Speaking of “earphones/headphones”...


Speaking of “earphones/headphones” characters? Survey deadline is November 9th

November 18th is Good Earphone/Headphone Day. It is an anniversary that originated from the pun of "good (11) ear (14) phone". Characters who love using earphones and headphones often appear in anime and games. There are various reasons for this, such as enjoying your favorite songs, cutting out ambient noise, or having special abilities. Anime there! animation! Now, we will continue to conduct a reader survey titled "Which is the 'earphone/headphone' character?" Please answer the character and work name that you think is this in the free answer format. Click here for the questionnaire * Answers will be for characters that have appeared in 2D content such as anime works (TV broadcasts, movies, distribution, OVA, etc.), games, CD series, and manga. *Please answer only once per person. The deadline is November 9th. The survey results will be published as soon as they are finalized. looking forward to.

*This questionnaire is part of an awareness survey on readers' interest in and attention to current anime works and characters. Regarding the results, it is not the intention to decide the superiority or inferiority of any character or work. We hope that this article will help you learn about new works and characters, and help deepen your understanding and interest in them.

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