Galaxy S21 5G is a standard model t...


Galaxy S21 5G is a standard model that combines the right high spec and stability -mobile phone Watch

High -end models that are coming to a turning point

 More than 10 years have passed since the existence of smartphones has begun to be recognized in the market, but the domestic and overseas mobile markets have expanded mainly on high -end models that have introduced the latest technology of each company.Although there are large services provided by OTT players such as Google, including mobile phone companies, many users have been interested in the latest high -end models developed by each company.

 However, due to the revision of the Telecommunications Business Law last year, the domestic mobile market and the terminal sales have reached a big angle.

Galaxy S21 5Gはちょうどいいハイスペックと安定感を兼ね備えた定番モデル - ケータイ Watch

 In the past, the actual burden on users was reduced to about half even for terminals that exceeded 100,000 yen due to sales incentives and terminal purchase assistance of each company, but the support when purchasing the terminal was limited to about 20,000 yen.So, the flagship models of each company have clearly slowed down, and the mid -range models of about 30,000 to 50,000 yen are increasing.

 Apple's iPhone, which has nearly half of Japan, has a high -priced iPhone SE and old model iPhone 11, and the top models such as the iPhone 12 Pro series do not feel the same momentum.

 The same is true for Galaxy, AQUOS, and Xperia, which adopt the Android platform, and have been struggling to propose what devices to propose in recent years, reviewing the lineup in recent years.