Japan Conference on Manufacturing H...


Japan Conference on Manufacturing Human Resources Development Study Group / Regional Study Group (Kyushu Area) | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Electronic Edition

Manufacturing Japan Conference Human Resources Development Study Group

On August 5th, the Japan Manufacturing Conference held an online seminar entitled "How to Create Human Resources and Organizations for Digital Transformation" with Accenture's Ayako Mototoku as a lecturer. There is an urgent need to acquire and develop digital human resources, and an increasing number of companies are working on AI (artificial intelligence) training, strengthening qualification acquisition, and renewing personnel systems. However, there are many cases in which activities are ad hoc and are not linked to business strategies or growth strategies. We considered how to realize digital transformation (DX) and realize human resources and organizations that continue to respond to change.

How to create human resources and organizations that will lead the digital transformation

Accenture Business Consulting Headquarters Consulting Human Resources / Organization Practice Managing Director Ayako Mototoku

Accenture helps people in a variety of industries with digital talent and organizations that drive transformation. Based on that experience and knowledge, we will consider what kind of human resources and organizations are required, how to create human resources and organizations that will be responsible for DX, and what should be done to promote them in the organization or the entire company.

Let's look at the current situation from both the management side and the employee side. The management side is actively hiring digital human resources, but is struggling to acquire them. While recognizing that it is necessary to realize DX, establish an internal system for it, and secure human resources, it cannot be said that the human resources responsible for it are growing or growing in the company in many cases.

Employees, for example, even if they take an AI course outside the company, they do not have the opportunity to practice it in their work, or they are worried that their superiors have no knowledge and will be able to properly evaluate the skills acquired in the course. ..

There is also a gap between expectations from the field and the response of management. Even in global research, only 3% of business owners plan to significantly increase their investment in acquiring new skills. Even if they understand the importance of DX, the number of executives who are investing in human resources is very limited.

Typical examples of traps that tend to fall into the creation of digital human resources and organizations are that there is no opportunity to apply what they have learned in their work, or that even if they join the company as an experienced person, they are not properly evaluated. If you don't go into the management and culture of the organization, it tends to be a temporary effort.

We have defined 30 measures for how to create human resources and organizations that will be responsible for DX. First, we set up six categories: "training," "ON & OFF," "motivation of students," "career in the company," "culture to change," and "human resources development using data." Five measures were set for each category, such as "lectures along the phase of DX projects" and "linkage between work and training content".

The difficulty of each measure is not so high. However, even if one of the measures is taken in a single shot, it is difficult to produce results. No matter how well the training program is prepared and provided, if it is not tied to the work, it cannot be utilized in the business, and if there is no personnel system in which skilled personnel can play an active role, the personnel will leave the company.

We have combined the necessary measures and named it "DX University" and provided it as a DX human resources development program. After defining what kind of human resources are needed, considering evaluation, recruitment, and selection, we will conduct training to develop human resources and lead to appropriate personnel allocation. The goal of training is for properly trained human resources to play an active role in the right position. And this effort must be linked to the business strategy.

I have been thinking about how to create human resources and organizations that will be responsible for DX, but what should I do to promote it? The HR department has a wide range of responsibilities, but the major point is that it is not an initiative that can be completed by HR alone.

First of all, what should the personnel function be? Regularly formulate a talent architecture based on business strategy and human resources strategy. Make a plan by synchronizing the future of the company with the future of the employees. Personnel is not just for the personnel department. We must develop human resources throughout the company and change the organization. Management, managers, and employees play their respective roles and run the talent management cycle.

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For example, managers should not turn to the personnel department, but must directly see in real time what the human resources management situation of their organization is and where the necessary human resources are. Employees should also take responsibility for career development, breaking away from the idea that the company will manage their careers.

In order to manage training speedily and lead to results, it is necessary to improve human resources management by utilizing data. Collect and analyze data in every process.

And for the company as a whole, it is indispensable to proceed with the reforms at the moment. Even if we proceed with new things, the clerical work and incidental work that accompany the efforts will not be zero. However, there should be room for efficiency and consolidation. Thoroughly promote automation, self-reliance, data centralization, and shared services. Only then will the soil be ready to focus on human resource development and work with intrinsic value.

In order to continuously create human resources and organizations that will be responsible for DX, it is essential to have a company-wide initiative that is consistent from business strategy to process, technology, and culture. That's because this initiative is not a measure that only a specific department or personnel commits, but a theme that should be pursued company-wide. Also, speed and freshness are important for DX, and our programs are constantly updated.

In order for each person to maximize their performance, it is essential that employees, managers, management, and the personnel department work together while utilizing data. We should create a culture and a system that creates people as a whole company.

Manufacturing Japan Conference District Study Group (Kyushu District)

On July 1st, the Japan Manufacturing Conference invited Shinji Suzuki, an emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo and a specially appointed professor at the Future Vision Research Center, as a regional study group (Kyushu area). A special lecture entitled "From Cars to Zero Emission Aircraft" was held. The event was held at the West Japan Manufacturing Technology Innovation 2021 held in Kitakyushu City, with participation by visitors and online hybrid holding. We explored the future of the aviation industry, focusing on cutting-edge topics such as drones and flying cars.

From air travel revolutions, drones, flying cars to zero-emission aircraft

Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo Shinji Suzuki, Specially Appointed Professor, Future Vision Research Center

What kind of changes and developments will aviation technology make in the future? The aviation industry has been severely hurt by the new coronavirus. What direction will post-corona aviation technology aim for? Carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction is a global trend. In unmanned aerial vehicles, new uses of the sky such as drones and flying cars have begun, and it will be even bigger in the future. At the end, we will introduce intelligent and unmanned technologies related to digitalization.

The aviation industry has been referred to as a growing industry. However, due to the Korona-ka, international flights could hardly fly until February and March last year. The question is how long this situation will last. It is predicted that the air transportation volume, which dropped sharply in 20 years, will return to the level of 19 years around 2012. As passenger traffic decreases, so does aircraft shipments. It had a great impact on the global aircraft industry, and in Japan, heavy industry manufacturers responsible for manufacturing equipment were affected.

Since aircraft is an important basic industry for each country, various support measures have been launched to maintain it. The French government was one of the first to strongly support the maintenance of employment and the development of next-generation aircraft.

As for the direction of future aviation technology, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has set a global goal to reduce CO2 so that CO2 emissions will not increase even if air transportation increases after 2020.

Aircraft jet fuel has hardly been switched at this time. Improvements in fuel efficiency by flight route and flight method, weight reduction, reduction of air resistance, and improvement of fuel efficiency in engine performance are also being considered.

Attention is the introduction of new fuel. Biofuels are targeted to fly jet airliners in 1950. Consideration is also underway to burn jet engines with liquid hydrogen. In addition, a method for synthesizing fuel directly from CO2 is also under development.

There is also an engine plan to increase the efficiency of the jet engine by enlarging the fan, and ultimately to fly with the fan cowl that covers the engine bare. In addition, there are various efforts such as wing-body coupling wings that have changed the shape of the airplane, V-shaped airframes, improvement of the combustion chamber, and truss structure wings.

Regarding unmanned aerial vehicles and flying cars, the utilization of drones is attracting worldwide attention as it helps prevent infection due to the corona sickness. Demonstration experiments such as transporting test kits and specimens are also progressing around the world.

In Japan, unmanned helicopters were used to spray pesticides, but the size is increasing and the movement to use them for flying taxis that can carry people is progressing all over the world. First of all, it will be used for logistics and security in the future, but the issue is still safety. In Japan, the aviation law is being revised, and non-visual flight in manned areas, which are not currently permitted to fly, is about to be realized in 2010. The aircraft registration system will also be enforced.

Regarding the utilization of flying cars, a public-private council has also been established in Japan, and there is a move to amend the law so that it can be commercialized in 2011, and studies on business using AI and robot technology are also in progress.

The commercial aviation industry is an ecosystem with so many sectors involved. Airlines, finished machine makers, equipment makers, finance, airports, universities / research institutes, countries, etc. must come together to consider. Therefore, the Aviation Innovation Promotion Council (AIDA) has been established and is working. Among them, the equipment certification technology consortium (CerTCAS) was also launched. Airplanes are required to have various safety certifications during their life cycle. These activities will lead to the world.