Surface Headphones Review: Voice ch...


Surface Headphones Review: Voice changer

A dial that goes back and forth between silence and roar.

Tokyo is Shibuya.As a member of this noisy concrete jungle, I sometimes think of this: I want a eyelid in my ears.Because if you don't want to see it, you can close the eyelids, but the sound (and the smell) will hit your brain without any questions.

Therefore, when the noise such as air conditioning and the crowded wacha are free to hear or not listen to the dial one time, the wireless noise canceling headphones "Surface Headphones" are announced by Microsoft (Microsoft).I expected it to be this.Moreover, if you know the high price of 39938 yen (tax included), it should be nice as a headphone!When.

So, is the dial operation headphone created by Microsoft "eyelids in the ear"?Is it good as a headphone?What is Surface Headphone?I reviewed it (also summarized in the video!).

From the conclusion, it may be a "voice changer".

Surface Headphones

What is this?: Microsoft wireless noise canceling headphones

Price: 39,938 yen (tax included)

Favorite place: Where the volume and Noikan can be operated in dials, where you are good at fine Noikan

I don't like it: A place where the fit is delicate, where you can't hear the middle and high notes in environmental sound expansion mode

Conditioning.1 no -can performance

Is it a white thing that can be enough eyelids in the ears?It depends on the performance of Surface Headphones and its ease of use.Above all, noise canceling performance when "closed" is the most important item.So, when I tried the No -Can performance of Surface Headphones in the editorial department, I was quite surprised that it canceled more than expected.

It is a wonderful no -can performance.But I feel like I shouldn't do this review ...Dondon Puff Puff.Held the Noi Can Championship.

There are two invited players.Invited QuietComfort Wireless Headphones II from the BOSE of Noi Cancer Omogo, and WH-1000XM3 participated from Sony of Prince Noikan.The naming sense is the win of Surface Headphones.

By the way, the comparison of these three players was also opened, and at that time I felt that the power of Surface's Noikan was weaker than Sony and Bose.However, if you actually use each of them for a few days, it is almost like "I have a good and short".I think that this fact alone tells you that Surface is "closed".

All of them had great noise canceling performance, so they all showed high no -can, so that they would not be able to understand the greatness unless they were compared.It's the first product category for the Surface brand, but it's amazing from the first shot.

So yes.Surface Headphones is "closed".Nice no -pan performance.

Open the eyelids?No, it wasn't that dimension

When evaluating as an ear eyelid, the other side is the performance of the "open" state.If you know what you are saying with this alone, it is true.Did you see the opening review?

To explain what it means, Surface Headphones has a function like the opposite of Noi Cancer called "Environmental Sound Expanding Mode".If you use this, you can hear the outside sound even if the headphones are attached, so you can save the trouble of removing it every time.

So, I went to various environments while actually putting it on, but as a result it turned out that it was not very usable.Somehow, it is a roaring as if the world has changed.With the bass enlarged at a tremendous level.

Everyone, he, everyone changes his voice and makes me laugh.The more difficult the conversation, the more the bass sounded, and I gave up using it in less than two days.The environmental sound enlargement mode has a lot of room for improvement.

Surface Headphonesレビュー:ボイスチェンジャーでした

So, unfortunately, Surface Headphones is difficult to "open well".If this is the case, it may be a headphone that will become a voice changer when you open it (but the effect is applied to the environment, not yourself).

Dial operation is really good

I already know that it doesn't open, but it's easy to switch to whether it's easy to switch between noikan and the environmental sound enlargement mode.Did you decide to review with such a cut?Here is the important starting point part here.

That's because of this dial.

There is a dial on the left and right ear cups of Surface Headphones, which allows you to control the volume and no -can level.The right side is the volume dial, and the left side is a no -can -level dial.

Thanks to that, the Surface Headphones is not only the best to adjust the volume and no -can level freely, but also switches to the environmental sound expansion mode just by turning the noikan dial to the bottom.

So, in my head, I was planning to conclude that "I can freely go back and forth between" close "and" open "just by turning the Noikan dial! It's easy to open and close!"looks.But not only bad things, but when I used it, the volume dial was very useful.Even when using another headphone and earphones, it was a habit of trying to control the volume and trying to get my right hand to my ears.

After that, it would be nice if I could manage the environmental sound enlargement mode ...I wonder if it can be managed with updates.

A feeling of wearing to choose people (or ears)

If it exceeds 30,000 yen, it is naturally asked if it is nice as a wireless headphone.So, from here, it is a review of usability and sound quality.There are various usability, but what I noticed this time is the operation and the wearing feeling.

First of all, the operation feeling is quite good.Not only the dial can be adjusted intuitively thanks to the dial, but the operation of "volume up", "down volume down", "Noikan -on -off" is not a button, so the operation is refreshing.

"Play / Pause", "Next Truck", and "Previous Truck" are possible by tapping the side of the ear cups (once, twice a row, three consecutive taps), and "calling the voice assistant".OK with a long tap on the side of the cup.I was able to operate more stably than gestures, and it was easier to use nerves than pressing the button.

The remaining is "on / off the power supply", but here is good or bad ...This is the power button,

It was very difficult to push it because it was small and had no protrusions.If you want to use Surface with a blind touch, you have to remember the button position.Just remembering it was great.At startup, it will tell you in a unit that is easy to understand for humans, saying, "The battery level is about 14 hours," and when the power is turned off, Cortana Voice will say "Goodbye".Ah ... Cortana!It's sad to retreat from the front line!!

But the feeling of wearing is ... Bimyo.The feeling of pressure on the head and around the ears is moderate, but for some reason there was a feeling of pressure from inside the ear cup.Because it was a design where the ears touched the inside of the ear cup when worn (there may be individual differences).So, after 10 minutes after installation, I felt uncomfortable in my ears and received a bit disappointing impression.

It may be a relatively comfortable headphone for a very small and flat person, but basically ... NOT is recommended.

Heavy sounds that are likely to be divided

The problem is sound quality.It depends greatly on your taste, and it depends on the song, sound source, and volume.How do you evaluate such a soft subjective thing and convey it in words?If you are ready, you will not be beaten.Surface Headphones was easy or bad, but it was easy to use a pretty unique sound.

In one word, it feels like "the bass is swelling".I feel that the base is stronger than Bose QUIETCOMFORT WIRELESS HEADPHONES II, a bass lover.While QuietComfort has been dedly dedicated to the extent that it does not impair the details, Surface is an image that sounds a live feeling by sounding strongly.

Except for the strong bass, it is a mysterious and flat sound.With Sony's WH-1000XM3, the female vocals sound really clear, but that's not the case with Surface Headphones.But it doesn't hear too much.To put it simply, I wanted a little more detail and sharpness.

If you like bass, please compare it with BOSE.No, maybe Sony is more balanced than bass.The 40,000 yen class no -can, wireless headphones have been excited again.

So, Surface Headphones was an indistinct "ear eyelid" (but only closed).

And it is quite good as a wireless headphone, and for some reason it works as a voice changer to change the world.

If you like bass and don't have a large noise source, this is a Want gadget!But if your ears are not small and you like clear sounds, Sony may be Sony.

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https: // www.gizmodo.JP/2018/09/SONY-WH-1000XM3-REVIEW.html