What I knew when I brought Nikon's...


What I knew when I brought Nikon's flagship "Z 9" as a business trip

It's a light flagship.

Nikon's flagship mirrorless single -lens camera "Z 9" released the other day.As introduced here, it has a tremendous high performance with a dignified appearance like a flagship.It is a camera that makes you want to get it once if you like cameras.

So, I was able to borrow the Z 9 from Nikon.

Actually, I renewed the camera system last year in the Z series.I use Z 6 and Z50.I enjoy taking photos using both in my work as well as work.

Usually, flagship machines are used by professionals.You don't take it out for snaps and everyday use.How much Z 9 is compact as a flagship, but it's still big and heavy.But this time I dared to take it on a business trip for 3 nights and 4 days.

This business trip was accompanied by the camera manga, so I only took personal hobbies.So I was fine with Z 50, but I borrowed it, so I tried to use Z 9 in the situation I usually use.How is the flagship machine Z 9?

Basic specifications of flagship machine Z 9

Here is a simple Z9 review.Nikon's mirrorless single -lens camera flagship, which is a "D6" class in digital SLR.The main specifications are as follows.

Sensor: Newly developed laminated CMOS sensor

Effective pixels: 45.7 mega pixels

Image processing engine: EXPEED 7

Regular ISO sensitivity: 64-25600

AF Measurement Point: 493 points 3D tracking compatible (still image only)

Subject detection: People, dogs, cats, birds, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, trains, airplanes

Still image Maximum continuous shooting frames: 120 frames/seconds

Video shooting function: Up to 8k30p internal record correspondence

Correction in the body: Up to about 6 steps

Shutter mechanism: electronic shutter

Weight (body only): 1,340g

The description of the newly developed CMOS sensor, nine types of automatic subject detection, the number of frames of the maximum continuous shooting of 120 frames/sec.Well, isn't it exciting?However, I don't use the camera's functions too much.AF does not make much of continuous shooting.There is only a very normal usage, so I will review Z 9 from the perspective of such a usage.

Compact even the body + 3 lenses.Also accompanying mountain climbing

The first thing I thought when I brought Z 9 on a business trip was, "That's surprisingly compact."The lenses I chose this time are three of "Nikkor Z 14-24mm F/2.8 S", "Nikkor Z 24-200mm F/4-6.3 VR", and Nikkor Z MC 105mm F/2.8 VR S.If you put Z9 and 3 lenses in a small backpack type camera bag of about 15 liters, you can afford it.

ニコンのフラッグシップ「Z 9」を出張のお供に持っていってわかったこと

Previously, the D750 of the digital SLR camera was "AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm F/2.8G ED", "AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6E ED VR", "Tamron SP AF90mmF/2.8 DI MACRO1: 1"Was quite a bun in the bag.The Z 9 is relatively compact, and the Z mount lens is generally light and small.The biggest advantage of moving to mirrorless is that the whole system is compact.Psychological burden and physical burden are considerably reduced.

In fact, when I climbed a little mountain (or hiking) on a business trip, I brought Z9 and three lenses, but I didn't feel it was heavy at all.I usually have a flagship machine and I don't want to climb a mountain, but I thought it would be okay with Z 9.It would be a great thing to put a flagship machine in a backpack and climb a mountain mountain.

This time, with the combination of "Nikkor Z 24-200mm F/4-6.3 VR" in Z 9, I often wrapped the strap on my wrist and moved it with my right hand, but I did not feel much weight.。If you combine the body and the lens, it is about 1,910g.

The image quality is truly flagship.You can take the best one in every scene

From here on, please actually take a picture.

First of all, I didn't feel any stress.Since I have a long history of Nikon, I rarely got lost due to various buttons.It feels like there is a button to be in the place where it should be.It is comfortable.

In my shooting style, most of the AFs are one point in the center, ISO auto in the A mode (aperture priority), so I do not fully utilize the Z9 function, but still the speed and accuracy of AF., I felt the goodness of shutter feeling.I feel like I can shoot what I want to shoot when I want to shoot.

For reference, while walking in Tokyo, I used the automatic detection function of the subject to shoot a water bus running on the Sumida River, but I was aware of it and the AF was eating.Even if you shoot continuously, you will continue to supplement the water bus.I guess this function is a big success for those who shoot moving things.

Regarding the image quality, the impression is often reflected.Depending on the lens, the peripheral dimming may be worrisome, but this is a level that can be done if you correct it with the power of digital.Rather, I was impressed by the sharpness of the distant view.Is this what is over 40 million pixels?

I will put a photo taken during the trip and a daily snap sample.All of them take JPEG.

I use Nikon because I like the color.The color depth is felt even in the calm, and it feels like you can see it for a long time.The Z9 is equipped with a newly developed CMOS sensor and a newly developed image engine EXPEED 7, so I was interested in how the image quality would change, but the tendency was the same as before.I wonder if the saturation is slightly higher.

Also, I thought this was the Z series, but the white balance is excellent.I often use "A1" (white balance that leaves the atmosphere), but if it's outdoors, it looks outdoor, and if it's indoors, it's less unpleasant.I did.This is easy when taking a picture.

There is almost no dissatisfaction with the image quality.I think there is a high performance of the lens, but it looks good anyway.I think Z 50 and Z 6 are good quality, but I felt it was higher than that.

Because it has high development resistance, it can be adjusted without worrying about it

On the trip, I also shot the starry sky.The winter sky is beautiful.So, after returning, I developed a photo of the starry sky, but even if I messed up the photos, the image quality would not be disturbed.Is it possible to have strong development resistance?

Here is a photo of the starry sky that I took JPEG.

I developed this.

Even if you change various settings, such as exposure, noise removal, and sharpness, the finish will be clean.I felt like I saw the power of the flagship machine around here.Actively changing each parameter expands the range of expression.

By the way, Nikon's first vertical and horizontal 4 -axis tilt image monitor that I thought I wouldn't use much.It was a big success when shooting the starry sky.It was a bit intuitive in terms of usability, and it seemed to take some time to get used to it, but it would be nice to have a monitor tilt when low angles and high -position shooting.

One that breaks the fate of the flagship "big and heavy"

This is a very simple, but it was a review, "If you bring Z9 on a trip".To be honest, my usage does not show all the Z9's ability, but it still has a compact system that can be taken on business trips and travel, that it can shoot without stress, high quality and development resistance.I was able to feel the high point.

In particular, the fact that it was a flagship machine was so compact.In the past, when traveling or on a business trip, I was worried about how to reduce luggage = compact camera equipment.When I went abroad, at the expense of image quality and usability, I used to use only an entry -class camera + one high -magnification zoom or a digital camera.

If you want to stick to the image quality a little more, it was a configuration like full -size digital single -lens + standard zoom + telephoto zoom + 50mm macro lens + strobe, but there are still memories that it was quite heavy and disgusting (standard zoom is the so -called Daizan.It may be because I only had it.)

However, this system (configuration that was conscious of travel) was hardly stressed.Still, I was quite surprised that I was able to shoot with a satisfying image quality.I thought on the way, "I can't have a flagship machine on a trip."

If you are thinking, "Let's quit Z 9 because it's big and heavy," you may want to reconsider a little.It's more compact than I thought, and I can shoot lightly.I think that Z9 is a casual flagship machine that can take the best shooting in everyday walks, travel, event, and every scene (aside from the price ...).

Photo & Image: Kazuki Miura

Source: Nikon