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lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker ONEDRIVE Five measures to do so

OneDrive is convenient for keeping data safely in the cloud and sharing files between multiple devices.

However, it may not be able to access the preserved files correctly.

What should I do if the malfunction of OneDrive hinders work?

1.Check the access right for OneDrive files

Before trying other OneDrive modifications, make sure you still have access to files.

Perhaps the file creator has canceled the account permission.

Even in that case, files and folders will continue to be displayed in Onedrive.It is common for the original file owner to cancel the access permit without any notification.

  1. OneDriveで、当該ファイルを選択します。
  2. 右上の隅に「アクセスを持つ」パネルが表示されます。
  3. 自分の名前がそのリストにないと、ファイルにアクセスできません。

Contact the file owner to revive access to the OneDrive file.

2.Reset OneDrive

Note that resetting OneDrive will cut all synchronous connections.

This applies to oneDrive for personal use and onEdrive set for schools and workplaces.

Don't worry about that point because resetting OneDrive is not deleted.The method of resetting the OneDrive desktop sync app is as follows:

  1. 「Windowsキー+ R」を押して、「実行」ダイアログを開きます。
  2. 「%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset」をコピーしてダイアログウィンドウに貼り付け、Enterキーを押します。
  3. Windowsに「…が見つかりません」というメッセージが表示されたら、「C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset」をコピーして「実行」ダイアログに貼り付け、Enterキーを押します。
  4. OneDriveデスクトップアプリを再度開きます。

Next, you need to reset the OneDrive store app.The method is as follows.

lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker OneDriveのファイルにアクセスできないときの対処法5つ

  1. スタートメニューの検索バーで、「apps:onedrive」を検索し、「最適な一致」を選択します。
  2. 「アプリの設定」をクリックします。
  3. メニューを下にスクロールして、「リセット」をクリックします。

3.Check if the file is "on -demand"

Using the OneDrive "File on Demand" function can save your device storage space on both desktops and mobile.

OneDrive displays files that can be accessed on a PC or mobile, but does not download the file until the user opens the file.

The problem of file on demand is that an active Internet connection is required to open the file.

The following is the icon used by Microsoft to indicate the status of the file.

To make the file or folder available offline, right -click the file or folder and select "Always hold it on this device".

The time required for download depends on the Internet connection and file size, but if you planned it, you will be able to use the most important files and folders at any time.

Note: If you need to release the storage space of the device, right -click one of the important files and folders and select "Release Space".

Four.Check the storage sensor settings

The storage sensor is a Windows10 function, but its use is the same.Save the storage space for the device.

When the storage sensor is turned on, Onedrive sets the files that have not accessed for the past 30 days online only online.

Therefore, files that cannot be accessed unless they are connected to the Internet.

If you have a file that you want to be able to access at any time even if it is not open for a long time, we recommend that you turn off the storage sensor.The method is as follows.

  1. 「スタート」を右クリックし、「設定」→「システム」に移動します。
  2. 左側のメニューから「ストレージ」を選択します。
  3. 切り替えスイッチで、ストレージセンサーをオフ(またはオン)にします。

If you want to set the storage sensor not off, click "Set the storage sensor or execute it now".

You can select the period to run the storage sensor, save the file in the trash bin, or if the system is not opened in the download folder.

Five.Check the OneDrive settings

If the laptop is in battery saving mode, the synchronization of OneDrive may be suspended.

To cancel the suspension of oneDrive synchronization function, you need to change the power settings of Windows 10 or to fix the OneDrive synchronization in battery saving mode.The method is as follows.

Open OneDrive and go to "Help and Settings" → "Settings".

  1. 「設定」タブを選択します。
  2. 「このデバイスがバッテリー節約モードの場合、同期を自動的に一時停止する」のチェックボックスをオフにします。


If you can't access the file with OneDrive, you'll be really frustrated.

This article has been summarized in this article how to fix OneDrive so that you can access important files immediately.


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