How to cancel the button on the ele...


How to cancel the button on the elevator.I asked 5 manufacturers -Netorabo

Convenient to know.


 I got on the elevator to go to the conference room on the 6th floor, and when I suddenly noticed, I pressed the 4th floor as usual, I want to cancel!

 When I want to cancel the destination floor, I just hit the number of floors, but I may not be able to cancel.Is the operation different for each manufacturer?I asked five elevator companies.

エレベーターの行先階ボタンをキャンセルする方法は? メーカー5社に聞いてきた - ねとらぼ


 You can cancel by pressing the number of floors you want to cancel twice.Since the cancellation function is installed at the request of the installer, some elevators are not functional.

 The elevator after 2006 can be canceled by pressing the number of floors you want to cancel twice.The old one before 2006 is a mixture of those that can be canceled twice and those that can be canceled by holding a long press.

 Press the number of floors you want to cancel once to blink and press again during the blinking to cancel.In fact, it is the same as pressing twice.It is standard on those after around 2000.Old and luggage elevators have no function.

 With the door open, press the number of floors twice to cancel.If the door is closed, you need to open the door once.It is not a function mounted on all elevators.

 There is no cancellation function.By the way, home elevators are still produced, but elevators like the housing complex are not newly handled.

 It seems that there are overwhelmingly many cases that can be canceled by pressing twice, but it seems that there are some cases where the same model of the same company has a cancellation function or not attached.I tried pressing twice, and if I couldn't cancel, I would give up and I wouldn't have trouble in practical use, but since it was a great deal, I made the operation of each company on the flowchart.You are now an elevator cancellation master.


(Hoiko Takahashi)

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