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Engadget Logo Engajet Japan's NASA NASA's approaching observation machine, "Touch the sun" for the first time.Observe the inside of the corona

In April 2021, NASA's Parker Solar Probe approached 6.5 million miles (approximately 10.46 million km) from the surface of the sun for the first time, across the outer atmosphere, that is, Corona.It was eight months ago, but it took several months for data from the spacecraft to reach the earth, and it took me more months to analyze the data, and it was announced at this time.

Three years ago, the spacecraft approached the sun as much as possible and crossed the corona and examined the sun with an observer placed in the shadow of the heat shield.When crossing Corona, the spacecraft had to withstand fierce heat and radiation.However, by overcoming the trial, scientists have gained new insights on the mechanism of the sun.

On April 28, Parker Solat Probe passed through the area called "Alvain Ready Mask", which turns a very hot sun, which turns into a solar wind on its outer edge.Until now, researchers did not know the exact position of Alvain critical surface, but Stuart Bale of the University of California Berkeley School said, from the spacecraft data, the aircraft was three times in five hours.It is shown that it has passed the upper and lower part, "Inside the corona, the magnetic field of the sun became very strong and the movement of the particles became dominated. Therefore, the spacecraft came into contact with the sun.It can be said that it was surrounded by substances. "

The mechanism is still a mystery, but in this area, the outward flow of charging particles such as electrons, protons, and heavy ions suddenly accelerates as a ultrasonic solar wind.However, traces of physical phenomena that create the solar wind will be lost before reaching the earth.The Parker Solar Probe passed through the critical spots, and Nur Laufaphy of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics was explained.

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エンガジェット日本版 NASAの太陽接近観測機、初めて「太陽にタッチ」。コロナ内部の様子を観測

Researchers estimate that Corona is about 4.3 million to 8.6 million miles from the solar surface.Parker Solar Probe observed the specific time and particles of the corona, about 8.1 million miles (about 13 million km) from the sun.And alvehen critical surfaces have been found to have random irregularities, rather than a uniform distance from the solar surface.

This mission is planned to continue to pass Corona several times.The spacecraft is expected to reach the sun more than ever before and eventually reach 6 million km from its surface.The next Fly Bai is scheduled for January 2022, and it may be able to pass through Corona again.

By the way, Parker Solar Probe is not only the most approaching the sun, but also an artificial object that flies at the highest speed ever.The current speed reaches 692,000 km/h.

Source: NASA