Just wrap it around the lens.USB he...


Just wrap it around the lens.USB heater to prevent camera lenses and mold (gis mode Japan) --Yahoo! News



Just wrap it around the lens.USB heater to prevent camera lenses and mold

使用後はカイロとしてポケットに忍ばせても…? 雪景色や冷え込む明け方など、冷たく澄んだ空気の中で撮れる美しい写真の裏では、さまざまな努力や苦労があります。ですが、それを阻むもののひとつが、レンズの曇りや結露ではないかと思います。【全画像をみる】Just wrap it around the lens.USB heater to prevent camera lenses and mold

Just wrap it around the lens.USB heater to prevent camera lenses and mold(ギズモード・ジャパン) - Yahoo!ニュース

You can avoid it by warming the lens

In such a case, Hakuba's "HAIDA Anti Fog Belt", which is connected to a mobile battery and wraps around the lens, is a helping goods.The size is 40cm long x 5cm wide, and it supports lenses up to 110mm in diameter.The temperature adjustment can be 3 stages according to the outside temperature.

It can be molded due to condensation

If the photos turn white due to cloudiness and condensation, the hard work is water bubbles.Moreover, if the inside of the lens is molded because of that, the lens will be ruined and unknown sadness.I have experience, but I'm disappointed that the inside of the lens is moldy after neglecting it.If the tragedy can be avoided even a little, 2,990 yen is a cheap mon.If you like the starry sky, night view, and winter scenery, please take one.Source: Hakuba VIA MDN Design Interactive

Gennosuke Okamoto
