International News: AFPBB NEWS U.S....


International News: AFPBB NEWS U.S. Mutual Model, Afghan misfiring civilian or US newspaper reports

[September 11 AFP] The New York Times (NEW YORK TIMES) was the last attack that the United States made before the United States withdrew in Afghanistan on the 10th, and is a fighter of Islamic extremist organization "Islamic State (IS)".According to the video analysis, it has been revealed that it may have been targeted for supporting organizations.

 The US Pentagon announced on August 29, the day before the US military was completed, had prevented the attack on the IS planned by an airstrike by the unmanned attack aircraft "Reaper".A few days ago, bomb attacks occurred near the airport in Kabul in the capital, Kabul, which was flooded with a crowd trying to escape from Afghan, which was suppressed by Islamic Organization Taliban.

 However, Aimal Ahmadi, who lives in Kabul, appealed to AFP that the last attack on the U.S. Army had killed his older brother, his young girl, hey, and 10 civilians.

 According to Aimal, his brother Ezmarai Ahmadi returned home, and a missile flew to the place where the children got into the parked car.

 The New York Times analyzed the security camera video.U.S. military has confirmed that Mr. Ezmalai and his colleagues loaded water that had fallen into a car in the car after the collapse of the government supported by Europe and the United States, or loaded laptops for their bosses.He pointed out that there is sex.

 According to the bereaved family, Mr. Ezmarai is an electric engineer of Nutrition and Education International, a lobby -based support, and has applied for a migration to the United States as well as many Afghanists. Was.

国際ニュース:AFPBB News 米無人機、アフガンで民間人を誤爆か 米紙報道

 U.S. officials argued that the second big explosion occurred after the explosion of the unmanned machine attack was evidence that there was an explosive in the car.However, according to the New York Times survey, there is no clear evidence that the gate in the vicinity was dented.

 Mr. Aimal had previously revealed AFP that 10 civilians had died.Meanwhile, US authorities have only acknowledged the death of three civilians and have been able to prevent new attacks from unmanned aircraft attacks.

 According to the U.S. Department of Defense's spokeswoman John Kirby, in response to this report, the US Central Army (Centcom) was "evaluating the unmanned aircraft," said, "To prevent civilian sacrifice.There is no army working hard. "

"(Mark) Mark Milley, as mentioned by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this attack was based on reliable information, preventing an imminent threat to the airport and the American working there. ing"

 The New York Times states that the rocket attack on August 30, when IS issued a statement, was carried out from a car similar to Ezmalai's car.

 According to a survey conducted by the University of Brown (Brown University) in April, the number of civilians who died in the United States on September 11, 2001 after the Simultaneous Simultaneous attack on the United States was Afghan.It has exceeded 71,000 in Pakistan, but has been increasing a lot since former US President Donald Trump has relieved the share rules in 2017.(C) AFP