Google photo utilization.Automatica...


Google photo utilization.Automatically upload photos and classify

With the spread of smartphones, taking pictures with a camera has become very familiar.It is convenient to be able to take a picture and take pictures anytime, anywhere, but many people are having trouble managing photos taken.

Google's photo management service "Google Photo" is useful for managing a large number of photos.In addition to the functions that automatically upload photos of smartphones, you can easily find the photos you want to see later by using various search functions unique to Google.

The available environment is substantial, and it can be used not only for Android and iOS, but also on PC browsers.Android is often installed from the beginning, and in that case there is no need to install the app.

When using it, you can start for free if you have a Google account used for Gmail etc.The capacity that can be used for free is 15GB, but this capacity is shared with services used in the same Google account, such as Gmail and Google Drive.Be careful of the remaining capacity so that you don't upload photos too much and get emails with Gmail.

The capacity can be expanded for a fee.The price is 250 yen per month for 100GB, 200GB for 380 yen per month, and 1,300 yen per month for 2TB.The capacity can be changed at any time, so you should start with a low price plan.

Upload automatically by setting image quality and communication method

When you launch Google Photos, you will be able to access the photos inside the terminal, then display the check screen for the first backup setting, and then set the backup option.


With the backup option, you can set the image quality and communication method.For image quality, in the case of "high image quality", still images are saved to 16 million pixels and videos are reduced to 1080p.In the case of "original image quality", it can not be compressed and can be saved in the original image quality and file size, but you will use a lot of Google Drive capacity.


In Google, "61".0 × 40.It can be printed up to 6cm with high image quality. "In addition, the camera of the iPhone 12 is 12 million pixels, so if the image taken with a smartphone can be stored, it will be more likely to be stored as it is.

The communication method can be selected to upload only Wi-Fi or mobile line.If the backup setting is on, you will upload each time you shoot with a camera, so you will consume a lot of data capacity on your mobile phone line.If the maximum data traffic is determined by the mobile phone price plan, turn it off so that you do not consume the capacity by unexpected upload.

Automatic recognition and classification "Face Grouping" is convenient

You can see the backed up photos in various ways.The easiest way is to look at photos for each time series.

Google フォト活用術。写真を自動でアップして分類

If you slide the "photo" of the app down, you can go back to the past, and you can easily access photos a few years ago using the slides displayed on the right.It is useful when you see a fixed photo, such as "I want to see the photos of those days."


The very useful function of Google Photos is "Face Grouping", which automatically recognizes and categorizes the faces of animals in the photos.This is turned off in the initial setting, so let's turn it on from the settings.It doesn't turn on and use it right away, but it takes a while for Google Photos to analyze and classify photos.

フェイス グルーピング機能

Photos classified by face glooming are listed as "person" at the top of the "search" screen, and tap "All display" to see the classification results list.This alone is convenient, but as expected, Google cannot judge the name of a person from the photos, so it will be easier to find a classified face photo.It is difficult to register all, so it is a good idea to name it from people who often look back, such as family and close friends.

フェイス グルーピングの分類は「検索」の画面上部に表示同じ人物が自動で分類

Face grouping does not allow you to perfectly categorize human faces.Photos of another person may be displayed, or you may register posters and TV faces.The more you use Google Photos, the more candidates will increase, so the obvious unnecessary recognition results should be erased from the long press with "hide the face".

Also, if you choose a specific face, you may be asked if you are the same person comparing two faces.If you repeat this, the accuracy will increase and you will not be overlooked, so it is a good idea to check the photos you want to look back on regularly.


Search for photos by location and keywords.Selfie and 360 -degree photo classification

You can also check the photos taken from the location information.If the GPS is turned on when taking a picture, it can be displayed based on the GPS, but even if the GPS is off, you can also check the location information of Google and the landmark information shown in the photo.It is convenient to find out how to find a photo of the place you traveled before.


You can also choose from the subject category.For the subject, keywords such as "wedding" and "ramen" are automatically recognized from the photos, and you can search for textbooks from the search window.The keywords that Google recognized so far will automatically display candidates, so you can see what keywords you should search for.

「ラーメン」で検索。過去に撮影したラーメンの写真がずらり「ラーメン 渋谷」の組み合わせで、渋谷で食べたラーメンだけを絞り込み

In addition, you can search in the form of photos, such as screenshots that save your smartphone screen, selfie, videos, and 360 -degree photos.Because such a variety of search functions are prepared, it is convenient to upload all the photos to Google Photos and see them later.


Album function that allows you to share photos with other people

It is a Google photo with a substantial search function, but it is convenient not only for albums to find it yourself, but also to share photos with family and friends.

There are a number of ways to make an album, but the easiest way is to select multiple photos you want to register and press " +" from the menu.There are two types of albums, "album" and "shared album", but you can freely change the shared settings later, so it is a good idea to choose "album" first.


If you name the album, choose to share.There are two types of sharing: sharing just looking at the album and shared that the other party can add photos.If you just look at the album, you do not need to register as a user, but in order to add a photo, you need to use Google Photos.

If you just want to show it to the other party, you can browse by sending a URL with a function such as "Acquire a link".If you want the other party to add a photo, turn on the "joint editing" from the "option" of the album, and then send the URL or invite the opponent.By logging in with the Google account on the opponent, you can register photos on the same album.


In the event of an event such as "I went on a trip with my friends" and "participated in a wedding", it is convenient to share photos that I have not taken by sharing photos with shared albums.Even those who do not have a Google account can see photos, so you can easily send photos to those who are not familiar with PCs and smartphones.


Face grouping+shared album is convenient

You can always share photos of a specific person on the album by combining the automatic recognition of the face and the shared album.For example, by sharing an album that registers the child's face, you will be able to share photos of the children taken by each other at any time, and show them to their distant parents.


Again, the automatic recognition is not perfect, so there may be photos that are not added to the album, or photos of different people may be added.If you have a photo that is in trouble if you can see it, it is a good idea to make your own face -only grouping album and share only the photos you want to publish.

Google photo with a variety of functions

There are other services that can manage photos online besides Google Photos, but Google Photos have many search and classification functions such as face grouping, so it is very convenient to look at the photos later.There is no need to take over the photos when changing the smartphone, and those who use multiple smartphones can manage photos together.

Until May 2021, the "high -quality" setting could be used without a capacity limit, but from June, even high -image quality could be used for free of 15GB.It is a pity that it is no longer an unlimited Google photo as a service that manages photos.If you have never tried the backup function, please try it.