Watch the real-time live delivery o...


Watch the real-time live delivery of rakugo by AURO-3D with "full spec"!How far can you approach the raw presence?


■ Play Auro-3D in the finest environment.How far can you approach the raw presence?Immersive audio such as Dolby Atmos and 360 Reality Audio (sometimes called spatial audio, stereos, 3D audio, etc.), such as Dolby Atmos and 360 Reality Audio, are attracting attention.The number of songs distributed by streaming services is increasing, and compatible devices including headphones are gradually being prepared, but the format called "AURO-3D" is very highly evaluated by engineers and musicians who are particular about sound.It is.WOWOW is focusing on experimental projects called "real-time live distribution" utilizing this auro-3D.It is an attempt to use the surround format in addition to high -resolution so that you can enjoy a more realistic live distribution at home.For two days on January 11 and 12, a live distribution was conducted as a demonstration experiment from Hakuju Hall in Shibuya -ku, Tokyo.I would like to report the pattern in the media integration lab (MIL) in Meguro-ku, Tokyo, where AURO-3D can be played in a full environment.The environment where you can watch AURO-3D at home is still limited.In addition to the corresponding AV amplifiers such as Yamaha and Denon, multiple speakers including the ceiling are required, so the difficulty of installing is not low.For the result of regenerating auro-3D in a system that is relatively easy to build at home, please refer to the report of Mr. Masao Yamanouchi, which was published earlier, but here, "If you regenerate Auro-3D in the finest environment.I want to deliver it on the theme of how far the world can be reproduced.■ Focal embedded speakers "CI" constituted a multi -channel in the rakugo -kun, a rakugo artist, Hayashiya Takehei, which was held on January 11.It is a very rare attempt to distribute rakugo with high sound quality, but from the conclusion of the actual experiences, the way of the storyteller and the drawing of the characters are not only subtle, but also subtle.It was composed of a sense of air, and in Immersive audio, I was able to feel the reality and reality as if I was enjoying rakugo with other visitors at the venue of the vaudeville.The media integration, which runs this MIL, also has imported and sells audio equipment, and is particularly focused on French focal speakers.All MIL also features a focal ceiling / wall mount speaker "CI".Among the focals, Hyfi speakers handle the CI line that is used by Luxman, the media integration is used for home theater, etc., and a lineup of active speakers for the studio.。In MIL, the focal "CI" is prepared for a total of 64CH, and the listener is literally "surrounded by a sphere" from 360 degrees.If you look at the picture, it may look like it was taken with a fisheye lens, but it is actually a sphere -like speaker.Not only AURO-3D, but also Dolby Atmos and 360RAs are unusual in Japan.AURO-3D is a major difference from Dolby Atmos, while Dolby Atmos is an object-based, while auro-3D is a channel-based, and the sound source that regenerates the speakers of each channel is, it is necessary to strictly set the speaker, but there is also the advantage of being able to reproduce the intended sound source as it is.AURO-3D channels are broadly divided into three layers, so-called surround layers (the height of the ears, the same as normal surround system), high layers (upwards, upper positions of surround layers), top layers (so-called so-called).It consists of three layers of the ceiling. Immediately above the head.Of course, this MIL is embedded in the lower direction, that is, a speaker in addition to following these three layers.Literally, the image is like a listener in the "sphere" ( * Auro-3D does not use the downward direction, but there is also a downward direction in 360RA).■ Rakugo, comic and vaudeville music with ultra -high -quality im because of ultra -high quality!Although the introduction has become longer, on January 11th, a demonstration of the undercard, Hayashiya Tatami, Makoto, Hayashiya Takehei rakugo, laughing comics, and a dose of vaudeville music that usually never appears.It was delivered live.In order to listen to the distribution, it is essential to use the "ω Player" (Mac or iOS version only), which is currently provided by WOWOW for free version.Auro 11.The sound source output in the 1ch digital is output from the RME "Digiface Dante", and the signal is assigned to any speaker in the AVID "Pro Tools Mtrx", and the volume is controlled.It is later amplified by a power amplifier and is played with a focal speaker (decoders and power amplifiers are not so -called consumer equipment, but are composed of professional use equipment that media integration has strength).The vaudeville music is usually performed at the time of the call of customers and the storyteller, but this time it is specially performed on the stage.The shamisen may be heard in a cheap sound if the quality of the playback environment is insufficient, but in this system, the performance skills of the player who draws a moment to play the strings and the frettress and delicate nuances are extremely extreme.You can hear it richly.The sound of the applause of the participants was even more impressive, which could not be reproduced in stereo, just "enjoying the stage together in the audience seats."Stereo recording has a history of decades since its appearance, and has a background of the pursuit of a sense of presence as if you were in a live venue, with musical instruments and voices as if you were in a live venue.There is no doubt that many years of technical studies have been sophisticated to the extremely artistic level, but what implemented audio brings is another dimension, a world of different fields in the field.It felt like that.In fact, when we are enjoying the performance at the live venue, we are listening to the sound from all over 360 degrees, including the contact from the wall of the hall.I felt that the "hole feeling" was particularly more likely to be more likely by these imbecific audio.Following the undercard, Hayashiya Tatami, the comic artist of the group (I enjoyed the performance with a good use of the sound), finally the performance of "Ikuyo Mochi" by Hayashiya Takeshihei.I have never heard of rakugo in my life so far, and this "Ikushiro Mochi" is also a very famous story among rakugo fans, but of course this is my first experience.With the honest person, Kiyozo, who is in love with a prostitute, Ichiichi Kazuki and the happy end of the large circle were completely drawn into the story.Rakugo is not something that beginners can talk to something, but what I was able to understand again is that rakugo artists are a multi -player who can play any role, and the character of each character and the situation in which they are placed., Emotions must be expressed with voice and slight physical performance.Depending on how to make a little voice and how to create a feeling of air, you will draw multiple characters such as the husband, the wolf, the servant, the doctor, and the prostitute of Yoshiwara, and inform the audience in an instant.And it was clear that such characters were not only visual but also hearing, that is, the amount of information due to sound.In this imaging sound like this, it is possible to dramatically enhance immersion in the story by conveying such "air" in a rich way.AURO-3D content is not so large yet, but there are also cases where AURO-3D is used in the 2L label Blu-ray disk and the Blu-ray version of the Vienna Philharmonic's "New Year Concert".be.I would also like to expect digital distribution content like this time.This rakugo is now not available for real -time distribution, but the "ω Player" publishes 13 contents recorded in the past as beta tests free of charge.It is limited to February 10 for a limited time, so if you are interested in Immersive audio, please apply for beta test.

File Web audio editorial department, Mana Chikui