It will be held at the Voice of Emo...


It will be held at the Voice of Emotions Connected by Ahamo, a van festival that goes beyond the boundaries of professionals and ama.The first artist is She's

NTTドコモが展開するデジタル・ネイティヴ世代にフィットした料金プラン ahamoが、"音楽は、ぜんぶをつなぐ"をスローガンにした"ahamo music challenge"を実施。その第1弾として、プロとアマの垣根を超えた対バン形式の音楽フェス"VOICE OF EMOTIONS connected by ahamo"を、3月17日に渋谷WWW Xにて開催する。"VOICE OF EMOTIONS connected by ahamo"は、あらゆる垣根を超えて想いをつなぐをコンセプトにした音楽フェスで、鑑賞者の心を揺さぶるエモーショナルな音楽、夢に向かって頑張る人々の背中を押してくれる音楽を届ける。特設サイトの公開とともに、出演アーティスト第1弾として、SHE'Sの参戦が発表されている。■SHE'S 井上竜馬(Vo/Key)コメントこの時代に、ライブハウスで対バンをできる喜びを噛み締めてステージに立ちます。プロアマ問わずの対バンがお互いを刺激しあったり。色んな化学反応が起きそうな予感がしていますので、是非見逃さず遊びに来てください。


On the official website, in addition to the recruitment of festival viewing (free invitation by lottery), in cooperation with the platform "Eggs" that supports the music activities of indie and rookie artists, we want to deliver "thoughts" and "music" that we want to deliver regardless of professional amateur.There will also be artists and recruitment in the "Open Participation Frame", which provide a place for expression widely to artists.

▼ Event information "VOICE OF EMOTIONS CONNECTED by AHAMO" March 17 (Thu) Shibuya www Xopen 18:00 / START 18:30 / END 21:30 Scheduled * The above time may be changed according to the program contentI have.1st appearance artist: She's ■ Viewing recruitment venue is invited by lottery by lottery.If you would like to view it, please apply from the official website.Application period: February 1 (Tuesday) 10: 00 -Monday, February 28 (Monday) 23:59 Winning Announcement: We will announce it with the distribution of the winning notification email until March 6 (Sun).Number of winners: We will decide / decide according to the future of the new Coronavirus.■ Application period for performing artists: Tuesday, February 1st (Tuesday) 10: 00- February 28th (Monday) 23:59 Application URL: https: // Eggs.MU/MUSIC/PROJECT/VOE Winning Announcement: If you have passed the selection, the secretariat will contact you by March 6 (Sun).Remarks: There are no restrictions on genre, gender, age, nationality, form, etc.Official site: https: // ahamo.Com/Special/Music/Live/