"Pikmin Bloom" disappears in 3 days...


"Pikmin Bloom" disappears in 3 days !? A story about an important "Otsukai" [Playlog # 16] | Famitsu App for smartphone game information

Carefully select and collect what you need

It doesn't matter how many Pikmin seedlings and fruits you have, but due to the number and distance of the "Pikmin Bloom" items, the number of items in "Pikmin Bloom" has increased.

You who have exceeded the upper limit of storage and are thinking of "leaving it for the time being".

Please reconfirm a little now !!

This time, the 16th play log, I would like to talk about the fact that the seedlings and fruits collected by "Otsukai" disappear if left unattended.

After the first community day of this work held the other day, there should be many players who have exceeded the upper limit of the extract and left the fruit as it is for the time being.

However, the fruits and seedlings left on the field seem to disappear in three days, counting from the next day.

Three days is the number of days that the author and his partner know. There is no guarantee that this is certain, but it disappeared when I confirmed "Otsukai" on the morning of the 4th.

If you have items on hold like me, it seems better to prioritize and collect important items.

As mentioned in Playlog # 2 of this project, the details of the type are specified in the status information of the seedlings.

It is a very important point in carefully selecting seedlings in advance, but when we talk about this topic, we always get the opinion that "the icon is not displayed" from several people.

Actually, if you check this again, it will be displayed correctly.

Depending on the communication environment, you may have to retry several times, but please be assured that some type of seedling is always set.

Priority is given to the type (seedling) you are looking for. After that, it is recommended to set it as a favorite because it will be easier to manage on the go.

⇒ "Pikmin Bloom" play diary summary

PN Fukatsuan * Click here for Fukatsuan's Twitter

Compatible models iOS / Android
price Free (with in-app purchase)
See details of this game
MakerNintendo / Niantic
Official site https://pikminbloom.com/ja/
Delivery dateDuring delivery
Copywriter Copyright (C) 2021 Niantic, Inc., Pikmin and Mii Characters / Artwork / Music Copyright (C) 2021 Nintendo All Rights Reserved.