Microsoft, Surface and "Xbox" Easy...


Microsoft, Surface and "Xbox" Easy to repair-Requests from shareholders --Cnet Japan

 Microsoft has accepted the request of the company's "Surface" and "Xbox" hardware to make it easier to repair.

 In June, the investor advocacy group AS YOU SOW submitted a shareholder resolution to Microsoft's hardware to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

 Microsoft is a software company, but has a Surface business of $ 1 billion (about 112 billion yen) and manufactures Game -console Xbox.However, it is far from the size of the hardware business such as Apple, Samsung, Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

 Microsoft is interesting in that it has been considering the ease of repair for a long time.In October 2019, the company appealed that the keyboard of "Surface Laptop 3" could be easily removed, making it easier for repairers to access the motherboard.At that time, IFixit, which develops the "right to repair", described this third -generation Surface Laptop as "clearly steered in a better, more repairable direction."

 Nevertheless, most of the effects of Microsoft on hardware are "Windows", which is handled by DELL, Lenovo, HP, and the "Azure" cloud.

 The change is gentle on the hardware production line.In June, As You Sow submits a shareholder resolution to the SEC, and to Microsoft, "environmental and socially, the environmental way to repair devices through means such as publicly disclosing information on tools, parts, and repair methods.Investigating the benefits. "

 At that time, Microsoft said that Microsoft has brought its own product "too early disposal."

マイクロソフト、「Surface」や「Xbox」の修理しやすさを改善へ--株主から要求 - CNET Japan

 "Microsoft is positioned as a leader in climate change measures and environmental protection, but it is promoting the disposal of over -the -quicker devices by consumers' rights to repair devices," said the organization.Kelly McBee, a disposal program coordinator)

 "In order to contribute to sustainable possibilities and reduce the pressure to minimize limited resources such as precious metals, the company extends the useful life of the device by promoting access to repair.I have to do it "(Mr.)

 As AS YOU SOW pointed out, the recently submitted "Fair Repair Act" (Fair Repair Law) bill provides a diagnostic information to repair hardware to consumers and repairs.It is a content that obliges technology companies.

 According to McBee, Microsoft's lawyer initially "conflicted" for repair issues, but changed his attitude following a shareholder resolution in June.

 According to Grist's report, Microsoft has obliged the outline of the survey on repair issues by early May 2022.We also agreed to be able to obtain new parts and technical specifications from non -regular repair service networks by the end of 2022.

 Microsoft acknowledged that it was responding to issues raised by AS YOU SOW investors.

This article edited by Asahi Interactive for an article from overseas RED VENTURES for Japan.