate. In addition to documents, scan paper data such as business cards and message memos, which are a little troublesome to write by hand, and save them as image data.

Select "Scan Documents" in the "Memo" app

To scan a document with the Memo app, tap the "+" icon at the top of your keyboard. Then tap "Scan Documents" to switch to the scan screen.

▲ Tap "+" (left). Tap "Scan Documents" (right) When the scan screen appears, align the yellow frame on the screen with the document you want to scan. At this time, if the yellow frame fits the document exactly, reading will start without pressing the shutter button. After loading, tap "Save" at the bottom right of the screen.

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エンガジェット日本版 iOS 11の「メモ」は紙書類も扱える。大幅強化で「書類のスキャン」が可能に:iPhone Tips

▲ Align the yellow frame with the document (left). After loading, tap "Save". Now you can save the scanned document (right)

Can be scanned cleanly and attached to emails

To see the actual scanned document, tap "Scanned document" on the memo creation screen.

▲ Tap the image of the document in "Scanned Documents" (left). Documents are displayed (right) I think that there are many people who usually take a picture of a small memo or document and save it. However, the problem was that the pictures taken were not always easy to see, such as shadows and light reflections. With the scanning feature added in iOS 11, you can save your documents neatly. You can look back on yourself or attach it to an email so that others can check it. Take advantage of this new iOS 11 "Notes" feature to organize and share your documents.