"Shokz Openrun Pro" was a new highe...


"Shokz Openrun Pro" was a new highest peak of bone conduction earphones.

It was much higher than expected!

A new "Openrun Pro" has been announced by the popular bone conduction earphone maker SHOKZ (formerly AFTERSHOKZ).It seems that the heavy bass has been enhanced while inheriting the goodness of the current high -end model "Aeropex", so I am very worried.

So I borrowed it and tried it, and I was delighted with the weight bass boost more than expected.The degree of perfection as an earphone is rising, and it is perfect for those who want to exercise while enjoying music.Recommended for those who are not good at wearing a closed earphone.When not using it, it is light that you do not care about even if you put it on your neck, so it is excellent to be able to use both on and off.I thought it was a good option for those who are looking for highly versatile earphones.

1.What is bone conduction earphones?

2.What kind of earphones are Openrun Pro?

3.Points of choosing earphones

4.The presence of heavy bass is thick

5.The comfort is still the best!

6.Pay attention to the volume?

7.If you were lost with bone conduction earphones, why not buy?

What is bone conduction earphones?

By the way, how is bone conduction earphones from ordinary earphones?

Unlike the conventional earphones that transmit sound vibration through air, SHOKZ's bone conduction earphones send vibration through cheekbones, bypass the eardrum, and conveys the sound directly to the inner ear (for details).

The advantage of bone conduction earphones is that it is easy to ensure safety even when using it outdoors because it can incorporate the surrounding environmental sound without closing your ears.In addition, it is easy to use to be able to talk to people around you without removing your earphones.

The disadvantage is that it is easier to leak sound than the inner earphone.Sensitive people may tickle the cheekbones vibrating or feel uncomfortable.

What kind of earphones are Openrun Pro?

Openrun Pro, which was newly announced by SHOKZ this time, is an integrated bone conduction wireless earphone.The design in which the earphone part is lightly applied on the ear, and the titanium band is turned on the back of the head, the design is the same as the existing model.

What has changed is that the new technology has enhanced the heavy bass.In addition, the battery duration has been extended to 10 hours, and at the same time, it supports quick charging.I can't use it when I want to use it because the battery runs out.

「Shokz OpenRun Pro」は、骨伝導イヤホンの新しい最高峰でした

Openrun Pro is currently crowdfunding, and specially costs 25,37 yen.The list price is 23,880 yen (tax included), which is about 4000 yen higher than the current model Aeropex.It is a high -end band product.

Points of choosing earphones

Whether you're at work or private, you want to have an earphone that plays an active part in multi -scenes.So what are the points to find the best earphones for you?

The first important thing is to wear it.Because the shape of the ears has individual differences, the same earphone does not always suit everyone.It is ideal to actually attach it at the store before purchasing, and check if there is no discomfort or easily come off.

On top of that, it is also important to choose the one that suits the purpose of use.For example, if you are assuming the use of the main work, you should focus on the sound quality of the microphone assuming the use of online conferences and calling.On the other hand, if you want to enjoy your hobby music, sound quality is the most important.

In my case, I tried some headphones and earphones that can enjoy music during outdoor running, and finally reached the osteotomy -derived earphone.What we emphasized was to incorporate the external sound (ensure safety), lightness, and waterproof.Aeropex, which meets these three conditions, is used so that there is no day when there is no turn.

So, from these perspectives, what about Openrun Pro?Below, I will summarize what I actually touched and felt.

The presence of heavy bass is thick

The biggest cucumber of Openrun Pro is sound quality.The sound quality of Aeropex was a bit flat, poor in bass sound, and it was unsatisfactory compared to the general sound quality -oriented earphones, but when comparing, the heavy bass of Openrun Pro certainly beat Aeropex.

In addition, the impression that the sound was improved overall due to the improved heavy bass has been improved.The sound of Aeropex melted in the surrounding air, it was a gentle sound, or worse, but the sound of Openrun Pro was a more tight impression, approaching the sound of sound quality -oriented earphones.I felt it was.Until now, I was satisfied just to play music like BGM while running, but the improved sound quality became more immersive in music and it was purely fun.

The comfort is still the best!

The outstanding fit is the same as the current model.The weight of Openrun Pro is 29g, which is slightly heavier than Aeropex, which was 26g, but it is a difference that you do not notice when you actually wear it.

It fits naturally in the position where the sound sounds best, and it does not shift even if you exercise.This is a miracle soberly.I think it's the best design with no more improvement.

Dual noise canceling microphones are still excellent, and can be used for calls and online meetings without any problems.

In fact, my mother called me during running (which tends to be long), so I talked with Openrun Pro while continuing to walk.The sound was clear and easy to hear, and she seemed to have reached her mother firmly, and she said, "She is actually talking via earphones."I was surprised.

Pay attention to the volume?

Compared to Aeropex, the sound is slightly easier to leak.I didn't notice if it was a common sense volume, and I thought it would not be a problem because it was this time when a social distance was shouted.

The reason why the sound leaks when the volume is set near the maximum is that some small holes are open in the speaker.Since the vibration of the earphone part increases in proportion to the volume, some people may feel the cheekbones tickle if it is loud.

* Regarding the sound leakage, SHOKZ and Japan Authorized Agency's Focal Points notified that "Openrun Pro, which uses new technology, is less than Aeropex."If you are interested, try both and compare them.The description of sound leakage is a personal feeling and impression.

If you were lost with bone conduction earphones, why not buy?

When I actually used Openrun Pro, I felt it was the new highest peak of bone conduction earphones.The sound quality has been greatly improved while keeping the comfort of wearing it, and charging stress has been reduced.If you combine the advantages of the conventional bone conduction earphones that "do not close your ears", it may be a significant choice as an earphone that can be used without choosing TPOs.

From the writer who likes heavy bass, Openrun Pro, which has much improvement in sound quality, is already incredibly attractive ... I am an AEROPEX user.SHOKZ products are robust, and Aeropex seems to be still active.I am also worried that Openrun Pro (IP55) has slightly lowered waterproofing compared to Aeropex (IP67 standard).I guess it's a little better to buy a new one.

However, if I had no already Aeropex, I would have definitely jumped to Openrun Pro.Rather, it's enviable that people who don't have bone conduction earphones yet and are wondering if they should buy.The price is a little higher than Aeropex, but if you want to stick to the sound quality, I think it is worth it.Bone conduction earphones, is it time to buy now?

Reference: Shokz

February 8, 2022 11:35: Note was noted.