JAL's July performance, 76.1% utili...


JAL's July performance, 76.1% utilization rate of international routes, domestic routes continued to be in the doldrums of 64.9% of Korean routes.

 The results of July 2014 released by Japan Airlines (JAL/JL, 9201) on August 25 showed that the number of passengers on international routes increased by 0.4% compared with the same month last year to 660000 8448, ASK (effective seat kilometers), which showed seat supply, increased by 3.9%, and RPK (paid passenger kilometers), which indicated that paid passengers flew, increased by 2.1%. The Reuters factor (seat utilization, Lhand F) was 1.4 percentage points lower than the same month last year, to 76.1%.

The utilization rate in July was 76.1% for international routes and 64.9% for domestic routes. August PHOTO:Tadayuki YOSHIKAWA/Aviation Wire in 14 years.

 While passengers on Chinese lines continue to recover, the South Korean line has been below the previous year's performance due to former President Lee Myung-bak's insulting remarks to the emperor and the upsurge of dislike of South Korea, such as the Takeshima territorial issue in Shimane Prefecture. In addition to being affected by the depreciation of the yen and mainly falling on the European line, the Bangkok line continued to decline under the influence of the coup in Thailand on May 22.

 On the other hand, the number of passengers on domestic routes increased by 2.5% to 2.63 million 6655, while ASK decreased by 5.7%, dint RPK increased by 2.8%, and the number of domestic passengers increased by 5.4% to 64.9%.

 From the point of view of the international airline, the highest Lhand F is

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JAL7月実績、国際線利用率76.1% 国内線は64.9% 韓国線低迷続く


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