To the Gachi teleworkers.I looked f...


To the Gachi teleworkers.I looked for a headset that would be okay for half a day

This article is the impression of the writer's personal, and the effects and effects of different skulls, ears, and earlabes are different depending on the size of different skulls and ears.

If you say a meeting, ZOOM or Microsoft Teams.Teleworkers who are sending such days.What do you use to deliver your voice and listen to the other person's voice?

Built -in speaker & microphone of laptops and smartphones?Well, have you ever been told that your voice is hard to hear, or have you thought it was hard to hear?eh?No, it has an effect even in the communication state, but the difference by device is large?Let's go to the swamp of the gaming headset.Cook.

I would like to say that, but considering that you keep it at work for 6 hours or 8 hours, the overhead type gaming headset is heavy and the neck stiffness and shoulder stiffness progress.So, from a lightweight audio device that burdenses the body, I looked for a model that is comfortable even if I keep wearing it for half a day, and has a good sound quality of the microphone and speaker.

Aftershokz "OpenComm" 4 points: I got drunk when I continued listening to BGM

Voice listening sound quality ★★★★

Mike sound quality ★★★★★

Tsuzukichi ★★★ (If you wear glasses ★★)

AfterShokz is an authority of the bone conduction headset.Many people have reached out to the guy after entering the heyday of telework.Cheap bone conduction headsets have a large vibration unit and are easy to apply to cartilage, but are easy to wear, but weaken vibration.However, aftershokz products such as "OpenComm" with a boom microphone are compact vibration units.The subcutaneous fat is thin and the vibration is easy to transmit to the vibration cells in the cochlea, but it has the advantage that the vibration is strong and the voice can be heard sharply.The microphone also comes near the mouth, so it captures a voice with a high S/N ratio.

It should be noted that the strength of the vibration.When I was listening to BGM during the time other than the meeting, I came up the moment I got up from the chair to fill water.That's seasick.The vibration was transmitted without a break, so it seems that my half -regulatory pipe of my glass has been used.

It is recommended if you are not BGM and wear glasses on the frame.What a good thing.

骨伝導 通話専用 OpenComm Slate Gray AfterShokz 骨伝導イヤホン ワイヤ レスヘッドホン テレワーク在宅ワークに最適 最強ノイズキャンセリングマイク運転中の通話でもきちんと相手に届きます

19,998 yen

Ambie "AM-TW01" 2 points (reference points): It just hurt.Mr. Deka must be careful

* Borrowed sample products under development.The evaluation may be different from the commercial mass production.

Voice listening sound quality ★★★ (Maximum possibility that the direction of the sound road was out of the direction)

Mike sound quality ★★

Tsukigokuchi ★ (Seriously approaching the shape and size of the ears of the individual)

Designs like magatama deformation style are based on functions."AM-TW01" that can be sandwiched between the ear rings and can listen to the sound in an open state.There is no sense of ear hole in the canal type earphone, and the ear hole does not accumulate.The burden on the body is not low!Not good!


I thought.Until you use it.

There are few gaps in the clip part, and the arm part is rattling.I guess it doesn't come off even if you use it while walking....I'm not proud, but I have a big ear.As a result, pain runs on any part of the ear ring.I repeated the setting for about 30 minutes, but I couldn't find a place with Cinderella -fit.

Still, when I matched the place where there is little pain, the sound path of the AM-TW01 does not seem to be facing the ear hole, so the voice is small.I was told that the voice of the microphone was not good.This is a guy who removes the sweet spot and wears it.Unfortunately, the score was low because it didn't fit my ears.

Apple "AirPods" 4 points: If you already have it, this is fine

Voice listening sound quality ★★★★

Mike sound quality ★★★★

Tsuzuko ★★★★★

Not canal, complete wireless, and microphone.Let's have "AirPods" appear as earphones that have all conditions.yes.Not perfect.It is expensive to look at the quality of the audio, but if you look at it as a communication device, it is an iron plate earphone.

The negative point that it is easy to get off the ears when you use it while walking is a class change with the advantage that it is easy to remove if you use it at home.It can be used not only on Mac but also on Windows, so if you already have it, please try it.

JLAB Audio "Rewind" 3 points: Light, cheap and fine

Voice listening sound quality ★★★

Mike sound quality ★★

Tsuzuko ★★★★★

"Rewind", which has orange sponge, like the 70's, 80's headphones, is cute, you are cute.Don't worry too much about the sound quality of the audio.Because the low range is a squeaky sound.But if you listen to your voice in a telemite, it's ants at all.The microphone was sometimes said that the voice was low or the voice was small.You have to keep the volume larger on the PC side.

The side pressure is quite strong, but the stainless steel band is not so hard, so if you bend it according to your head size, there is no problem.It is light and has a good feeling of wearing, and if you can divide it for communication, I think it is good.

JLAB Audio Rewind/ワイヤレス レトロ ヘッドホン/Bluetooth 4.2 / 最大12時間 プレイタイム/カスタム EQ3サウンド / 80年代 90年代デザイン / ブラック

3,897 yen

Sharp "AUQOS Sound Partner" 4 points: If the microphone is good, it was a god machine

Voice listening sound quality ★★★★

Mike sound quality ★★★

Tsuzuko ★★★★★

One interesting item among neck band speakers.Because it is an auqos brand product, a transmitter that connects to a TV and sounds the voice of the TV from the neck.There is a good Sen.The sound quality is light.But the body is light.It's about half a day.The sound quality that is difficult to hear the bass is also a problem for the purpose of listening to the voice.

However, unfortunately, the microphone.It's not as much as "Rewind" mentioned above, but the voice is a little small.There is no problem if the voice is loud, but if you are a whisper, you may feel troublesome.The sound quality of the voice itself is a good point.There is no problem if you want to convey the nuances contained in the voice naked, and if you want to sing with a cappella.

シャープ サウンドパートナー

9,200 yen

As a result, three models, AFTERSHOKZ "OpenComm", Apple "AirPods", and Sharp "AUQOS Sound Partner", were in the same row.But AirPods is No.1 is the number of stars itself.However, it is a high price item, so there are some waste to buy for communication.So, if you want to buy from now on, I guess AFTERSHOKZ "OpenComm" or Sharp "AUQOS Sound Partner" is good.

* The display contents such as the price are at the time of writing.Please check the sales page as there is a possibility of change.

2021/09/27 13:00 Regarding "Ambie", the description of borrowing the sample product under development was missing, so I added it.