[Yu -Gi -Oh! Master Duel] 14 select...


[Yu -Gi -Oh! Master Duel] 14 selections of magic cards that are useful even in low rare! Excellent magic summary for each application

Introducing useful low rare magic cards that appear in PlayStation4, PlayStation5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Steam, and smartphone compatible software "Yu -Gi -Oh! Master Duel".

Introducing magic cards that are useful for rarity!

"Yu -Gi -Oh!

In this work, it is possible to generate cards at points in addition to obtaining a card for assembling a deck.

However, the points are divided into rarity, so even if you want to make cards for "UR" and "SR", there are not enough points.On the other hand, the points of "N" and "R" tend to be relatively excess.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the magic card from among the cards that are useful for "N" and "R"!

Actually, there are quite a few cards that can be used even in low rare.I will publish it by using it!

* Introducing this article is a strong card in "N" and "R".It also includes something that reduces power compared to "SR" and "UR".

table of contents

Card removal
Inspitation / behavior restrictions
Battle support
Hand replacement / hand -enhancement
Deployment assistance

Card removal

■ Psycho Eraser

Type: Normal magic rarity: R

An excellent card that can remove anything other than destruction without taking the target.Most monsters can be processed by removing the resistance of monsters that are not subject to effects and monsters that are not destroyed by effects.If you are not obstructed.

It is a disadvantage that the other person's life point will recover, but it is much better than sitting in a dangerous monster that can not be done anyway.It is effective for decks attacking with a tremendous resistance ace monster.

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■ Lightning Vontex

Type: Normal magic rarity: R

A card that can destroy all the opponent's front -side monster with one hand cost.There is "Thunderbolt" in upward compatible, but that rarity is UR ...

The weak point is that monsters with destruction -resistant monsters and monsters on the back side are helpless, and one hand is thrown away.

The former depends on the movement of the opponent, so it is possible to reduce the damage to some extent by using a meaningful card by throwing it away.

For example, "Jet Synchron", which can be self -regenerated from a graveyard, "unnecessary" monsters that are activated by being discarded, or "stray winds" that can activate the effect in the graveyard.

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■ Cyclone

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

A super -old card that is known to Yu -Gi -Oh! Player.It can be destroyed regardless of whether it is a magic trap, regardless of the front and back.

The number of magic traps that are effective by being sent to the graveyard has increased, but it is still powerful to remove the magic trap regardless of the type.

However, if you chain to a card that has been activated, it cannot be invalidated (permanent magic, permanent traps, field magic are different. It can be invalidated by removal), and where it may be activated by chain in a cyclone.It can be said to be a weak point.

In particular, the end phase in the turn of the opponent set (hidden) a magic trap, and destroys the set card for the "Endsik" is the leading basic technique of Yu -Gi -Oh!

This is a tactic of "haste magic" and "trap" that can not be activated until the set turn is over, and will definitely destroy the card without allowing the chain.

If you can master this card, it can be said that the rank as a duelist has risen one step.

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■ Magical effect arrow

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

A card that destroys all the front magic cards in the opponent field.There is also damage as an extra.

This is also a haste magic, so at first glance it tends to look stronger than a "cyclone", but this can only be destroyed by the front magic trap.

That said, the troublesome magic trap remains in the field."Skill drain", which disables monster effects, "void spaces" that enable special summoning, and "macrocosmos" that exclude cards sent to graveyards from the game are all permanent traps.

Also, if the opponent is a pendulum deck, put a pendulum card on the left and right and have a chance to activate.If you can remove it at an appropriate time, the opponent's movement will definitely stop.

I want to set it on my own turn and remove it according to the opponent's movement.

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Inspitation / behavior restrictions

■ Dark protection sword

Type: Permanent magic rarity: R

A magical card that displays all the opponent's monsters as the back side defensive display at the moment of use.The advantage is that it is not destroyed as well as the effect that does not take the target, so it is possible to get through a lot of resistance.

Any troublesome monster cannot use the effect once the back side.It can be said that it is a card with the potential to neutralize the opponent monster at once.

However, it is important to note that link monsters without defensive display are completely powerless.

In addition, since it is not a card that can be obstructed by the opponent's turn, it will be a dedicated tag for your own turn.It may be useful as the first slash if you use it on a deck that has other monsters that can be removed.

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■ Forbidden Holy Grail

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

A card that can disable the effect instead of increasing the attack power.When used for the opponent's monster, the purpose is to disable the interference effect that the opponent has used for the opponent's turn.

By disabling monsters that are effective when summoned, for example, searching for "HERO" at the time of summoning (add from the deck to your hand) "E / HERO Airman", you can slow down the opponent's movement.

In addition, even though it is only 400 points, the attack power will increase, so it is a good idea to use it for your own monster.If you use it for monsters with disadvantages, you can expect to increase the firepower while canceling it.

As a useful combo, "Barbaros" was summoned without release and this card was used.Then, the attack power that has dropped due to the disadvantages returns to 3,000+this reinforced value of 3,400.Since the effect has disappeared, the attack power remains 3,000, so it may be useful as a simple finisher.

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【遊戯王マスターデュエル】低レアでも有用な魔法カード14選! 用途別の優秀魔法まとめ

■ Dimensional tear

Type: Permanent magic rarity: R

As long as it exists in the magic trap zone, a monster sent to each other to the graveyard is excluded.

It is a card that is difficult to adopt in a deck that uses the graveyard to be effective, but it can be used without any problems if your deck is specialized or a deck that does not use the graveyard.

Above all, the essence of this card is where some hand -induced cards are not used.

"Effect Valer" and "proliferation G", which are the conditions for activation are "sending to the graveyard", cannot be activated because they cannot send cards to the graveyard.

However, it is important to note that cards such as "ash flowing wirara" that are written as "throw away" will allow them to be activated.

Although you can restrain your opponent to some extent, the magic trap card is usually sent to the graveyard, so it is also a weak point of this card.

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■ Collection of the moon

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

A simple effect of simply turning the monster to the back side defensive display.But this is actually a card with infinite possibilities.

A card that can stop the attack if you use it for the opponent's battle phase, if you use it for the opponent's monster.

If you use it for the opponent's main phase, it will interfere with link summons and synchro summoning, which use the monster on the front side.

When the destruction effect is used for your card, it is possible to avoid destruction by chaining this card and displaying it in the back side defensive display.

Also, if you use it for "Golden Lord Eldrich", which is rampant in the environment, you can avoid using additional effects when trap monsters such as "Wakko in the Golden Goldo" come out ("Golden Lord.Because "Eldrich" disappears on the front side).

Although it is a card that requires playing skills, it is a useful card that is surprisingly often used when used.

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Battle support

■ Moon mirror shield

Type: Equipment Magical Rarity: R

If you equip it, it will be absolutely invincible in the battle (exceptional ant such as "Evil Avatar").

It is particularly powerful when used in combination with a monster that has the effect of "when the opponent's monster is destroyed in battle" such as "H / C assault Harbert".

It is also useful for monsters that are meaningful to maintain the fields such as "Fossil Dyna Pakikefaro", which seals off all special summons.You can make up for the status that tends to be destroyed.

By equipping the link monster "Shinki no Kami -Apollo" as a powerful combo, it is possible to re -raise the attack power that has dropped every time the effect is used.This allows you to use the invalid effect again, improving your place.

However, note that there are people who cannot take measures.

Specifically, "A ・ O ・ J Catustle” that destroys without a battle, and “SNO” that blocks the effects in battle phases and damage steps..39 Cards such as Hope the Lightning, etc., and the "Evil Avatar" that exceeds the attack power with the permanent effects above.

Of course, there is no source or child if it is destroyed by the effect of the card before the battle, so consider the monster to be equipped and incorporate it into the deck.

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■ Contribution

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

Fighting auxiliary cards that have existed since ancient times.

The purpose is to reduce the status of the opponent's monster half during the battle and destroy the battle.

Although it is a very simple and powerful effect, it is a card that has been decreasing due to the tide that it is faster to destroy it due to the effects.

Also, since the status has not been gained just by lowering the status, it would be a painful damage if the battle itself was absent.

If you focus on the versatility that can be used when you attack yourself or when you are attacked by the opponent, it may be a usable card.

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Hand replacement / hand -enhancement

■ Magic planter

Type: Normal magic rarity: R

A card that sends a permanent trap to the graveyard and draws two.

Since this card and a permanent trap are consumed two, it is actually 2: 2 replacement only two cards.

Of course, it is also useful as a draw sauce, but the essence is where you can freely release the permanent trap.

For example, "Skill Drain", which disables the field monster effect, can be a hindrance to your turn, even if it is useful for the opponent's turn.So this.

The skill drain that has been named in the opponent's turn is converted to two draws on your own turn.

It is easier to connect to the development from the increased hand, and it is not impossible to flow as it is.

The same hindrance card as "Skill Drain" is also a useful combo, which is also used in the "Magic effect arrow" above.

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■ Hand -killed

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

Throw away two cards and draw two.

It is actually a loss in the long term because it will do the same thing to the opponent, but it is a useful card to improve the quality of your hand in advance.

You can not miss the point that you can use the graveyard immediately by throwing your hand.

It is also a useful option to discard monsters that can be revived in a crane crane that can specially summon monsters from the graveyard at the time of summoning, or discard the "Jet Synchron" introduced in the "Lightning Vortex".

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Deployment assistance

■ Super cover carnival

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

An excellent card that can call "EM Discoover Hippo" from any place.It is better not to put out the "cover token" in the second half.

The called "EM Discover Hippo" is a release person, a link material, a synchro material, an Xyz material, and can be used for various purposes.

This is a super excellent card that increases monsters from one hand because there are no restrictions on usage.

Of course, if you use this card for the deck, don't forget to put "EM Discoover Hippo".

In addition, regarding the "cover token" that can be obtained arbitrarily, it is not possible to release it, and the EX deck is not a special summon.When putting it out, it is necessary to special summon as much as possible, so it is difficult to adjust the number up to four bodies.

On the other hand, there is also a means of using this, such as a "duck fighter" that destroys the token and specially summoned himself, or a "Metal Fourze" pendulum monster, which allows you to destroy the field card and set a "Metal Fourze" card.It is also possible to use it if you assemble the deck.

▼ Called level 3 monster "EM Discoover Hippo".Because it is "N", it can be easily made.

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■ With myself as a shield

Type: Haste Magic Rare Palace: R

In exchange for the life cost of 1,500, the effect of disabling the opponent's monster destruction effect and destroying it.

Life cost is heavy?are you OK.If you don't lose, you'll be with 1 and 8,000.

Although it is limited to the field, the effect of destroying monsters can be almost invalidated (excluding the counter trap that cannot win at spell speed and the effect of the damage step).

What I personally think is that you can disable "PSY Frame Gear Gear".Even if it is a hand -induced card, it can be processed if it is targeted for field monsters and has a destruction effect.

Conversely, cards that do not have a destructive effect are powerless.Specifically, there are "ash flowing wirara" and "infinite bubbles" that you see as much as you die in the battle.This card cannot be dealt with because it will not be destroyed only by disabling it.

However, there are many cards that destroy the field card besides hand -induced.Therefore, there should be a lot of situations that can be used as a defense by setting it as a defense by setting it.

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(C) Studio Dice / Shueisha / TV Tokyo / KONAMI (C) Konami Digital Entertainment

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