Is it delicious to keep salted beef...


Is it delicious to keep salted beef for a month?Overseas YouTube channel experiment



Ryo Ogawa

塩をまぶした牛肉を1カ月間保管するとおいしいのか? 海外YouTubeチャンネルが実験

 There is one interesting video on the GUGA Foods, an overseas YouTube channel specializing in meat. It's a video called "Dry Brine Experiment, ONLY SALT! 24 HRS To 1 Month!" The release date is April 22, 2020, and the number of views is about 2.75 million times. [Photo] In the video of the salt -filled beef changes over time, the driving lining is performed, and an experiment is performed to store beef in the refrigerator for a long time. Drive lining is a cooking method that brings out the taste by sprinkling salt and pepper on the meat without using water. In driving lining, the meat is usually put in the refrigerator in 45 minutes and 48 hours. However, this time, the purpose of the video is what the taste will be when you store beef in the refrigerator for a month. The part of the meat used in the experiment is "Ribai". It is one of the most popular steak sites in the world, including the United States, and is the highest part of the ribulose that can only be removed from one cow. In the video, experiments are performed using this luxurious part. In the video, only salt is used. First, sprinkle with salt over the whole meat. Then, if you put it a little, the salt draws out the moisture from the meat, and water comes out of the meat surface. Then the moisture melts salt and becomes salt water and returns to the meat. In this way, salt permeates the whole meat, which breaks down proteins and sofits the beef. It also says that the moisture is trapped inside the meat, resulting in a juicy and soft steak. In the experiment, four types of beef in the refrigerator are "one day", "three days", "one week", and "one month". Store these beef in a refrigerator at 1 ° C in the storage. By adjusting the period of storage, four types of beef from the refrigerator on the same day. The beef stored for 24 hours was bright red, and it was found that salt was firmly penetrated inside the meat. However, the salt does not penetrate to fat. On the other hand, the beef stored for three days had salt to fat. The longer the storage period, the more the beef turns black and becomes harder. In particular, the beef stored for one month turns quite black, and the meat shrinks and is as hard as a rock. I'm worried that it's okay to eat. Bake four kinds of meat with a BBQ stove and separate them into bite -sized sizes. In the video, we eat together. First, eat the beef stored in the refrigerator for a day. The meat was soft and juicy and praised, "There is no pepper or garlic, and it is delicious to eat as it is." Next, chew the beef stored for 3 days. "The first beef (1 day of storage period) is more delicious," he honestly commented. Although the taste was not bad, the meat was not feeling fresh, and it was a dry reputation that "I would eat if I was really hungry, but I would not bother to eat this meat." Next, eat the meat stored for one week. After eating, she had an overt look that seemed to be delicious. It seems that chewing is difficult, the taste is low and the smell is slightly different. "It tastes like an old ham". With this trend, the result of the meat stored for one month would be clear. The moment he spoke the meat, both of them left. "It's no longer meat. I want you to try it at home." As a result, if you eat beef in driving lining, the storage period is 24 hours, and after three days, the taste drops. This contributor is a YouTube channel specializing in meat, so be careful when trying an amateur.

Ryo Ogawa
