ISUTA's next toy camera to think of...


ISUTA's next toy camera to think of GET may be this! Thermal paper cameras photographed like receipts are becoming more and more popular.

@ _ namunamu__/Instagram


Manuscripts and toy cameras will be very popular if they can take pictures of the retro feel.

Now, the "thermal paper camera", which can print the photos on the receipt material, has received new attention.

Here are the details of the personality pie gadgets that are different from the Checkie and Polaroid cameras.

Making a "thermal paper camera" that looks like a receipt becomes a topic.

@ yuki_exp/Instagram

Recently, the "thermal paper camera" has gradually become a topic.

This instant camera is characterized by the use of "thermal paper" instead of film, by sensing heat, the color will change.

@ _ namunamu__/Instagram

ISUTA 次にGETしたいトイカメラはこれかも!レシートみたいに写真が出てくる「感熱紙カメラ」がじわじわ人気なんです

This is how the printed photos come out of the camera itself.

This is like a Checkie structure, but the key is to print on a different thermal paper than the film.

@ byem10/Instagram

By the way, thermal paper prints images in monochrome shades, so color cannot be processed. However, this kind of retro effect is really good.

Because of this rough picture quality, any scene can be cut in fashion.

Will it disappear one day? It's illusory and charming.

@ byem10/Instagram

Because the printing paper is curly, it can also be kept in a long state instead of being separated one by one. It looks like photographic film, and it's appropriate to decorate the room.

It is worth noting that because thermal paper is not resistant to heat and sunlight, the key is to avoid them and preserve them. It takes a long time to print when it is sandwiched in a book.

One day may disappear illusory, always feel very much love it.

People who like toy cameras must search for "thermal paper cameras".

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