How to avoid Windows10 restarting w...


How to avoid Windows10 restarting without permission (November 14, 2021) --Excite News

Recent PCs are becoming more functional and have a long time to restart, so the minority of those who turn off the power every time they are used.However, if you continue to use Windows10 PCs, restarting is done without knowing, and it is easy for unprotected work files to become par.In fact, restarting can be avoided without permission with one simple setting.

Windows10が勝手に再起動するのを回避する方法の画像はこちら >>

Restart without permission by updating Windows10

Windows10 has a function called "Windows Update" that automatically installs the modified part, and it should be used by many people.This is because Windows Update is turned on in the standard state, and Windows is automatically maintained in the latest version, except for a large update that always checks in advance.

However, when Windows 10 is updated in Windows Update, restart is almost always required.Therefore, before you know, Windows 10 is updated by Windows Update, and your computer restarts without permission.It is also easy to say that the unprotected files have disappeared and the work so far becomes par.

To avoid this, Windows Update has an option that does not automatically restart.On this setting screen, click the "Search" button in the taskbar, and enter "Windows Update" in a certain part "Enter here and search" on the lower side of the window.It will be.


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