I tried flying the drone outdoors!...


I tried flying the drone outdoors! Flight area regulations and a summary of smartphone operation methods that are easy for beginners | TIME & SPACE by KDDI

Drones are often heard these days, but did you know that Japanese law has many restrictions on where and when you can fly? Meanwhile, as an unregulated drone, the "Toy Drone" weighing less than 200g has been attracting attention in recent years. It's cheap and easy to operate, so it's attractive that you can easily use it for shooting and playing. This time, we will deliver the charm of such a "toy drone" along with the regulations and precautions.

First, let's check domestic drone regulations as basic knowledge. The main reason why it is difficult for drones to fly freely is the "Aviation Law" revised in 2015.

The revised Aviation Law includes restrictions on drones, and drone flight is prohibited in the following three areas.

・ Above 150m ・ Around the airport ・ Densely populated area

If you violate it, you will be fined up to 500,000 yen, and its operation is strict. In addition, there are some detailed rules such as "prohibition of night flight", and it is difficult to fly a drone easily, especially in the city.

Please check the website of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for detailed regulations under the Aviation Law.

However, there are drones that are not regulated by such aviation laws. It is a "toy drone" that weighs less than 200g. Even in Tokyo, where drone regulations are the strongest, it is not clearly prohibited in Tokyo Bay and Sumida River.

It is also attractive because it is inexpensive and easy to reach as an introductory machine. Because it is a small aircraft, you can play it at home or in the garden, and you can easily carry it to a drone practice area.

However, there are actually some restrictions on drones other than the Aviation Law, so make sure that you do not "unknowingly violate".

Flying drones at important national facilities such as the Diet Building and the Imperial Palace is prohibited by the "Flight Prohibition Law for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, etc." For details, please check the Metropolitan Police Department website.

The use of drones in metropolitan parks and gardens managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is totally prohibited by the "Metropolitan Park Ordinance". You can check the parks subject to regulation from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Construction website.

It is easy to imagine important cultural properties and parks, but in fact, there are many managers who independently prohibit the use of drones even in mountains, rivers, and the sea such as Mt. Takao and Arakawa. Be sure to check the usage information before flying. Confirmation with the owner / administrator is required even when flying over private land.

The "Road Traffic Law" does not prohibit the flight of drones on public roads in principle. However, be careful as acts that interfere with traffic, such as takeoff and landing and aerobatic flight, are subject to regulation. Details can be confirmed from the guidelines by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

In the case of drones made overseas, they may be communicating in a radio band that is not permitted in Japan, which may violate the "Radio Law". Whether or not it complies with the Radio Law can be confirmed by a mark called "Technical Conformity Mark". Please check the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website for details.

If someone else is reflected in the picture or video taken with the drone, it may be an infringement of "privacy right" or "portrait right". Be especially careful when uploading to blogs and social media.

In this way, it is a certain fact that "even though it is a toy drone, it cannot be flown unconditionally anywhere." However, drones have more fun than that limitation. So this time, let's deliver it with the appearance of actually skipping the charm.

I came to the Sumida River to fly a drone. Rivers managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Construction, such as the Sumida and Kanda rivers, do not explicitly prohibit drone flight. However, since flights that may be a nuisance to those around you are alerted by the usage guide, please be careful about your surroundings.

Click here for the drone used this time.

A palm-sized toy drone "Tello" developed and sold by Ryze Tech using DJI and Intel technologies. The feature is that it can be easily done from the dedicated smartphone application. You can also easily enjoy aerial photography with a 5-megapixel camera.

Let's actually skip it.

Setting is very easy. First, open the dedicated app.

Turn on the switch on the side of the main unit, and when the lamp lights up, tap "Connect to Tello" at the bottom right.

Connect to the Wi-Fi line displayed as "TELLO-XXXXXX" on your smartphone.

Then, the operation screen is displayed. Now you are ready. The smooth setting is attractive.

Let's take off.

First, tap the icon with the arrow at the top left of the screen pointing up.

Then swipe the slider below it. Take off with just this.

The time required up to this point is less than 3 minutes. It may be operated with a smartphone that you are accustomed to using, but the simple and smooth setting is safe for beginners.

What you should pay attention to is the loudness of the propeller sound. It's not suitable for a small size, and it's a reasonable size, so I want to give due consideration to the surroundings.

Now let's operate the drone. Tello is operated with the virtual pad on the screen while watching the image from the camera built into the main unit.

You can use the arrow keys on the left to move up / down and turn, and the arrow keys on the right to move forward / backward / left / right. It's a little difficult at first, but as you get used to it, you can move it like this.

The movement that rises quickly is a unique operation feeling, and it made me feel the joy of flying a drone.

Swipe in the frame surrounded by the square dotted line to somersault in eight directions, up, down, left, and right.

At first, I was surprised at the agile movements that suddenly appeared, but it became more and more fun, and I just messed up ... Smoothly connect to 8D Flips during flight for cool aerobatic flight at your fingertips.

"Up & Away" is a mode that allows you to take pictures that are moving away from your current location.

What does that mean ...

This is it. With Tello, you can easily perform such images that make you feel like aerial photography with just a tap.

I was most surprised at this mode, saying, "It's so easy to take that familiar image ...". Not only outdoors, but also indoors in a large space such as a wedding hall, you will be able to take a different picture.

This is the first time I have touched a drone. While I was investigating, I was sometimes worried about the lack of places to fly.

However, when you actually fly it, you can feel the future that you can fly while looking at the screen, the operation feeling as if you are manipulating a flying saucer, the image that can only be taken with a drone, etc. Was.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, I felt that there might be an unexpected opportunity to use it, such as taking a commemorative photo at a wedding ceremony or an alumni association, or taking a photo that doubles as an outdoor activity. Including the Tello introduced this time, the toy drone is easy to operate with a smartphone, and its relatively affordable price is also attractive. Please experience new activities using drones.