Koichi Akagi's "Akagi Kamera" 41st:...


Koichi Akagi's "Akagi Kamera" 41st: In the digital age, it is inevitable to think of a very large -diameter lens -Digital camera Watch

Used Leica Lens has recently shown a soaring price, and even though it is such an unstable era, ordinary people are in a bubble state that is incomprehensible.

I'm not sure why.However, it is a very headwind for serious photographers who really want to shoot with a lyrica lens, and it is a situation where both new and used and used expenses have to be prepared.I'm in trouble.Of course, using Leica Lens doesn't mean you can make a masterpiece photo right away.Oh, of course, there are many people who buy it, regardless of how expensive, so even if you lament this situation, you may only be remote.

Unlike lenses from other manufacturers, in the case of used lens, there are places where high performance = high -priced scheme does not necessarily apply to everything.This is a pretty problem.Because the number of production is small, it is judged as a rare product, and there are many lenses that are expensive.However, in the case of Leica, there was a similar situation for a long time, but recently it feels somewhat exceeded.

I'm not wealthy, so even if I finally got Leica with my thoughts, my power would be exhausted and I could not reach the genuine lens, so I would not be able to reach the genuine lens.I was often with power, so I wasn't very particular about Leica genuine lenses.

It may seem like you are patient, but isn't it nice to have a photo taken with a low -cost domestic Lika Crew Mount compatible lens get the same reputation as Leica?Do you know the essence of Leica unless you are Leica Lens?

I am very happy for the writer who was really helped by the Kosina Foclender brand compatible lens that appeared in 1999, and I was very happy for the writer who thought that Leica was seriously used as a practical use.I am.In the actual photo production, I think that the reader already knows that Kosina Foc Render Lens has at least the level of numerical performance as comparable to the lyrica lens.。

Since last year, Kosina has been attacking new lenses one after another.Despite some bright signs, the economy of the camera industry is not completely recovered, and the world situation has become such a chaotic situation, and the future is becoming more unclear.In such a situation, it is difficult to maintain an aggressive attitude, but this is probably because the aspirations of our products or the thoughts are not blurred.

The very important point is that the Koshina Foctor Lender brands are not essential items for all photo enthusiasts, but only products that are very highly hobby by the company that the company is good at.。So I don't recommend it just because I'm just inexpensive.Regardless of whether it is a image or operability, there is a place where there is a belief that you only need to understand the one you understand, and it shows your personality there, so it is understandable if this is interesting.Because there is nothing.

Among them, Leica M compatible VM lenses are thorough hobby items, and users cannot make use of their product's potential unless they do their own wisdom, efforts, and discipline.This is not limited to Cosina Foclender.

Even with a mirrorless camera lens, the Koshina Fact Lender lens is all MF specification.It is the opposite of convenience.I don't think there is any benefit for those who want to pursue convenience.Originally, it is natural for creators to master some tools and achieve some results.

The introduction is about this, and this time I will talk about Nokton 50mm F1 aspherical VM, a large -diameter standard lens that appeared in January.The suggested retail price is 247,500 yen including tax, so it is a product that is expensive for the company's lens.

NOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM。研削非球面レンズ採用という意欲的標準レンズ。開放での描写はさすがに優れています。フードを外すと全長は本当に短いですね。第一面の径が大きくルックスがいいのはかなり評価高いです。

In the past, Leica also had the same specifications Noctilux M 50mm F1.The production has already ended, and depending on the era and degree of manufactured, 70,000 to 800,000 yen is sold at a silly price setting, and it has become quite unrealistic for the author.

1976年発売のノクティルックスM 50mm F1(写真は1st E58)。前モデルのノクティルックス50mm F1.2は写真用レンズとして初の非球面レンズを採用したものでした。ところが本レンズは再び球面レンズだけの構成になりました。数値的な性能面、シャープネスという意味では前モデルよりも本レンズの方が優れていると思います。

As you can see from the product name, NOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM is a midfielder replacement lens that uses a Leica M -mount compatible VM mount.It realizes the brightest open F1 as a Foctor lender VM mount lens.

This lens uses a GA (Ground Aspherical) lens using Kosina -designed and manufactured asynchronous production technology.This is 29mm F0 of Micro Four Thirds Mount.8 It will follow aspherical.

The non -sphere lens was once very expensive.It has become widely popular due to the significant cost after mold production has been established, and has been used for inexpensive lenses.In modern times, the use of grinding lenses may look like a specification as if it were returned to the times, but there is an advantage that you can use a variety of gifts than mold production, so it looks like this lens.It seems that products that aim for special performance have the advantage of adopting.However, it still takes time for processing and manufacturing, which leads to high cost.In the past, it was called "hand -polished" to require craftsmanship, and some people still want to be grateful, but it may have actually caused individual differences.

赤城耕一の「アカギカメラ」 第41回:デジタル時代だからこそ考える、超大口径レンズの必然 - デジカメ Watch

Maximum diameter of this lens x 73.6x55.0mm.The weight is 484g.It is quite short and compact in the lens of the same specifications.If the overall length is short, Leica's optical viewfinder will also be smaller, and if it becomes lighter, there is also a great advantage that the holding balance will be improved.The overall design is Canon 50mm F0, a lens for the former rangefinder camera..There is something close to 95.It is my preference to have a beautiful shape like the topic of "rotating" in the morning drama now.

真俯瞰でレンズを見てみます。マウント側に向かって細くなるクビレがなんともセクシーで大好きですね。少しでも光を多く取り込むのだという姿勢がデザイン面からわかります。レンジファインダーカメラのキヤノン7と7Sに用意されたCANON 50mm F0.95と雰囲気が似ています、このレンズはライカM用に改造したものを中古カメラ店で見かけることがあります。ただMシリーズライカに使うとレンズ脱着ボタンが押せなくなり、ヘラなどを用いないとレンズを外せないので厄介なものでした。

Many large -diameter standard lenses prepared in the recent mirrorless machines are corrected and high -performance using the number of lenses as the zoom lens, but in this lens, 9 groups (including GA lens).One piece, one aspherical surface) is a simple configuration.The filter diameter is 62mm.

Lowlet processing of metal lens barrels that Kosina is good at and rotary feeling that make you feel a pleasure torque are wonderful, and the man who is not very large is excellent in operation.You can see that his finger is happy.

The shortest shooting distance is 0.9m.Because it is a large diameter, it is a little shy as a standard lens compatible with M mount, but it is correct to see that it is taking a little margin to maintain performance at close range.Since the floating mechanism is built in, the performance difference depending on the shooting distance should be suppressed.It is easy to think that lenses will be luxurious and high -performance if the number of lenses is large, but it is not necessarily the case, the cost will increase accordingly, and the assembly will become tie -hen, which will be large.Is the shape and size of this lens, weight and aberration correction balance the result of finding the best solution?

明暗差が大きくなるような条件を探して木の下から撮影をするという意地悪な条件ですが、葉っぱの輪郭とかにフリンジが出ないんです。これが驚きです。中央の黄色い葉にフォーカシングしていますが合焦点の切れ込みもいい感じですね。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/1,000秒)ISO 100雨天なので、商店街のアーケードに避難して撮影しました。ものすごく光がフラットで暗い条件ですが、このレンズはしっかりしたコントラストを持った再現をしてくれて喫驚しています。(モデル:ひぃな)M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/750秒)ISO 400

Nevertheless, if you shoot a large -diameter lens like this lens with Leica for a long time, your eyes will be tired.You have to find the best focus with your naked eye.If you absolutely seek accurate focus, your feelings will be a nerbus.

Of course, just observing the optical viewfinder of M -Series Leica does not know the size of this lens, and I do not know the gratitude of the open F1.That requires imagination based on the photographer's experience.Therefore, in the actual shooting, depending on the shooting distance and the light situation, we decided to survive external EVFs as appropriate.In a way, is it a Leica photography in the digital era?


You may be angry with Kosina's optical design engineer, but when you use a large -diameter lens like this lens, you can shoot all cuts with open aperture.I don't think there is a need for commitment.If you squeeze it, you may think that the large diameter of the open F1 will cry, and you may not think that there is no need to use it, and I do not deny such a way of thinking.Nevertheless, the author thinks that the aperture value has expanded and that he has been able to afford it.Originally, the aperture may be changed by expression intentions and shooting conditions.

The author interprets that the extremely shallow depth unique to the large -diameter lens has no significant meaning to shoot with an open aperture unless it is used in drawing, so I feel extreme unnaturalness even at the shallow depth.The angle and shooting distance are devised as you like.Nevertheless, this time, I paid tribute to the bold specifications of this lens, and I took a picture of all the examples with the plunge of the F1 opening aperture, but as expected, I was a little tired.

博物館の剥製です、とても暗いところにあります。大口径レンズの本領発揮というか、無理にこういう条件を探しました。合焦点描写は素晴らしいです。口径食は当然ありますが、これは標準的な特性ですね。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/90秒)ISO 1600レストランの入り口にあった小さい人形です。夕方の光によるものですが、合焦点のシャープさは見事ですし背景のボケもいい感じです。最短撮影距離による撮影です。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/4,000秒)ISO 200外光と室内照明というミックスの光条件です。肌もニュートラルに描写されて、点光源の形も特別に不自然にはなりません。ハレっぽさが皆無なところも現代レンズの証です。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/90秒)ISO 100

As you can see, the result is a worthwhile lens.It's a pity that my arm is not catching up.The focus is the freshness that the open value is hardly imagined as F1.The effect of the grinding lens is effective.I am also surprised that the contrast is strong as a lens of this class.For this reason, it seems that the depth of field is shallow, so it is very important to determine the position of the focus.There is no big habit in the blur, and the fringe is not observed unless you look at it very finely.The background blows with a mysterious image of paint in water.

“F1ノクチ”と撮り比べ同スペックレンズのノクティルックスM 50mm F1(1st E58)と、大きさ・デザイン比較です。ノクトンの方が全長が少しだけ短いことがわかります。全く異なるデザインであることも興味深いです。

Leica's Noctilux M 50mm F1 (1st E58 6 groups 7 -piece configuration) and a simple comparison with open aperture.This generation Noctirux was released in 1976.F1 of the predecessor.Unlike 2, it is a composition only for spherical lenses.Although it is a condition of backlight, old lenses are also fighting better than expected.In terms of details, the focus of the focus and the thinness of the line is Nocon.Noctilux seems to have a focus on the edge of the screen, probably because of the image surface bay.Bokeh is up to you, but it tends to be similar.However, the nokuchi blows to the outline.The color reproduction seems a little yellow.If the shooting conditions change, there may be a slightly different difference.

* Common data M10-P (F1 ・ 1/4,000 seconds) ISO 100

NOCTILUX M 50mm F1NOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical

The old large -diameter lens was prepared because the film was low.It was a big advantage to enable shooting in a dark place.Expectations for the image, the taste, the sharpness, and the blurred flavor before and after may have been the second point, and there may have been the idea that it should be reflected anyway.Since new gifts, coating, and aspherical lenses cannot be used, there are many remnants of the open aperture, and there are many remnants and blurred photos.It is up to users to consider this as a “taste”, but it is not easy to use it.It is also important to note that if you look for only the taste and the taste, the theme of the essential photos will be.

By the way, for technicians who designed the large -diameter lens at the time, the recent excellent glass, coating, and design methods may look like a dream.This is because the engineers at the past did not design a large -diameter lens to seek the taste.

外光と室内のLED光によるミックスです。艶っぽい光が再現されています。合焦点は向かって右の目です。顔の角度がわずかについていますから、左側の目は被写界深度から外れます。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/250秒)ISO 200モノクロの階調再現をみてみました。金属の質感描写もとてもいいですね。前ボケにもクセがありません。開放絞りでも問題はないですが、徹底してシャープに見せるには一段ほど絞り込めば大丈夫だと思います。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/4,000秒)ISO 100

Now that you can set the high ISO sensitivity that seems to be infinite compared to the film era, large -diameter lenses are no longer a lens that demonstrates power under certain conditions such as low brightness such as at night or indoors.I did it.There is no inevitable use.

It is likely that the role is how to make the subject of blur freely, how to complement the subject.In other words, compared to highly convenient zoom lenses, it is meaningful to use large -diameter lenses, whether or not they can produce photos that show their individuality.The taste of blur and a deterioration of peripheral light is about the effect of sprinkling white rice, and it should be considered as an element that enhances the protagonist.

In the latest Leica M11 introduced in this series, you can also select electronic shutter shooting, so you can use ultra -high -speed shutter speed.Even if you use a large -diameter lens like Leica's Noctile Series or this lens during the day, you can set the aperture near the open.The story shifts from this lens, but I feel Leica's efforts to accept the evolution of large -diameter lenses in such places.

The depiction of this lens is different from a classic lens.It is an impression that is based on the balance of very well thoughtful aberration correction.However, it is different from the distilled water description that is clear and clear.I feel that there is a considerable spirit of standing lines in the open aperture, the small bleeding of the highlights, and the sharpness.It's been a long time since I came across a large -diameter lens that felt more powerful than delicate.

公園の遊具です。平板な背景ですから周辺光量落ちは当然確認されるものの、気になるほどではないですね。逆光の条件ですが、階調の繋がりがなだらかで、見た目に近い再現であることに驚きました。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/4,000秒)ISO 100室内のLED光源を使ったアベイラブルライト撮影です。色温度を多少調整しています。光質のためでしょうか、やや硬めの描写になりましたが、特に問題はありません。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/350秒)ISO 400箒をみるとつい反応して撮影してしまいます。フォックス・タルボットだって箒を撮影しているのだからいいんじゃないでしょうか。あ、主題は葉牡丹です。曇天の状況ですが、力強い再現です。これ、コントラストの低いレンズなら絶対に被写体に選んでいないですね。M10-PNOKTON 50mm F1 Aspherical VM(F1・1/2,000秒)ISO 100