In "New Pokemon Snap", a PV that in...


In "New Pokemon Snap", a PV that introduces the unusual ecology of Pokemon and tips for taking your own special photos is released

* Affiliate tags are included in the link to the purchaser, and it may be monetized from sales at that purchaser or contracts made by members. Please check your privacy policy for more information. by Hiroaki Mabuchi Posted on April 9, 2021 17:21

A PV introducing how to play the Nintendo Switch software "New Pokemon Snap" has been released. It introduces how to take pictures of the rare ecology of Pokemon and tips for taking your own pictures.

In this work, the island where Pokemon live is automatically moved along a fixed route. Various Pokemon live freely on the island, and throwing "fluffy apples" can guide Pokemon and take pictures of eating.

The Illumina phenomenon that Pokemon emits light by throwing a special item called "Illumina Orb" and hitting it against Pokemon was also introduced. When the Illumina phenomenon occurs, Pokemon may show a special ecology.

『New ポケモンスナップ』でポケモンの珍しい生態や自分だけのとっておきの写真を撮影するコツを紹介したPVが公開

Also, taking some action according to the Pokemon, such as the Pokemon dancing by playing the melody, seems to be an indispensable technique for shooting a rare one.

The route movement is automatic, but it seems that the movement route may branch by using the search function of the research camera in a specific place. By advancing route surveys such as shooting, the route survey level will rise, and it will be possible to discover new Pokemon and further survey routes. Not only can you discover different Pokemon by changing the route, but it seems that you can also observe the ecology of the same Pokemon from a completely different angle.

If you can take a good look of Pokemon with the camera, you can adjust the position or blur the background before saving the image. You can use the actual camera technique as it is for the composition at the time of shooting, so it's a good idea to research various shooting techniques before the release of this work.

You can also adjust the color of the captured image and add various frames and stamps to create your own photo. You can post the pictures you take to the in-game SNS "Rentil Chat" to show them to other players, or you can see various pictures of other players. There is also a ranking of shooting scores, so it seems that you can enjoy taking various pictures and aiming for the top of the ranking.

"New Pokemon Snap" will be released on Nintendo Switch on April 30, 2021. The price is 6578 yen (tax included).

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New Pokemon Snap

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