It looks refreshing!Storage of scal...


It looks refreshing!Storage of scales from the eyes that eliminate earphones disconnection and entanglement

[Source] Rakuten Ichiba

Earphones that tend to be entangled when stored casually.If you try to use it, have you been frustrated because you can't get entangled?The entanglement of the earphone code leads to an internal disconnection, which leads to a failure of the earphone itself.This time, I will introduce how to store earphone code so that such a thing does not occur.

I don't want to entangle the code anymore!How to store good earphones?

Problems caused by the entanglement of earphone cords, such as internal disconnections and failures, can be solved by using dedicated storage goods or devising storage methods.From here, let's introduce goods and ideas that are convenient for storing earphones.

Compact and neat!Storage method using earphone clips

The earphone clip is a convenient item that can be wrapped in the earphone cord and wrapped up and cleanly.If you carry it as it is stored, there is no need to worry about being entangled in your bag.

[Source] Rakuten Ichiba

There are various materials and designs, and you can choose your favorite one, from chic leather to cute silicon.

Protect your important earphones from scratches and dirt!Earphone storage case

Earphone storage case that can store the entire earphone.Even if things hit in a bag or strong force from outside, they protect the earphones from the impact.

There is a type with an inner pocket in the storage case, and there is plenty of room to store earphones in the pocket, so a smartphone charging cord can be put in.。

[Reference] Discovered in Italy!Alberto COZZI's genuine leather cable organizer that stores cables that tend to be messy

Earphone storage case can be purchased for 100 uniform!How about Daiso, Ceria?

Earphone storage cases can be purchased at Daiso and Ceria, a major 100 yen shop.Here, we will introduce the handling status at the 100 yen shop.



Daiso's "earphone case" has a compact, round -shaped shape, and a slightly larger square shape.In both cases, the surface has a fabric and pale shades.In the square case, in addition to earphones, batteries and chargers can be stored together.


Ceria's "earphone case code holder" has a simple and stylish design with a white box.Comes with a code holder, preventing the code from being entangled in the case.

Such a method!Earphone storage ideas that can be easily made with familiar items

On the Internet, the idea of storing earphones with familiar items without dare using storage goods is introduced.

For example, "wrap the earphones on the washing scissors decorated with masking tape, fix them with the clip part", "Wrap the cords into used cork plugs."Both can be easy, so why not try it?


Some of the rooms may want to store earphones properly.In such a case, it is recommended to use a hook to the wall and hang the earphone or store it in a small partition case.It is easy to take out and looks neat.

If you want a stylish earphone storage goods, challenge handmade

If you want an original stylish earphone storage goods, try a handmade.Video sites such as YouTube introduced a lot of how to make handmade earphone code reels.Especially, leather craft is recommended because it is easy and easy for beginners to challenge.

If you carry your smartphone and earphones together, it will be jumbled ... I want to manage the storage method!

If you use earphones on your smartphone, you may not be able to store the attached earphones, find a good way to carry them together, and may be worried about how to store earphones.Here, we will introduce the storage methods that can be used when using the smartphone's earphones.

Is there a genuine earphone attached to the iPhone that is hard to clean up well, is there a good storage method?

An genuine earphone attached to the iPhone that is difficult to store in a dedicated case once it is put out.If you want to store it neatly in a dedicated case, let's store it in the following way.

1.Set the earphone on the left ear on the case.2.Turn the code on the left ear counterclockwise and pass the cord through the central groove.3.Set the right ear earphone on the case.Four.Wrap the two cords and wrap them around the case.

In addition to storing in the case, it is also recommended to connect the code that is difficult to entangle, such as "8 -shaped winding".

[Reference] So easy!How to tie earphones that are hard to get entangled

How about Android?A smartphone case that can store earphones is convenient

[Reference] Rakuten Ichiba

In some cases, the earphone case for Android can store earphones together.This "GALAXY dedicated earphone storage notebook type case" has a band outside the case and is bundled with earphones.

Is there a good storage method for wireless earphones that are easy to lose?

Wireless earphones are not involved in cords, but many people suffer from loss.If there is a fixed storage place, it will be difficult to lose, so please use a storage case that puts wireless earphones.

[Reference] ZERO AUDIO earphone case "BANECHO"

ZERO AUDIO's earphone case "BANECHO" is a hard -type product that is resistant to external shocks.Although it is compact, there is enough space inside, and it is easy to store earphones accessories.

[Reference] Price, scenes, design, why to choose?8 recommended wireless earphones

Earphones that tend to be entangled can be stored neatly by using dedicated goods and devising how to store them.I want you to find the ideas and goods introduced this time, and find the best earphone storage method for you.

* The data was examined as of early March 2020.* The information is made thorough, but it does not guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the content.* Please use the product and service at your own risk.

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