For Japanese users looking for a sa...


For Japanese users looking for a safe and secure smartphone -"Oppo Reno5 A" that supports waterproof and dustproof and Osaifu -Keitai and pursues high functionality and ease of use.

What Japanese users want

 What you want from a smartphone varies from person to person, but in the domestic market, there are specifications that Japanese users are commonly called "Japanese specifications".

 For example, the most uniqueness is "FeliCa", a non -contact IC card technology.It is widely known by the service name of Osaifu -Keitai, and has been installed on mobile phones and smartphones for more than 15 years in Japan.

 In the global, non -contact payment services using "NFC Type A/B" have finally started, but in Japan, various corresponding services such as transportation services, credit card payments, and membership card services have already been provided, and the industry standard.It has established a status of.The usage rate of electronic money on smartphones equipped with FeliCa has reached several tens of percent, and it is said that the sales of smartphones will be greatly affected by the presence or absence of FeliCa.

 Along with FeliCa, the need for users in Japan is waterproof and dustproof.In addition to the hot and humid climate, in recent years, guerrilla heavy rains have been hit, and there is a need to use it when working around water, and the call for waterproofing has been quite high since the mobile phone era.

安全安心のスマホを求める日本のユーザーのために――防水防塵やおサイフケータイに対応、高機能と使いやすさを追求した「OPPO Reno5 A」

 In order to use the terminal for a long time, there is a great sense of security that can be used even in troubles such as water wet and submerged, and users who have experienced such troubles say "next safe thing".Is strongly chosen.

 During the mobile phone era, waterproof and dust -proof, which had an impression of domestic specifications, has been gradually increasing in smartphones developed in the global market in recent years.However, most of them are mainly high -end models, and the smartphones corresponding to midrange are limited.

 In each case, it is an important point for choosing smartphones for Japanese users, but for manufacturers that develop business in the global market, it is said that what to do with "Japanese specifications" is one issue.

 Currently, smartphones are shipped in the global market as a whole, while about 1.3 billion units are shipped a year, while the domestic market is more than 30 million units a year.

 Regarding communication methods and compatible bands, the global and domestic market are shared, and each manufacturer has a system that can respond to some changes, and localization such as Japanese is basically software.Can be corresponded by correction.

 However, since FeliCa and waterproof and waterproofing are all required to change specifications as hardware, as a manufacturer that develops business in the global market, it is difficult to develop a Japanese model in light of the market size.rice field.