How about the flickering lighting n...


How about the flickering lighting near the display? -I can't listen to Android why | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Is the flickering lighting a LED? In particular, there are many models that have the function of blinking LEDs when receiving an email incoming and app notifications, especially for Android smartphones from Japanese manufacturers.Because it is a function that is almost always installed on the feature phone (Garakae), there is a certain need, and it is a useful function.

You can turn it on/off at the LED that informs you of the notification, user judgment.Open the screen in the order of "Settings" → "Apps and notifications" (the item name differs slightly depending on the terminal), and turn off the "LED blinking" switch in "Notification Settings".The LED will not blink except when the battery level decreases.

In addition, this switch is to "turn on/off all app notifications".The Android OS allows you to set the notification on/off individually for the app with the notification function, so turn on the "LED blinking at the time of notification calling" switch, and the app with too many notifications, unnecessary notification for you.It is more realistic to turn off the application that only sends.

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In that case, the applications displayed on the "Settings" → "Apps and Notifications" screen are restricted/permit various prepared notification means.For Android 9 or later, you can configure the notification details for the "Apps that recently sent notifications" or "Display all of the past seven days" at the bottom of the screen.

In addition, some apps can set their own notification methods.With Gmail as an example, open the registered account on the application setting screen, tap "Manage notifications", and operate the "Notification LED" switch in the detailed setting field, and when the email to the account arrives.You can set whether to notify you in LED.If you have multiple Gmail accounts, it is possible to use LED notification only for your work account, so why not review the settings once?