Is the latest iOS13 OK with iPhone7...


Is the latest iOS13 OK with iPhone7?Installation dramatically easy to use, and when I put iOS 13 in iPhone 7, the comfort became another dimension.

As soon as the update is finished, you will be taken to the Appearance Mode selection screen and asked if you would like to use 'Light' with white or 'Dark' with black. I chose dark without hesitation because I wanted to use the familiar “dark mode” that I already use on macOS on my iPhone.

By the way, you can change this setting later. You can also turn Dark Mode on or off by swiping from the bottom of the screen to bring up the Control Center and long-pressing the vertical bar that changes the brightness of the screen.

When I looked at the system version in "Information" in the Settings app, I was able to confirm that the update to iOS 13 was completed successfully. The dark mode screen seems to be compatible with most of the apps that come standard with the iPhone, and of course, the settings app is also effective. macOS Mojave users are already familiar with Dark Mode, which is a personal favorite for its easy-on-the-eyes display, and I'm glad it's available on the iPhone as well.

However, apps that do not support dark mode will not display a dark screen. For example, the "smart news" that I often use has a normal white screen instead of a dark display.

Next, open the App Store and take a look. The interface of the screen has changed slightly, and the number of apps that have not been updated, which used to be displayed in the bar at the bottom of the screen, is now overlaid on the Apple account icon. When I tapped this icon to open it, the Apple account screen was displayed, and when I scrolled down the screen, "Available updates" came out, and I was able to check the apps that can be updated from here.

When I was looking at the voices of users who updated to iOS 13 on the Internet, I often saw comments such as "I'm having trouble opening LINE!". What about the author's iPhone 7? I opened the LINE app as a test, and it started without any problems, I could read messages, and there were no problems such as strange behavior or the app crashing ( Actually, I don't use it just by putting it in...).

However, the dialog ""LINE" wants to use Bluetooth BLE usage" was displayed immediately after startup, and it was a screen I had never seen before, so I was a little impatient. A similar display appears immediately after launching the Amazon app, here: "This will allow 'Amazon' to discover and connect to Bluetooth accessories. This app uses Bluetooth to see if you are nearby. You can also know "" was increasing. It is unknown at this time how it can actually be used, but if you are unsure, it is better to select "Do not allow" for the time being.

Is the latest iOS13 compatible with iPhone7? Dramatically Easy to Install and Use iOS 13 on iPhone 7, Comfort Takes Another Dimension When I put it in, the comfort took another dimension.

If you lightly touch the iPhone's standard app, you can see that the display of the "Photos" app has changed significantly. Photos saved on the iPhone can be viewed by switching between tabs for the day, month, and year. It seems to be more convenient than the display of the previous photo app.

The photo editing functions have also been completely redesigned, including tilt correction, trimming, and horizontal and vertical keystone correction. In particular, the video editing function has been greatly enhanced, and now you can use almost the same functions as photo editing, such as rotation, cropping, and automatic correction. Editing is possible in general, and even when doing these tasks on the iPhone 7, which is not the latest model, I did not feel sluggish or stuck.

I felt that "Adobe Premiere Clip" was easy to use for video editing, but with such advanced editing functions, it seems that there is no need to install a separate third-party application.

If you have an iPhone, there is not a day you do not use the web browser "Safari" that you see all the time. Minor improvements have also been made here, and the menu interface when tapping the share button (icon with an upward arrow) at the bottom of the screen can now scroll vertically in addition to the horizontal scrolling inherited from iOS 12. I understand that it has become like this. As soon as you scroll down, you will see "Copy", which is convenient because you can immediately copy the URL of the website you are currently viewing.

To the left of the address bar, there are more icons that combine two "A's". From here, you can immediately perform operations such as changing the font size of the website, reader display, and switching to desktop display.

I also tried using a new map app "remade from scratch". Locations such as home, work, and school are summarized as "frequently used items", and you can also use "collections" to create a list of places you want to visit and share with friends.

“Look Around” has also been newly added. At first glance, this function can be said to be "Apple Street View", and by tapping the binoculars button on the screen, you can explore the city's main streets and buildings in 3D. Currently, only some cities in the United States, such as San Francisco, are compatible, and I can't wait to be able to use it in Japan.

Another thing I noticed was the enhanced text selection and editing features. When entering characters including Japanese, you can select text by dragging a string (iOS users will know the troublesomeness of selecting text until now), and on the English keyboard, you can move your finger from character to character. "Trace input" that allows you to enter words by tracing without releasing is enabled.

If apps use too much data on your iPhone, you may want to turn on the newly added "Low Data Mode". It's in the Settings app under Cellular. Android smartphones are familiar with names such as "data saver", but the same function is finally available on iPhone.

iOS 13 has so many updated features that it will take some time to check them all out. This time, I've touched on the feature enhancements that I noticed for a short time, but on September 25th, "iOS 13.1" will be released. Keep an eye on the evolution of iOS in the future.