iOS 15 distribution started.New fea...


iOS 15 distribution started.New features are implemented on maps and FaceTime -Dengeki Online


 The latest OS "iOS 15" for iPhone has been delivered.

 The new features available for the latest iOS 15 are as follows.

iOS 15 is delivered.What are the new features?

・ By spatial audio, it is possible to hear other people's voices from the position of each person on the screen by group FaceTime calls (iPhone XS, iPhone XS MAX, iPhone XR or later) -Tow the surrounding noise. The "separation of voices" function (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later) that makes your voice clear clear, wide -spectrum functions (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XS Max (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max) , IPhone XR or later) ・ Portrait mode (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later), which can focus on the background), group FaceTime calls up to six tiles at the same size at the same time. You can do it, you can use the grid display / FaceTime link that the person you are talking about can be emphasized, and you can ask a friend to participate in FaceTime calls, and friends who use Android and Windows devices can also participate from the browser.

・ The content sent from friends in the “Message” conversation is “Photo”, Safari, Apple Music, Apple PodCast, or Apple TV Apps displayed and selected to “Share” and selected shared content.Fixed it and searched for "Share with you", "Message", and displayed at the top in the "details" display of the conversation.Alternatively, it is displayed as a swipe stack. Select up to three different colors with more than 40 clothes for Me characters, and customize the clothing and hats of Me characters stickers.

・ Use intensive mode to automatically filter notifications according to what you are doing, such as fitness, sleep, games, reading, driving, work, personal time, etc. ・ Intensive mode is artificial on the device at the time of setting.Use the intelligence function to propose APP and contact candidates between concentrated mode.Proposal of intensive mode according to the situation, etc., to use information such as time zone, and display your situation in the "message" conversation, and the contact is turned off in concentrated mode.Can be informed

iOS 15配信開始。マップやFaceTimeなどに新機能が実装 - 電撃オンライン

-The photos of the person registered in the contacts are displayed, and the App icons are displayed larger, and the new appearance design and notification summary, based on the set schedule every day.Distribute notifications in the next hour or that day, you can erase notifications from any APP or message thread.

・ 3D display that provides altitude, trees, buildings, landmarks, pedestrian crossings, right and left lanes, and complex interchanges in cities such as San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, London, and London. Show the map of the city in detail (iPhone XS, iPhone XS MAX, iPhone XR or later) ・ As a new drive function, new maps for drivers that emphasize traffic information and accidents, etc. Or add a route planner that allows you to select the arrival time to check the travel route. In the path information on foot full of realism, the route guide of the step -by -step is displayed in an expansion reality (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later. ) The transportation experience by transportation is updated, and it is possible to access/operate the route with one hand, and to notify by notification when approaching the getting off the station. View expanded detailed information such as mountainous areas, deserts, forests, and the sea in the possible 3D globe (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later) ・ In the new location card, check the location details. Easy to operate, a new guide is displayed, and the recommended sightseeing spots carefully selected by the editor according to their preferences

・ The tab bar below makes it easier to access the tab, swipe left and right and can move between tabs. ・ Tag groups useful for saving and organizing tabs, easy to access from all devices.Adding open tabs, customization of background image, new sections such as "Privacy Report", "Siri", "Share with you" added to the start page ・ Browsu's Web that is useful for personalization of browsing operation.Download function expansion from App Store ・ You can search for Web with your own voice by searching voice search

・ Add a home key, tap the key to the corresponding home or condominium door to unlock (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later) ・ Add the participating hotel room key.Tap the door of the hotel room to unlock ・ Add the key to the office of the company that is participating, tap the office door to unlock it.It is possible to unlock the corresponding car, lock, and start the engine (iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 models), remotely without removing the iPhone from a pocket.Using the keyless entry function, it is possible to open car locking, unlocking, horns, warm -up, and trunks.

・テキスト認識表示により写真の中のテキストが操作可能なテキストになるため、写真、スクリーンショット、クイックルック、Safari、およびカメラを使ったライブプレビューでのコピー&ペースト、“調べる”、翻訳が可能(iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max、iPhone XR以降)・テキスト認識表示のデータ検出機能により、写真の中の電話番号、メール、日付、住所などが認識されるため、それらに対するアクションを実行可能・テキスト認識表示はキーボードからアクセスでき、直接カメラのビューファインダーからテキストフィールドにテキストを挿入することが可能

・ Contains contact information, actors, musicians, movies, TV programs, etc. all together in the search results in search results ・ From your own photo library, people, scenes, textbooks and other texts in photos (You can search for photos by specifying dogs, cars, etc. ・ In the web image search, you can search for people, animals, monuments, etc.

・ Memory design has been renewed, interface, animation card with title that changes smartly according to the content, animation and transition style, and multiple images are newly added. If you are, you can add Apple Music to memory, combine the recommendations of your music and the taste of your music in photos and videos, propose personalized songs. Select to the memory that matches the memory. ・ As a new memory type, add new holidays, children -centered memory, trends for a certain period of time, and improved pets and information panels. , View detailed information about photos, such as used cameras and lenses, shutter speed, file size, etc.

・ In “sharing”, it is possible to select and share healthcare data, notifications, and trends shared with loved ones and caregivers.You can check how it is progressing and receive a notification when a new trend is detected. ・ In the new indicator “walking stability”, the risk of falling is evaluated and the walking stability is reduced.You can notify you when you do (iPhone 8 or later) ・ Certificate of healthcare records allows you to download and save a certificate of vaccination for new colonavirus infection (COVID-19) and test results.

・ The most important weather information in each region is displayed, a new design with a new map module is displayed ・ The weather map is displayed in a full screen, and in the corresponding area, it is possible to see the precipitation, temperature, and air quality. ・ Ireland.In the United Kingdom and the United States, the notification of rain or snow can be received or when it is stopped with the notification of "the strength of precipitation for one hour" ・ More than the sun's position, clouds, and precipitation.New animation background that can be represented accurately (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later)

・ Since the audio of requests to siri is processed on the device, this data does not go out of the device even if you do not set it, and you can handle many requests in Siri on offline (iPhone XS)., Share items with iPhone XS MAX, iPhone XR or later) and Siri, send items on the screen, such as photos, web pages, and "map" location information, can be sent to any contact information. Siri is in the context on the screen.Along with, it is possible to send a message or make a phone call to the contacts displayed on the screen., IPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or later)

・ E -mail privacy protection function that protects user activities, IP addresses, or emails in “email” and protects privacy without knowing the emails ・ Use IP addresses with known trackers in Safari.Intelligent tracking prevention function that can be protected from profiling

・ Cloud -type subscription services that provide special functions and additional iCloud storage ・ In iCloud private remires (beta), send requests using two different Internet remires and encrypt the Internet traffic that is sent from devices. By enhancing security and privacy protection when browsing the website in Safari, creating a unique random email address and transferring to a personal receiving box, the actual email address is not shared. You can send and receive emails "Private email" functions and iCloud storage plans ICLOUD Mail using the Homekit Secure Video Custom Mainest, which can connect more security cameras than ever before. The address can be personalized and the family can invite them to use the domain

・ Use VoiceOver to find out the images, understand the person and objects in the photo in more detail, and understand text and table data. It is possible to create and add the explanation of the image that can be performed on its own. -In the settings for each APP, it is possible to customize only with the App for the screen display and text size. Dark noise, ocean, rain, stream sounds continuously played in the background, and the sound action of the background sound switch control that can hide unnecessary noise from the outside is emitted simply with a simple sound. Can be controlled ・ If you read the Augio Gram with “Settings”, you can customize headphones according to the results of the hearing test ・ In the language of voice control, Chinese (mainland China), Cantonese (Hong Kong), French (France), And add German (Germany), add options such as artificial internal ears, oxygen tubes, and soft helmets in Me characters

 This release also includes the following functions and improvements.

・“メモ”と“リマインダー”ではタグを使って項目を素早く分類して見つけやすくしたり、独自のスマートフォルダやスマートリストを使って、定義したルールに基づいてメモやリマインダーを自動で集めることが可能・“メモ”の“名前の言及”で、共有メモでの重要なアップデートをほかの人に知らせたり、新しいアクティビティ表示でメモで行われた最近の変更内容をすべて1つのリストに表示したりすることが可能・Apple Musicがダイナミックヘッドトラッキング機能を備えた空間オーディオに対応し、AirPods ProおよびAirPods Maxで一段と迫力のあるドルビーアトモス体験が可能・システム全体での翻訳機能により、写真の中のテキストも含め、システム内のどこでもテキストを選択してタップして翻訳可能・“探す”、“連絡先”、App Store、“睡眠”、Game Center、“メール”などの新しいウィジェットを追加・App間のドラッグ&ドロップ機能により、1つのAppからイメージ、書類、ファイルを選んで、別のAppにドラッグすることが可能・キーボードの拡大ルーペで、カーソルを動かしたときにテキストを拡大表示することが可能・Apple IDのアカウント復旧用の連絡先として信頼できる人を1人以上選び、パスワードのリセットやアカウントへのアクセスの復旧を手伝ってもらうことが可能・新しいデバイスを購入した場合は、一時的なiCloudストレージを使い、データの一時的なバックアップを作成するのに必要なストレージ容量を最大3週間、無料で提供・“探す”の手元から離れたときの通知機能では、対応するデバイスや持ち物が手元から離れた場合に、“探す”で持ち物までの経路を検索可能・XboxシリーズX|SワイヤレスコントローラーやSony PS5 DualSense?ワイヤレスコントローラーなどのゲームコントローラーを使って、直近15秒までのゲームプレイのハイライトを保存可能・App StoreのApp内イベントにより、ゲームの対戦や新作映画のプレミア上映、ライブストリーミング体験など、Appやゲーム内のタイムリーなイベントを見つけることが可能

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