Which game console was the most com...


Which game console was the most complaining in the world?Complaints of high -tech equipment are released (Game Spark)

ELECTRONICS HUB, an electronic device information platform, has been published in statistical data of "complaints about high -tech equipment" around the world.The data is that "Twitter posting" is the source, so it may not reflect "pure dissatisfaction with the device". This data was released in January, and for various devices from game consoles to headphones.Complaints can be confirmed as percentage by device or country.The site was used to collect keywords for each product using Twitter APIs and analyze the complaint judgment tool "Complaint Detector".According to the data, the game console that complained was "Xbox Series X (12).5 %) "Xbox One (12).1 %) "Xbox Series S (9).8 %) and Xbox series are lined up.And on the contrary, the lowest complaint was "PlayStation 4 (0).5 %).By country, complaints are gathering on smartphones or peripherals in most areas, including Japan.On the other hand, "Xbox Series X" emerges in Russia and Saudi Arabia.However, in Scandinavian countries, "Nintendo Switch" is the top only in Finland while dissatisfaction with "Xbox" is gathered.South American countries such as Colombia and Chile have also complained about the Nintendo Switch, and "PlayStation 5", which is pointed out in Switzerland, is the leader, and the percentage is as high as 20 %.In addition, this data may not reflect "pure dissatisfaction with the device" because the "Twitter post" is the source.For example, this complaint detection method is "whether" device name "and" negative word "appear in the same tweet."In other words, there is a concern that the muttering such as "(device name) could not be bought" was counted as a complaint.

世界で一番文句を呟かれたゲーム機は?ハイテク機器の苦情統計データが公開(Game Spark)

GAME*Spark Keshino