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Engadget Logo Engajet Japanese version of PS5 version TV application Torne distribution started.Fast and comfortable view of nasne

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has launched a TV application Torne for PS5.

By combining with the network recorder NASNE sold by Buffalo, you will be able to view high -speed and comfortably programs on PlayStation 5, watch programs, browses, and recording.

Torne is a software that appeared in 2010 in the PS3 era with the concept of realizing a light recorder with the performance of PlayStation.Initially, it was for external Digi tuners dedicated to PS3.

Since the appearance of the network recorder Nasne, PS4, PS Vita, and smartphones have become an app that can be watched and recorded comfortably on unified interfaces.

Sony ended the sale of NASNE in 2019, and the PS4 version of Torne apps did not work on PS5, but after receiving the resurrection of Nasne from Buffalo, Torne has finally returned to PS5.

The content of the app is almost the same from the PS4 version.If you use the old version, there is no discomfort.If there is NASNE in the same network, you can easily register and handle even the old and old, both the old Sony version or the new buffalo version.

The functions are browses on the program on the broadcast, watching TV programs, recording programs, and watching recorded programs.From other users' trends, the functions that teach popular programs in "Unit: Toru", and the bird "Tornev", which is the guide, is still alive.

The PS5 version supports the interface native 4K display.The list has improved so that it can be used comfortably in an environment where the large -screen 4K TV is widespread.

I wrote that it was not uncomfortable as an app, but when I actually used it, it is even more comfortable than PS4 because the startup speed of the PS5 itself and the smoothness and speed of the interface are increased.

It also supports slow playback, reverse playback, and frame feed that cannot be done with mobile.In the details, the number of frames (number of frames) during fast forwarding increased, making it easier to stop when you want to watch.

Torne made full use of the buttons and sticks of the controller to enable experiences directly connected to the game on a TV application, but it can also be operated on the PS5 media remote control.

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エンガジェット日本版 PS5版テレビアプリ torne 配信開始。nasneを高速・快適視聴

Regardless of the game, it is ideal for demand that you do not want to hold the controller with both hands while watching a video, and want to operate it easily with other media apps, like television.

There is no dedicated direct start -up button like Netflix and Disney+, but the media remote control can be launched even when the PS5 is off, supports the power supply and volume operation of the TV, so it is smaller and lighter.Greatly improves comfort when using it as a device.

(On the other hand, there is no menu button but there is no △ 〇 × □ button, so it is a pity that the scene search (□ button), which is a big torne weapon, is unfortunate.is.)

In addition, since PS5 supports HDMI-CEC, it is possible to operate a TV remote control, such as focus movement, stopping, fast-feeding, and returning.

Downloading the Torne app itself is free.However, the viewing regeneration function is 500 yen and it is necessary to purchase in the app.The plug -in "Otogine", which improves sound quality with Sony's harmonics icriser technology, and "Torne Black", which corresponds to dark mode, is also charged as additional functions.

The media app, especially television, requires a license cost, etc., and unlike the sub -school service, torne / nasne is extremely limited to increasing profits because it is sold.It is inevitable to pay the cost to unlock the function, but it may not be clear for users to buy the main unit and pay more for viewing.

Regardless of the need to unlock the viewing function separately on iOS, Android, and PS5, if you look for a dark mode from the theme of the default eyes, you will be indignant when you are charged, or you can use a Japanese local niche.It is up to each person to decide on a limited product kitchen situation, but at least once you buy it, you do not need a monthly usage fee.

In addition to PS4 and PS5, "watching Nasne videos on TV", there is also a method of using a mobile version of Torne on the Chromecast with Google TV on TV.Or, if the TV itself is compatible with his DLNA / DTCP-IP, you can choose Nasne on the network as a server and follow the folder for the time being.

Buffalo Nasne is back in stock.Continued "recorder where smartphones become TVs"

Buffalo Nasne (Amazon)

PlayStation 5 Peripherals (Amazon)