"Monst" x "Meiji Essel Super Cup" S...


"Monst" x "Meiji Essel Super Cup" Super rare cup festival started!Check out various campaigns

The Childllaboration campaign "Super Rare Cup Festival" will be held from December 7th, with XFLAG's "Monster Strike" and the popular ice cream of Meiji and the Meiji Essel Super Cup series.

In addition to enjoying AR and wallpaper Childllection as the target product, there are also campaigns such as a duplicated duplicate panel with voice actor signs, so be sure to check it out.

The following is a press release

明治 エッセル スーパーカップ×モンスト「超レアカップ祭」開催!CV: Hazuki Ogino・Rie Kagimiya・Ayane Sakura オリジナルボイス入りAR登場!カップからルシファー・ノストラダムス・弁財天が飛び出す!

Sakura, who thinks in the lines, "If you can heal everyone", you can win the monster -in -monster and signed original panels

Meiji Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Katsuya Matsuda) will be tied up by the "Meiji Essel Super Cup" series and the popular smartphone app "Monster Strike" (hereinafter, Monst) from December 7 (Tuesday).We will carry out a festival "" festival ".

In this campaign, we have prepared a plan to bring a smartphone over the "Meiji Essel Super Cup" in the "Monst" Childllaboration package to create a newly drawn character AR.For each flavor, you can enjoy the original voices of "Lucifer" played by Hazuki Ogino, "Nostradamus" played by Rie Kugimiya, and "Benzen" played by Ayane Sakura.In addition, "original wallpaper" that can be downloaded by loading the two -dimensional Childde listed on the inner lid, a campaign to distribute all items in the game acChildrding to the number of two -dimensional Childde loading, "Voice actor signed and duplicated duplicate.We will develop various Childntent, such as a campaign that wins the original panel.

In addition, to Childmmemorate the "Super Rare Cup Festival" campaign, we held a special interview with Hazuki Ogino, Rie Kugimiya, and Ayane Sakura.He talked about the newly reChildrded dialogue character design and super rare actual experiences.

<"Super Rare Cup Festival" campaign special site URL> https: // www.meiji.Child.JP/Sweets/ICECREAM/ESSEL/ESSELMONST/

From December 7 (Tuesday), a Childllaboration campaign "Super Rare Cup Festival" will be held.The supervanilla, matcha, choChildlate Childokies of the "Meiji Essel Super Cup", which is now on sale from November, is described in the inner lid, where the character AR drawn by holding the smartphone over the limited package of each flavor.A variety of "original wallpapers" that can be downloaded by loading two -dimensional Childde, campaigns that distribute all items in the game acChildrding to the number of two -dimensional Childrds, and campaigns for "Voice actor signed duplicate original panels".We will expand the Childntent.

1.If you hold the smartphone camera over the outer flutter of the cup of the character advent AR, three types of characters drawn will appear in AR.In addition, you can enjoy the original voice of Lucifer Nostradamus and Benzaiten reChildrded for this time.The lines are 5 flavors each, all 15 types appear randomly.Super rare lines with low appearance rate are also available.The character also hums the sound logo of the "Meiji Essel Super Cup ♪", which is familiar in the Childmmercial.

■ Implementation period: December 7, 2021 (Tuesday) to February 15, 2022 (Tuesday) from 15:00 ■ Target products / Characters, "Meiji Essel Super Cup Super Vanilla 200ml" Limited Package: Lucifer (CV: Ogino: Ogino (Ogino: OginoHazuki) ・ “Meiji Essel Super Cup Matcha 200ml” Limited Package: Nostradamus (CV: Rie Kugimiya) ・ “Meiji Essel Super Cup ChoChild Cookie 200ml” Limited Package: Benzaiten (CV: Ayane Sakura)

■ AR experience procedure (1) After purchasing one of the target products, access the special site.(2) Select the purchase product on the special site and start the camera.(3) If you hold the camera over the outside of the product, the AR production will start.(4) Press the camera button to save AR production as a photo.

2.A total of 24 popular characters appear randomly on the lid of the character Childllection target product.If you read the two -dimensional Childde listed with a smartphone camera, you can Childllect the characters that appeared on the inner lid on the special site.In addition, the obtained characters can be downloaded as the original wallpaper.Furthermore, if you achieve the total reading target of the two -dimensional Childde of all participants, all items will be used in the "Monst" app.

『モンスト』×『明治 エッセル スーパーカップ』超レアカップ祭がスタート!各種キャンペーンをチェックしよう

* In -game characters of "Monster Strike" cannot be obtained.Characters can be obtained on the Childllection page for this campaign, and you can get wallpaper.

■ Implementation period: December 7, 2021 (Tuesday) to February 15, 2022 Until 15:00 ■ Target products: ・ “Meiji Essel Super Cup Super Vanilla 200ml” Limited package ・ “Meiji Essel Super Cup Matha 200mlLimited package ・ “Meiji Essel Super Cup ChoChild Cookie 200ml” Limited package

3.Twitter Follow & Retweet Campaign Meiji Essel Super Cup: Follow and retweet the official Twitter acChildunt of 50 people by lottery, "Duplicate Duplicate Panel drawn with voice actor signs" and "Original can badge 24 kinds set".increase.

■ Implementation period: From December 7, 2021 (Tuesday) 10:00 to December 27 (Monday) 23:59 ■ Participation method: Follow the official Twitter "Meiji Essel Super Cup [Official]" (@essel_sweets), Retweet the target tweet.Official Twitter acChildunt URL: https: // Twitter.Childm/essel_sweets ■賞品: ・A賞:声優サイン入り描き下ろし複製原画パネル(5名様) ・B賞:オリジナル缶バッジ24種セット(45名様)

<"Super Rare Cup Festival" campaign special site URL> https: // www.meiji.Child.JP/Sweets/ICECREAM/ESSEL/ESSELMONST/

With the implementation of the "Super Rare Cup Festival", we conducted a special interview with Rie Kugimiya, Ayane Sakura, and Hazuki Ogino.He talked about the newly recorded dialogue character design, super rare experiences, and memories of super cups.

-What do you like about this character illustration and newly recorded lines?Kugimiya: Actually, there was a line that Angolmore was ... but it was fateful to be able to be in charge of matcha in this collaboration!I was so happy!

Mr. Sakura: I don't know what will happen to what happens when it comes to the day when I have heard the logo of "Meiji Essel Super Cup ♪" that I have heard since I was little.This time, they were still wonderful Benzaiten dialogue to snuggle up.I hope it will be a little healing of everyone.

Ogino: Lucifer has little emotional ups and downs as a base, and many of the lines are calm because they have a lazy atmosphere, but as expected, Lucifer has a slightly higher tension when it becomes a Meiji Essel Super Cup.Is it more ...?I felt that it was a line with a slightly brighter feeling than her usual.It is fresher and fresher than the usual dignified and dignified atmosphere.The illustration is the first type of plain clothes -like design, and the small Rafael is also cute and very favorite!

-Please tell us if you have a "super rare experience" for the "Super Rare Cup Festival".Kugimiya: I saw Mt. Fuji on a nice day!Somehow lucky!I thought it was sunny and sunny.

Mr. Sakura: Only the freezer part of the refrigerator broke and melted all the favorite ice cream that I had collected.When I came to repair, the cause was a mysterious distortion.I think that the refrigerator in my home was broken in my childhood, but it was my first time to learn only the freezer.

Ogino: It was a rare experience that happened in 2021, but when I was in junior high school, there was a very close girl in the lower grade.She used to play frequently and exchanged letters with illustrations of her favorite anime and manga, but at that time I didn't have a mobile phone, so I was interacted with my graduation.hand.After moving to Tokyo, I was a voice actor and she was working as an illustrator, and this year I was able to meet again through her work!I was very surprised because I didn't know how to spend each other!

-Do you have a super cup?Please let me know if you have an episode about the super cup.Kugimiya: When I was a student, I sometimes floated on juice and enjoyed it fashionably.I really liked it because it was easy but a special nice atmosphere!

Sakura: I love and eat!I liked simple super vanilla and cookie vanilla, and in the past I could not eat a lot of cold things and did half with my mother, but I suddenly got bigger and started to work alone.I feel like I'm an adult ...

Ogino: I love ice cream to eat in a warm room in winter.You eat more in winter than summer.Meiji Essel Super Cup is exclusively vanilla!I sometimes eat matcha!I often eat it with hot black coffee.

Rie Kagimiya

I belong to I'm Enterprise.He plays a lot of popular characters, including the role of Alfon Elrick in the Alchemist of Steel, the role of Kagura of Gintama, and the role of Kingdom Ten in Kingdom.

Ayane Sakura

I belong to I'm Enterprise.She appeared in numerous animation works, such as "Is your order a rabbit?", "My Hero Academia", the role of Reichi -ko, "Shinkansen deformed robosin -karion" Hayato Hayagi, and she is a popular voice actor.Active.

Hazuki Ogino

81 Produced belonging.She has appeared in various games, such as Schunatia, Luminary Tears, "White Cat Project", and "Saki Arsnotoria".

About "monster strike"

This is an exhilarating action RPG that anyone can easily enjoy using the characteristics of smartphones provided by Mixi Co., Ltd.In a turn -based game that pulls your own monster with your finger and hits an enemy monster, you can capture the quest by making good use of "bounce" and "bumps" to walls and monsters.increase.It features a cooperative play (multiplayer) where you can play up to up to four friends with your friends.It started in October 2013, and as of October 2021, the total number of users has exceeded 56 million.

For more information → https: // www.MONSTER-STRIKE.Childm/

About "Meiji Essel Super Cup" limited package

The Meiji Essel Super Cup, where you can enjoy a rich taste and sharp sharp taste with a smooth texture, is a cup ice that has been enjoyed by more customers than its release in 1994. Currently, we have three standard flavors, "Super Vanilla", "Matcha" and "Choco Cookie". In this three flavors, a collaboration with the popular smartphone app "Monst", which has been downloaded over more than 56 million people worldwide, has been realized. There are 24 types of package designs, each of each flavor, and all 24 types, so you can enjoy designs that use popular characters. All 24 character illustrations are original designs only for this collaboration. In addition, 24 kinds of popular characters are arranged on the inner lid, and the combination of design is 576, which is the largest combination in the "Monst" collaboration history.

■ Reference retail price: 151 yen each (tax included)

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