Evolution in the "iOS 15.4" beta ve...


Evolution in the "iOS 15.4" beta version that can unlock the iPhone even during the mask

Next OS for iPhone "iOS 15".In 4, you can unlock your Face ID with the mask on.

マスク時もiPhoneのロック解除が可能に、「iOS 15.4」ベータ版に見る進化

現在開発が進められているNext OS for iPhone "iOS 15".In "4", it will be possible to unlock with Face ID with the mask attached.Even now, if you have an Apple Watch, you can unlock with Face ID when masking is installed, but finally the "Apple Watch tied" is gone.It is a pity that the target model is limited to the iPhone 12 series and the iPhone 13 series, but it is likely to be an attractive update for many people to significantly reduce locking stress.[Image] Face ID face registration work increases to up to three times.If you wear glasses, you need to register the third time with the glasses removed..The official release of 4 is still ahead, but this time I checked the evolution and practicality of the Face ID using the public beta version.This article has a special permission based on the interview and iOS 15.The screen of the iPhone with 4 installed is posted.The screen and content may be different from the official version to be released in the future.Utilizing the characteristics of the eyes and eyes, the individual authentication Face ID is scanned by the TRUE DEPTH camera on the front of the iPhone, and scans the characteristics of parts such as the face, eyes, nose, and mouth, three -dimensionally, and three -dimensionally.We authenticate the user and unlock.However, the information was missing because the nose and mouth were hidden by the mask, and it was difficult to unlock with the Face ID when masked.In order to solve this issue, if the Apple Watch paired with the iPhone is detected right nearby, it is judged that "it is the person who tried to unlock with Face ID" and unlocked the iPhone in 2021.IOS 14 released in April.Equipped with 5.You can unlock even if the mask is attached.However, since Apple Watch is required, those who do not have it did not benefit.IOS 15 currently under development.In 4, even when wearing a mask, the characteristics of the eyes and the surroundings of the eyes are detailed, and the information is improved to perform authentication using that information.Even without Apple Watch, you can unlock with Face ID with the mask on.In response to this change, the work of the face registration for Face ID has changed.Until now, I turned my face around with the mask removed and registered my face twice in a row, but iOS 15..In 4, the person wearing glasses has been required to register a total of three patterns with additional "removed glasses".It can be seen that the information around the eyes has been gathered more finely to make up for the information on the nose and mouth that is lost when wearing the mask.By the way, there is no need to register the face with the mask.Locking tends to take a little time iOS 15.I introduced the 4 public beta version to the iPhone 13, set up a new Face ID, and tried to unlock it with a mask.The Apple Watch has been removed.The mask was able to unlock any common white non -woven mask, gray non -woven mask, cloth mask, etc. without any problems.However, when the mask was installed, it may be about 1 second until it was unlocked.It is probably because the information around the eyes is not obtained because the information on the nose and mouth cannot be obtained.If the eyes are almost closed, such as making the eyes thinner, or if you turn in the diagonal direction, the lock will not be released, indicating that you are looking closely at the characteristics of the eyes.If you fail to authenticate five times in a row, you will need to enter a passcode.Interestingly, if you use Apple Watch together, you can unlock more smoothly.If the glasses are dirty and the Face ID authentication does not go well, the function of "Locking the iPhone if the Apple Watch is at a close distance" will work, and the Apple Watch will ring.The iPhone lock is unlocked.The advantage of those who have Apple Watch is alive.The performance of the camera and chips is required, so it is important to note that the model before the iPhone 11 is not supported, but the lock release function with the mask is only available in the iPhone 12 series and the iPhone 13 series.In order to accurately authenticate individuals based on eye information and secure security, it seems that the performance of True depth camera and chip (A14 Bionic, A15 Bionic) is required, and the model before the iPhone 11 series is the target.It is said that it is out."Because the mask is inconvenient because the face ID cannot be used," many people seek iPhone SE (second generation) and used iPhone 8, but iOS 15..It seems that there is no doubt that the flow will be changed in the appearance of 4.The Face ID is also used for the purchase of the application or unlocking the Apple Pay, so the iPhone life is much more convenient.iOS 15.Although the official release of 4 has not been revealed, it is likely that it will overlap with the timing of preparing for new life in Japan.At the timing of a new life, it may be active to replace the iPhone 13 series.

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