It is wrong to rely on aerobic exer...


It is wrong to rely on aerobic exercise for calorie consumption ... Sometimes it can increase your appetite (Business Insider Japan) --Yahoo! News



Ben carpenter, a fat -loss coach.

カロリー消費のために有酸素運動に頼るのは間違い…食欲を増進させることもある(BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース

Trainer Ben Carpenter told Insider that relying on aerobic exercise for calorie consumption is the biggest mistake that people who want to lose fat. If you only do aerobic exercise, your appetite may increase and you may eat extra. Aerobic exercise is important for health, but it is most important to reduce calories in order to reduce fat. Aerobic exercise is the most overestimated exercise to reduce fat, and personal trainer Ben Carpenter tells Insider. Aerobic exercise helps to keep the heart health, but it is a mistake that many people commit for dieting only for dieting. Aerobics such as aerobics has various effects, such as enhancing immunity, improving cholesterol levels. However, carpenter says that too much aerobic exercise to reduce fat will not consume calories and may increase appetite.

Aerobic exercise enhances appetite

"Many people start aerobic exercise to reduce body fat, but they don't have much calorie consumption due to aerobic exercise unless they are very high -loading." "Some people have more appetite in the calories they consumed, so that they have more appetite." However, such exercises increase their appetite and consume extra calories on that day. If the calories consumed more than the burned calories, it will not be possible to maintain a lack of calories, which is essential for weight loss. Carpenter says that it is a common mistake to rely too much on aerobic exercise without adjusting your diet. Research has stated that devices such as posting activity trackers (activity meters) shared by View this post on instagramben carpenter (@bdccarpenter) estimate a lot of calorie consumption. If you record calories and eat what you thought you had consumed (this is not recommended by many experts), you may be further away from your goals. If you want to reduce fat and maintain muscles, it is important to do strength training while eating less calories. However, aerobic exercise does not hinder progress. Unless the time spent on aerobic exercise does not take strength training, aerobic exercise does not hinder progress. There is no versatile exercise to reduce fat, but according to meta analysis in 2020, strength training is considered to be easier to reduce weight because of increased metabolism than aerobic exercise and increases calorie consumption during rest. It is being. However, it is better to do nothing in any kind of exercise. If you have aerobic exercise that you like and continue, you should do it. [Original text: Don't focus on Cardio for Fat Loss.You're Probable Not Burning As Many Calories As You Think, According To a Personal Trainer.] (Translation: Mayuko Oba, edited: toshihiko inoue)

Rachel Hosie