Communication with Wi-Fi is always...


Communication with Wi-Fi is always unstable ... [Solved "Wi-Fi trouble": Trouble 2] --NTERNET Watch

[A] Radio interference may have reduced communication speed or disconnection of communication.

 When connecting a PC or smartphone with Wi-Fi, stress will accumulate if the speed suddenly becomes slow or the connection is interrupted.

Wi-Fiでの通信がいつも不安定……【“Wi-Fiの困った”を解決:トラブル編 第2回】 - INTERNET Watch

 There are several causes of such troubles, but one of them tends to be radio wave interference.

 I would like to pay particular attention to 2.It is a 4GHz band.Current Wi-Fi is 2.Communication is performed using the frequency band of the 4GHz band and the 5GHz band, which is 2..The 4GHz band is called ISM band (Industrial Scientific and Medical Band) and is used in various electronic devices such as microwave ovens and cordless telephones.

 Wi-Fi access points, PCs and smartphones connected to it, 2.If the distance of an electronic device that uses the 4GHz band is short, radio interference may occur and the communication speed may decrease or the communication may occur.

 Changing the channel introduced last time is one of the solutions, but if the radio wave interference with other electronic devices is suspected, change the location of the Wi-Fi access point or release the electronic device from the PC or smartphone.Let's try it.If the radio wave interference with the electronic device is caused by securing a physical distance, communication may be stable.
