lifehacker LIFEHACKER LIFEHACKER LIFEHACKER Actually "10 superstition related to the brain"

Popular Science: In a Hollywood action movie called Lucy, a world -renowned nerve scholar Morgan Freeman talks to the audience. "Most humans are thought to use only 10 % of the potential of the brain. Imagine what happens if you can use it 100 %." You may have heard this claim somewhere. Unfortunately, this is not a fact. Ramina Adam and Jason Chan, a graduate student at Western University in Ontario, Canada, decided to make it clear after seeing Lucy. Adam explains the reason, "We realized that we had to do something about all of this wrong information." The two began a summary of the common misunderstandings on brain function, and we also helped to correct the misunderstanding.

Check the truth of 10 superstitions below.

In 1907, Dr. William James, the leading psychologist in the United States, advocated in 1907 that "we only use only a few mental and physically available resources."Later, when a journalist quoted Dr. James's words, he accidentally interpreted that "average human beings have developed only 10 % of mental capacity."

However, scan -using tests have shown that all areas do not work at the same time, but we are using all the parts of the brain (Morgan Freeman, I was sorry).That's why mental and behavioral impacts occur when part of the brain, like the aftereffects of stroke.

In 1998, Georgia distributed classical music CDs to families where their babies were born. All the distributed CDs included a message from the Governor of Governor, saying, "You and your baby enjoyed this music and the child would be able to start a good start." That feeling is something that appeals to the heart, but the so -called Mozart effect is doubtful. In 1993, an experiment was conducted on 36 students at the University of California University. In this experiment, the results of the IQ test were better after listening to Mozart's songs after doing exercises to relieve stress or spending in silence. The idea of ​​Mozart effect was born from this experiment result. But since then, no one has successfully reproduced this experiment result. On the contrary, Harvard University verified 16 similar experiments in 1999 and concluded that there is no Mozart effect.

Adult rats, rabbits, and birds can also make new neurons, but scientists have not been able to confirm that new brain cells can grow with human adults for 130 years.The situation changed in 1998.The Swedish research team has shown that new brain cells are created in the hippocampus that controls the memory.In 2014, when a team of the Carolinska Institute in Sweden tracked a small amount of carbon 14 in the DNA and examined the age of the cells, the area of the brain related to motor control and recognition.But I found that a new neuron was created throughout my life.Our brain does not actively replace cells, but is constantly regenerating.

There are certainly some anatomical differences in the brain of men and women.The hippocampus related to the memory is usually larger for women, while the amygdala, which is related to emotion, is usually larger for men (opposite to the expected from superstition).However, as far as scientific evidence is seen, gender differences are not biological but rather cultural expectations.For example, in 1999, a social psychologist at Wateralu University in Ontario, Canada performed an experiment to solve the difficult mathematics issues for men and women.In this experiment, even if you have a very strong background in mathematics, women have a lower score than men, but there is no difference in gender in past tests, and since then women are the same as men.I got a result.

In the movie, the coma is described as harmless. A beautiful patient who has been lying on the bed for a few months wakes up, speaks firmly, and seems to have no pain from the painful trials so far. However, in fact, after waking up from a coma, you will need a number of disabilities and need rehabilitation. Brain scans will tell you why. In 2012, scientists at the French National Science Research Center, which usually look bright as the center of activity, including sleep, is eerie in a coma. I noticed. Most comaes do not last for more than two or four weeks. So don't believe anything you've seen in the popular drama "GREY'S ANATOMY".

Good news for you who have been beaten by the crossword in the weekend newspaper!According to research by neuroscientists, it is simply the skill to solve crosswords by solving crossword puzzles.

In 2011, researchers at Alberto Einstein Medical School conducted an experiment in which subjects were to solve the crossword, but for the elderly aged 75 to 85, the time when memory power would be reduced first.Although it is effective, it has been found that those who show signs of dementia (although I do not know the reason) will rather accelerate memory.At present, most neuroscientists say that there is no harm even if the crossword is solved, but "The next morning after solving the puzzle, you can immediately remember where you put the key.Don't expect to be there.

Have you ever recommended a visual or hearing learning method?It's hard to tell, but there is no basis for such a learning method.In 2006, psychologists at the University of California University Santa Barbara noticed that even if they were taught in the style they would like, they would not improve their performance in the test.And in the 2009 comparison, we concluded that there was no support for the experiment that was widely accepted by both instructors and students, which should match the educational style and learning style.Nevertheless, there are some learning principles that anyone can improve learning efficiency, such as repetitive practice, exams, or classes at regular intervals.

The feeling of trying to feel after drinking three or four cups is not because brain cells are dead.The total number of neurons, when scientists at the Bartolin Institute in Denmark compared the bodies of alcoholic and non -addiction, the total number of neurons.Like other drugs, alcohol can kill brain cells, especially affected, and the fetal brain cells that are particularly affected, but have never done so.Alcohol hinders the interaction between neurons and affects the work ability to walk, talk, and make decisions.Well, it goes without saying.

The origin of the psychic power, which is also called the sixth sense, can be dated to an experiment in the 1930s.Joseph Banks Rhine, a botanist at the University of Duke University, accurately hit the form printed on the back side (probably by reading the examiner's heart) just showing an unwritten card.I claimed that there was a person.There are no other types of experiments that demonstrate the existence of psychic powers, but this superstition is still believed.It can be said that the CIA, which adopted a spy, which was said to have psychic power during the Cold War, was also carrying that one stick.In 1995, the CIA dissolved the network of the psychic, and finally concluded that the psychic power did not become a weapon -or rather did not exist.

In the 1960s, Dr. Roger Walcott Spelly, a neuropsychologist at California Institute of Technology, cut off fiber tissue that connects two hemispheres in the brain to reduce and prevent epilepsy patients. After that, he conducted an experiment to show the image using stimuli such as letters and light to the patient's right or left eye for a moment. Through this experiment, Dr. Spelly found that the left hemisphere of the brain was excellent in processing language information, and the right hemisphere was excellent in visual and space perception. After decades, Dr. Spelly's knowledge was misunderstood as a "dominant brain." The trend is particularly noticeable in self -development books. There is no evidence to confirm that the personality type is determined by which brain is dominant, but there are many rebuttals. For example, scientists at the University of British Columbia in Canada have found that in 2012, when creative thinking, the nerve network of the brain is extended over a wide area, without being biased to the left or right.

Crossword puzzles and classical music cannot be smarter, but for those who want to keep their brain performance in the best state, let's introduce three scientific proven strategies.

In an experiment conducted by the University of British Colombia in Canada in 2014, women who have been walking for about one hour for half a week, especially those who have not trained or exercising, are thinking and memory.It has been found that the area of the brain that controls is expanded.

A research team in a nurse health survey operated by the US Federal Government has tracked 13,388 women for decades.As a result, it was found that the more people who consume a lot of leaves of leaves, the better their learning and memory test results.In this case, the folic acid contained in vegetables may play a role.A long -term tracking survey for 60 Catholics in Minnesota has found that folic acid is an important factor in delaying dementia.

In 2004, John's Hopkins scientists have discovered in 2004 that the more social relationships, the lower the degree of cognitive power.In addition, we know that one of the major dangerous factors related to the death of the elderly is social isolation.Lonely leads to death.

10 Brain Myths Busted | Popular Science

Megan Scudellari (translated by Takashi Kazami / Galileo)

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