If you think that "investment is la...


If you think that "investment is labor", it will work well [45 teaching that people who make a profit by investment]

If you think that "investment is labor", it will work well [45 teaching that people who make a profit by investment]

Sentence / Yuichiro Ichikawa

If you think that

Investing is to live a rich life

For everyone, the purpose of life is to live rich and happy, and investing is one of the important activities of life necessary for that.It is only worth using money.I want readers to increase money by investing and live a rich and happy life.This is my painful wish entrusted to this book.Global Financial School Principal Yuichiro Ichikawa

[Teaching Part 9] "Sleep and wait for the story" does not mean that you just have to enjoy and sleep.The same is true for investment, and the return is proportional to the sweat

Some of the worlds that can be expected to return as much as they have struggled, "investment is something that makes money.But that's not the case.If you're sleeping and your money increases, no one will do anything and work.As a matter of course, you work, sweat, and get salaries and rewards as a price.Those who do not work hard will be fired in the worst case if they are employees, and if they are managers or business owners, the business partner will be discontinued.This is labor.Labor is made of the word "work" and the word "working".In other words, the salary and rewards that are paid to work hard are paid to work hard.There is no easy job in the world.Even if you pull out or skip it, you will always get back.It is myself who will hurt later, as much as I can.Conversely, if you struggle and do your best, you will always get the result of your hard work.Work is honest.If you want to enjoy it, you can't do a good job.Investment is also the same.Investing is labor.Investing is not a way to make money easily.Just like the job I usually do, I have a hard time.In order to succeed in investment, you have to struggle and sweat.However, if you struggle, you will return as much as you have struggled.If the price of labor is salary or reward, the price of investment will be "rise".What does "keep learning" = input, "keep practicing" = output, "struggling with investment"?There are two points.One is to keep learning about investment and acquire the right knowledge.The other is to actually operate important assets and continue to experience the harshness, fear, fun, and joy of investment in practice."Continue to learn the right knowledge" is input, and "keeping practicing" is output.It is exactly "continuing to do" because "continuation is power".For example, suppose you were a taxi driver.One day, he broke his right foot and was hospitalized.A doctor told me, "I'm seriously injured, so be prepared for about six months until I return to work."Still, you worked hard to rehabilitate and returned to work much earlier.However, can you immediately operate commercially as before?It is hard to imagine that even if you are a professional driver, the longer you have a blank, the more time it takes to regain your senses and intuition.The same is true for professional athletes.Whether you're a baseball player or a soccer player, once you've been seriously injured, it will take a long time to return to the game and play an active part.The same is true for investment.If you take a rest and rest, you will inevitably lose your senses.Therefore, it is important to invest in the market and economic and society without taking a break, so it is important to continue to be aware of the movement of the market and economic and society.I think that "market views", which are often talked about, are polished by studying and continuing to study and studying every day.As mentioned in Paragraph 5, recently, advertising complaints and software have appeared one after another, such as automatically buying and selling financial products or buying and selling as instructed by AI.If you really make a profit, you must use the system to become the richest in the world.GPIF, which is struggling with fund management, is called from an independent administrative agency (an independent administrative agency), and it is a solution such as Japanese pension issues.But the reality is not so easy.Again, there is no shortcut in investment.In investment, you always encounter various situations.Sometimes the sweat, which has been working hard, comes across a moment of tension that turns into cold sweat.Of course, sometimes you also experience failure.Just like work, I don't always go smoothly sailing.The important thing is how to use these various experiences next.The only way to make mistakes a success is to keep sweating.When dealing with investment, try with a sincere stance as if you were desperately creating presentation materials at the company.

Yuichiro Ichikawa

Yuichiro Ichikawaグローバルファイナンシャルスクール校長。CFP(R)。MBA/経営学修士。日本のFPの先駆者として資産運用の啓蒙に従事。テレビ、新聞、雑誌等のメディア活動経験も豊富。最新の著書に「投資で利益を出している人たちが大事にしている45の教え」(日本経済新聞出版)がある。グローバルファイナンシャルスクール(GFS)『投資で利益を出している人たちが大事にしている45の教え』※本記事は『投資で利益を出している人たちが大事にしている45の教え(日本経済新聞出版)』より抜粋して掲載しています。
