Softbank Corp. 's complete wireless...


Softbank Corp. 's complete wireless headphones are just right in price and function (1) | my navigation news, my navigation news, my navigation

11月15日、ソフトバンク コマース&サービスは、同社が2016年より展開しているスマホ向けオーディオブランド「GLIDiC(グライディック)」の新製品発表会を開催。完全ワイヤレスイヤホンの「Sound Air TW-5000」と有線イヤホン「SE-9000HR」の2製品を発表しました。実際に製品も試してきたので、その使用感などを交えてレポートしたいと思います。

Completely wireless headset "GLIDiC Sound Air TW-5000". The color is black in addition to white in the photo.

GLIDiC (GLIDiC) is the audio brand of Softbank Corp. 's mobile phone based on the concept of "Mobile Human Voice". GLIDiC, the word coined by the suffix "ic" of "gliding" meaning "GLIDE" and "~" and "~ relation". Like a glider gliding slowly and smoothly, it represents providing clear and smooth sound to users who own smartphones and move freely at any time.

The direct selling price of the GLIDiC Sound Air TW-5000 is 9864 yen. As a completely wireless headset, it is relatively easy to buy, which is its charm. Now, complete wireless headphones are polarized into low-price, low-function models of about 3000 yen, or high-function, high-cost headphones equipped with noise cancellation functions. According to Softbank Corp., GLIDiC Sound Air TW-5000 was developed as a model of intermediate, functional and price balance.

When developing, the first thing to pay attention to is the sense of wearing. Although the actual installation, but a little move the head will not fall off the ear. The burden on the ear is also very little, and it will not be tired to use it for a long time.

ソフトバンクの完全ワイヤレスイヤホンは、値段と機能がちょうどいい良品 (1) | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

There are multi-function buttons on the left and right of the fuselage. Press any button on the left and right to start the playback, and press the right to play twice to stop. In addition, you can also send / return songs, adjust the volume, call operations, and so on.

Easy to use and eye-catching. Most of the charging boxes for complete wireless headphones are large, but the charging boxes for GLIDiC Sound Air TW-5000 are very compact, about 4 cm × 4 cm. When you usually carry this charging box, it is very important that it is a portable box.

The charging box of the rechargeable body for about 2 times is about 4 cm × 4 cm square, which is very compact. The charging box can also be used as a carrying box, so this compactness is very attractive.

Remove the headphones from the charging box, the power will be turned on, and the headphones will be turned off in the box. The body is equipped with multi-function buttons that can play, stop, send, return songs and adjust the volume in your ear, supporting the startup of Google Assistant, Siri and other voice assistants. The benefit of such operability can also be said to be the charm of GLIDiC Sound Air TW-5000.

After it is removed from the charging box, the power supply of the main body will be automatically turned on. After putting it into the charging box, the power supply of the main body is turned off and the charge begins.

We also focus on sound quality, including support for Bluetooth AAC codecs. I actually tried it to give people the impression of a frank and beautiful voice. From low frequency to high frequency is a flat natural feeling, very easy to hear the sound. Especially the female lead singer with a sense of transparency is very suitable.