Voice actor / singer Nao Higashiyam...


Voice actor / singer Nao Higashiyama and Kiyono Anno's unit "Poka Poka Aeon", debut single "Yagushi →" commemorative interview

Voice actors and singers Nao Higashiyama and Kiyono Anno have formed a seasonal unit "Poka Poka Aeon".And on March 2, 2022, we released a memorable debut single "Yagushi →".

In this article, we talked about the background of "Poka Poka Aeon" official debut and all four songs included in the debut single.We will deliver an interview with Higashiyama and Anno where you can feel the warm sun and negative ions!

アニメイトタイムズからのおすすめ東山奈央|アニメキャラ・プロフィール・出演情報・最新情報まとめ東山奈央の画像まとめ [アニメイト通販]【その他(書籍)】東山奈央オフィシャルブック NOW loading…[アニメイト通販]【Blu-ray】ストライク・ザ・ブラッドFINAL OVA Vol.1 初回仕様版 ◆2022冬アニメ(今期1月) 新作アニメ情報一覧◆2022春アニメ(来期4月) 新作アニメ情報一覧

Until "Poka Poka Aeon" makes the official debut

――Please tell us about the formation of the two formed “Poka Poka Aeon”.

Nao Higashiyama (hereinafter Higashiyama): In a TV program that appeared about 5 years ago, I co -starred as a weekly personality.There was a scene in the program that praised each other, and when I said, "Koyo -san is like a goddess of negative ions," he returned, "Nao -chan looks like a fluffy sun."。From there, he said, "We're warm and ions!"

Kiyono Anno (hereafter, Anno): That's right.So only the unit name came ahead, and there was nothing to stand out.However, when they all together at some time, they were claiming to be "warm ions".

――The two debuted after 5 years, how did you start?

Higashiyama: The start is ambiguous (laughs).

Anno: That's right.When I noticed, my debut was decided.The producer received the announcement that "I decided to make my debut from a flying dog with a unit called Poka Aeon."

Higashiyama: So there is no timing that "this is the start line".Until then, I have participated in chorus in Kiseino's solo song.

Anno: That's right.There was a connection, but at that time, the story of the formation of Io was not yet raised even under the surface of the water.

Higashiyama: At that time, there was a possibility that it would be clear.However, after that, we will be in charge of the OP and ED of "Different World Cafeteria 2", and if we are just "Wow, it's a warm ion ~", "Insert it because it is a great deal.Would you like to collaborate with the two songs?

Anno: That's right (laughs).So, we're the most surprised to be able to sing tie -up songs with the debut single of "Poka Poka Aeon".

――I don't think you can make such a null debut (laughs).

Anno: Maybe the pebbles threw somewhere influenced.When I was trying to ask someone for a chorus in "Echoes" ( *), a music producer Masao Fukuda said, "Mr. Anno is voluntarily forming a unit called" Pokka Aeon ", right?"。Nao -chan is the same label mate and a little senior in his solo debut.Mr. Fukuda suggested, "I think Higashiyama is the best Echoes buddy."

* "ARIA THE CREPUSCOLO" ED theme song included in the 3rd single "Ferrichita / Echoes".

――The two fans should have thought they were the best!

Anno: I was very happy, so I decided to participate, saying, "That's right!That's why I sang with Nao -chan in my sense, so I didn't have to be Anno's solo song.You can use the song of "Higashiyama + Anno" (laughs).But at that time, I didn't do that, and in the discussion, I told you, "I'm glad if you sing or set on the stage with the joint name of Nao Higashiyama + Kiyo Anno.

――You had such a background.

Anno: I'm glad if it was like a butterfly effect, it would be nice if I was blowing the wind to the producer somewhere ... (laughs).

Higashiyama: But it may be because there was such a word from Kiseino.On the other hand, when I touched some occasions, I was asking, "Hey, when do you form a warm ion?" (Laughs), so please put it in one corner of the staff's heart.I think it was.That's why I was blessed with the edge of "Different World Cafeteria 2", and I think that I was able to make the unit for forming a unit while riding the flow of nature.

Anno: That's right.Perhaps you thought, "It's the only one now!"

Higashiyama: Hey!

――Poka Poka Aeon has already performed the first stage in front of the customer.It's a warm and ion anniversary.

Higashiyama: Actually, the anniversary is already there.It was November 22, 2021, which announced the formation of the unit of a fluffy ion.It was strangely "good couple's day", so we were connected!(smile)

Anno: Really!(Laughs) I'll make it bigger!"1 + 1 is infinite".

Higashiyama: It's a good word, "1 + 1 is infinite."

――Please tell us your impression of the first stage (“Lisani LIVE2022” held on January 23).

Higashiyama: Even before the debut song was released, it was amazing that everyone was a live band and at Nippon Budokan.

――Is it as a surprise?

Anno: I was definitely a surprise guest because the name of "Poka Poka Aeon" did not appear on the participation list (laughs).

Higashiyama: That's right ... (laughs).

Anno: It was supposed to be a surprise.The moment you appeared on the stage, you greeted me like "Oh, I knew it" (laughs).

Higashiyama: All the other performers were individual dressing rooms, but we were two rooms.Since I was sending such a situation on SNS in advance, I noticed even if I was not a sharp customer (laughs).

――Wh you suddenly appear on the stage, the story is fast (laughs).

Anno: "Yagushi →" was performed on the first song.It's a pleasant song, but it's not actually doing simple things.Because it is a song of a negotiation, if either is stumbled or stumbled, it will not continue from there.So there was pressure.

Higashiyama: Eh ~.I didn't feel it at all.

Anno: Really?

Higashiyama: It's like a CD sound source since the rehearsal was combined!I personally felt that there was a sense of security.I thought it would be compatible with Mr. Nozomi.

――The two are solo activities, but what is the difference between solo and units?

Anno: In short, it's "encouraging."In solo, you have to guide the world view of one song as a song alone.So, in a sense, there are aspects that become craftsmen.The person who talks as a singer will be the sound of the musical instrument performance.However, it is encouraging because the number of units increases.For example, if you play a guitar on the stage, it looks like a twin guitar, not a solo guitar.

Higashiyama: Why did you compare it to a guitar ...?(smile)

Anno: Really!Why did I compare it to a guitar now?(Laughs) But there is another person who is in charge of your own section, and the difference is that you can express the song while creating a beautiful harmony with that person.The duet has a different feeling from solo.You can express only the two.

Higashiyama: Yeah!

Anno: I am working while enjoying "Poka Poka Aeon" very much.Recording cannot be recorded at the same time, so when you record earlier, you will imagine how Nao -chan will sing?On the other hand, when I record later, I sing and sing while listening to Nao's singing voice.

Higashiyama: As a solo singer, there are many things that can be done alone, but sometimes they can do it.Especially if you are Kiseino, I think there are many more things you can do.I feel that Nozomi -no -san says, "Don't be pulled by song."

Anno: No, no, no!

Higashiyama: You can relax by being pulled by Kiseino's healing aura, and is affected by unknown behavior that Kiyono sometimes does.

All: (laughs)

――What are “unknown actions”?

Higashiyama: The other day, when I saw Kiyono taking a selfie, I was shooting myself alone, but I called it "hazy cheese" (laughs).I look at such a rare behavior that my partner does not understand well, and let me relax.

Anno: That's right.Is that strange!(smile)

Higashiyama: I was wondering who was the "yes cheese" (laughs).

――Is Anno always the same?

Anno: I don't know ...I'm not aware at all!(smile)

Higashiyama: When you are with Kiseino -san, there is such a synergy effect of happiness.

Anno: If you can laugh with that kind of thing, laugh a lot.I want Nao -chan to smile.

Higashiyama: Ahahahaha.I'm happy!With that kind of feeling, the song during the solo activity is "dialogue between me and everyone", but in the case of a duet, it is "the dialogue between me, Kiseino and everyone".So I feel like my world becomes wider.Solo activities are also important, but I want to cherish the time as a unit "Poka Poka Aeon" on a different axis.I feel that it is a unit that I want to cherish over my life.

Anno: I'm really happy that Nao -chan says so.Nao -chan told me about the warm Aeon, "She seems to be able to do it for a long time.That word remains in the chest that you can get it if you receive a proposal.Of course, my feelings are the same.

――The two people are really compatible and the atmosphere.

Higashiyama: That's right!

Anno: I'm glad if you say that!When the artist photos were first released, it was impressive that fans were very well received.It's cute.

Higashiyama: It's weird to say it yourself, but it's really sacred, so we're called "Kotatsu no Fairy" (laughs).

――The atmosphere of the two is fluffy even though there is a core, and I think that the compatibility is transmitted to the fans.It is wonderful that there is nothing I hate in the world.

Higashiyama: That's not the case (laughs).

Anno: Nao hates insects (laughs).

Higashiyama: When the insects came out in the MV shooting, Mr. Kiyono drove off.

Anno: That shooting was a difficult situation (laughs).Because it was nature, insects appeared everywhere.Every time I saw such an insect, Nao -chan responded like a girl, was a chest kyun point!

Higashiyama: In fact, Koyo -san is also useless, but I'm saying peeping next door, so Kiyono says, "I have to be stronger!" (Laughs).

Anno: Ahahaha!

Higashiyama: He overcome the insects that day and said, "Yes!It was a man.

――It's a good couple.What do you hate Anno?

Anno: I'm chattering, so I don't like real and psychic experiences.I really like reading scary stories.

Higashiyama: Eh!? Isn't it a contradiction (laughs)?

Anno: That's right.I don't want you to fall on yourself (laughs).

【主題歌】TV スローループ OP「やじるし→」/ぽかぽかイオン アニメ通常盤

The debut single "Yagushi →" ties up in the anime "Slore Loop"

―― It is a tie -up with your debut song.What are your impressions when the anime "Slore Loop" tie -up is decided?

Higashiyama: A great thing has happened!I thought.Because it was a dream -like development that it was a unit that we said, but it became such a big project.

Anno: "My treasure" had a relationship that the two were in charge of OP and ED in "Different World Cafeteria 2", so the OP singer and ED singer in the 11th episode.I sang by connecting.However, we received that it was a big thing to use "Yagushi →" as the opening theme of "Slollwo".

―― I would like to ask about the anime “Slore Loop”.What do you like about this work?

Higashiyama: It's an anime, but it's not only cute, but also deals with the delicate theme of adolescent girls who become new families.We felt that it was a work that we could see as if they were one of the parents, as they looked at them from a slightly away position, rather than the viewers as they were.It is an impression that there are many scenes and lines that move the heart.

Anno: And the finish of the song "Yagushi →" was perfect for the anime.I'm singing "Let's be together", but it's not impressive.As Nao -chan said, I feel that there is a message of the song in the impression that it gently pulls while watching.I have described Nao's singing voice as "velvet", but this time I found a new word.

Higashiyama: Oh, what!

Anno: Sometimes Nao's singing voice is "powdery".

Higashiyama: Powdery?

Anno: Yes!It's not a word that describes the singing voice, but even when I was watching the video of the anime "Sloroop", I felt that it was "making powdery light."It's white or gray, and expresses the sky in the seaside town.Light and air are not yellow.It is a color design work that conveys the atmosphere of such a port town with light.I think that atmosphere matches Nao's singing voice very much ...

声優・歌手の東山奈央さんと安野希世乃のユニット 「ぽかぽかイオン」、デビューシングル「やじるし→」発売記念インタビュー

Higashiyama: Koyo -san is.The expression of the sound is unique!(smile)

Anno: The fine particles are like a flip.Will it be transmitted?(smile)

Higashiyama: Powdery is a word that is usually used for cosmetics foundation and such expressions (laughs).

Introduction of all debut single music by two of the two

―― Please introduce the songs of your debut single.First of all, the title song "Yagushi →", but the MV taken in nature is also attractive.

Anno: The location of the MV was in a pleasant nature, but the lyrics also contain words reminiscent of nature.I don't think it overlaps with "fishing", which is the subject of the anime "Sloroop".

――The location of MV is a good place.

Anno: It's near Mt. Fuji.It looked like Dawn.

Higashiyama: It was a very good scenery, so I decided to use this photo to make a warm New Year's card on the spot.Moreover, the weather was really good, and he said, "We were blessed by the earth."

――When are you shooting?

Anno: In fact, it was quite cold because it was at the end of October.

Higashiyama: It was really cold!(Laughs) But it's a video that makes you feel a refreshing spring breath so that you don't feel it.As a song, our voice overlaps is very comfortable, so if you can listen to it, I think it will be a song that can be used for vitamins with songs.

Anno: It's a song with a depth that you can feel the pocket of nature.I sang carefully with the instrument and my heart little by little.。

――The second song “My Treasure” is a song that is recorded in all forms and is an insert song of “Different World Cafeteria 2”.

Anno: This song shows the moment when the two voices overlap, but it seems that there are many people who feel that they are good to use them as a unit.

Higashiyama: Yeah!The word "comfortable" is a perfect song.The tune is a royal road pop, but we are replacing the main melody and the hamo, and which one is addicted to the main vocal, and if you can feel the "unit power" that must be these two.think.

Anno: I felt it on the stage of Lisani Live!I think it is transmitted to those who watch it, but it is not a beautifully overlap because it is a CD sound source.I guess you could feel the harmony that we can pull out at the live.

Higashiyama: I'm glad if you listen to the songs and have a refreshing breeze in your heart.

―― Next is the “Tower of Letters” recorded on the fluffy board (limited edition A).

Higashiyama: This song is not something to do in the debut single (laughs).

Anno: Sure!(Laughs) It is a song for the development of a new frontier to make you know, "You can sing such a song!?"

Higashiyama: Academic ballad.

Anno: I also like how to play this song.It's not simple.

Higashiyama: The number of songs is changed in the number 1 and No. 2, so I think it is a configuration that is completed through the whole song.The song is a very delicate singing voice, and if you look at the lyrics, you can capture anything.It is a song that you want everyone who listens to find the correct answer, rather than delivering one correct answer.So, we express something like "shaking" in the song.As an Arasar unit!

Anno: Yeah!

Higashiyama: I don't think there are many units formed at this age.I think that the song that we can sing so far is the "Tower of Letters".It's amazing that these types of songs are included in the debut single ...

Anno: Sure!When I was in my 20s, I couldn't sing this "Tower of Letter"!(Laughs) Can I say depth and astringency?It's really convinced that we can sing because we are now.

Higashiyama: Yeah.I think that something like a deep roasted taste is clogged in this song.

――Finally, it is “around Michi” included in the ion edition (limited edition B).

Higashiyama: This song is dangerous ... (laughs).

Anno: It's a song that hasn't been shown in front of the customer yet, but it's a song that you can leave if you miss it from the time of recording!

Higashiyama: It's like a so -called “mochi -tsuko song”.

All: (laughs)

――Is it a “mochi -tsuko song”?

Higashiyama: A song that sings one melody alternately.The general duet sings, exchanging your phrase on the other party's phrase.However, this song is not a "exchange", but one melody is divided by two and singing.It may be difficult to convey if it is a letter.

Anno: It's difficult to tell.This song is not only united in the heart, but also has difficulty in singing unless you breathe.The hurdle when doing it live is very high, so when I show off someday, I have to practice a lot.

Higashiyama: It is difficult to express this song in letters, but if you can listen, I think it is a song that you can think of "something amazing" in an instant.I don't think there is such a song in a duet song, so the difficulty is the highest difficulty in ions.

Anno: That's right.There is no doubt that it is the highest difficulty!Of course, even if you sing with a fun feeling, it might sound easily, but it's actually a difficult song that you sang carefully.

Higashiyama: Is it a song that is talking rather than a song?A conversation comes in without waiting for the other person to say it, or a pretty rough catch ball.This song looks like that.

Anno: Speaking of conversation, "around Michi" is attached to our chat at the end of the song, but Nao -chan, who included the manuscript that is the source of the conversation earlier, thought first!

Higashiyama: Yes!You may not be able to hear it unless you have a headphone, but I came up with the fact that we would have such a conversation, so I made a base -based manuscript for the time being.

――I look at the script, what is Anno's impressions?

Anno: I thought it was amazing!Just reading the text will come to the scene.I felt that there was a warm ion in Nao -chan's head, so I was happy and crying.In Nao -chan's head, we know, "We are there!"

Higashiyama -san, who has a perfect atmosphere.My partner's here is amazing!

――Please tell us the charm that you feel.

Higashiyama: There are a lot, but in short, it's exciting to be with Mr. Nozomi.There is such a healing aura, and I feel the same in the direction I am looking at, but sometimes it is made to say "Huh!"

――Is it exciting?

Higashiyama: Like the expression of "Powdery", there are many moments when you wonder what the world looks like.For example, the color that people can see and the sounds that can be heard are fixed.I can hear the sound of this frequency, but I can't hear it from here.However, Mr. Kiyono has a great sensitivity, as I think ordinary people feel the invisible colors and sounds.

Anno: That's not the case (laughs).

Higashiyama: So, even though you are a cozy partner, you have a great world, no matter how much you are, you still can't see the bottom.He wants to know more and more.

Anno: Something ... I've been fluttering!

――So Anno feel Mr. Higashiyama?

Anno: When Nao conveys what he thinks in words, he always finds the best words.And she has no compromise.I think that there are not many people who have no compromise to convey what they think in a sophisticated word as Mr. Higashiyama.I'm good at conveying the words that are transmitted to the other person.I think this is probably because I understand the "importance of transmitting and transmitting to people" in reading and playing the script every day.Anyway, it's good to be verbalized.I yearn for those who have sophisticated language skills.Nao -chan is one million ... no, more than that.

Higashiyama: What is it!(Teru)

Anno: Really!I love Nao -chan.I like all the words I speak, as well as humanity.You are a partner who values words.

Dreams that seasonal limited units and plastic ions want to go in the future

――What are the activities you would like to go to in the future as “Poka Poka Aeon”?

Higashiyama: There are a lot of things I want to do, so I want to do it with them."Pokka Poka Aeon" is a limited unit in the warm season, so I think it will feel like next year.

Anno: That's right.If this "Yagushi →" has been released, will it feel like "Let's meet again next spring" if you calm down in releases?

Higashiyama: First of all, what I want to do next year is to live!

Anno: I want to do it.If you can get a single again next year, you will have about 8 songs as soon as possible, right?It seems that you can perform live.

Higashiyama: In addition to those eight songs, I want to cover Kiseino's songs.And I want Kiseino to sing my song.I guess it's good to be able to listen to that day.

Anno: The live cover corner is good.I'm not next year, but someday ...

--Sounds good.What kind of dream is?

Anno: I don't even say that it's a festival, but I want to live on an outdoor stage where you can sing while watching nature.It's hot in summer so let's stop!(Laughs) It's spring while watching fresh green.This is a big dream.

Higashiyama: Like.Like "Poka Io FES", we'll come up with some stalls we like.

Anno: Saiko!Takoyaki!

Higashiyama: Nao is a squid roast!

Anno: And cafe latte.

Higashiyama: Cafe latte and squid round roast ... The worst combination (laughs).

All: (laughs)

Anno: And you stay at the camp site.

Higashiyama: It would be fun if it could be realized.It's a dream!

―― Finally, please give a message to your fans.

Higashiyama: What I thought was a dream came true.In order to get here, I think the voices of everyone who supported me were loud.When we were all together, there was a customer who was pleased with "Pokka Aeon ~".So, for those of you, we want to make a warm time together.I would like to do such activities so that we can touch our songs when we are tired, so thank you in the future.

Anno: Thankfully, I was able to make my debut with "Poka Poka Aeon", and I was able to tie up as soon as possible.Furthermore, the singles can be challenged from the start of slide, and "Pokka Poka Aeon Kotatsu / Party!"I have you.The activities with Nao -chan feel that what I want to do will swelling later.I feel that "Pokka Aeon" is a unit that can not be played so easily.I'm thinking about what I can do because they are two music, so I would like you to look forward to the future activities.Thank you for a long time.

[Interview / sentence: Sato Pon]

CD information

【主題歌】TV スローループ OP「やじるし→」/ぽかぽかイオン アニメイト限定ぽかぽかイオンセット【主題歌】TV スローループ OP「やじるし→」/ぽかぽかイオン ぽかぽか盤【主題歌】TV スローループ OP「やじるし→」/ぽかぽかイオン イオン盤【主題歌】TV スローループ OP「やじるし→」/ぽかぽかイオン アニメ通常盤

Price: Animate limited ion set ... 7,260 yen (tax included), warm board ... 2,970 yen (tax included), ion edition ... 2,640 yen (tax included), anime regular edition ... 1,320 yen (tax included)

≪ Recording contents≫ [Pokapaka board] [CD] 01.Yagushi → Lyrics: Yaho Iwari edited: Hiroaki Yamashita 02.My treasure lyrics/composition and arrangement: Fukayama Hinako 03.Lyrics of letters: Uesuko Kodama composed by: Tatsuya Nishiwaki 04.Yagushi → (Without Kiyono) 05.Jingus → (Without NAO) 06.Letter Tower (Instrumental)

[DVD] ◆ "Yagushi →" MUSIC VIDEO

[Ion board] 01.Yagushi → Lyrics: Yaho Iwari edited: Hiroaki Yamashita 02.My treasure lyrics/composition and arrangement: Fukayama Hinako 03.Lyrics written by Michi Michi: Naoki Nishiki arrangement: Tomofumi Suzuki 04.My treasure (with nao) 05.My treasure (with kiyono) 06.Michi Michi (Instrumental)

◆ Privilege ♪.Popular ion radio CD

[Anime regular edition] 01.Yagushi → Lyrics: Yaho Iwari edited: Hiroaki Yamashita 02.My treasure lyrics/composition and arrangement: Fukayama Hinako 03.Jingus → (TV size ver.) 04.My treasure (Instrumental) 05.Jingus → (Instrumental)

Bonus information

[Animate limited ion set] Maker benefits: "double -sided clear file" (anime illustration) (simultaneously purchased)

Animate Benefits: L ST Broomide (Artist Photo)

Animate Bonus: Can Badge (Art Strogo)

Animate Limited Edition Benefits: Original Muffler Towel

[Pickup board, ion board] Maker Bonus: "Double -sided Clear File" (Anime Illustration) (Simultaneous Purchase)

Animate Benefits: L ST Broomide (Artist Photo)

Animate Bonus: Can Badge (Art Strogo)

[Anime regular board] Maker benefits: "double -sided clear file" (anime illustration) (simultaneous purchase)

Animate Benefits: L ST Broomide (Artist Photo)

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