KOKI, the first step in the actress...


KOKI, the first step in the actress business "I was crazy about my life" in my father's "support" (Sponitian Nex) --Yahoo! News



KOKI, which is the performance of the movie "Ushijin Village", (photographed, Daiosuke Nishio)

Koki, 父の金言「支え」に女優業第一歩「人生最大の夢中に出合えました」(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース

 Takuya Kimura (49), Shizuka Kudo (51), the second daughter of the couple and the model, Koki, (19), made a silver screen debut in the released horror movie "Ushijin Village". She says in her first experienced actress, saying, "I was so crazy about her life." She had an unknown potential and heard her 19 -year -old though she jumped into a new world. She said, "I'm actually scared of horror." She was surprised at the remarks. Her debut work "Ushijin Village" is the latest work by Takashi Shimizu (49), a master of the horror cinema world known in the "Grudge" series. This is the third installment of the "Fear Village" series following "Inu Narimura" (20 years) "Jukai Village" (21). Moreover, the stage is "Tsubono Mining Spring", a psychic spot of "Hokuriku Best" in Uozu City, Toyama Prefecture. It was also known that the late psychic, Aiko Yoho, refused to enter the building, and was it okay to shoot in such a place? "I did it before shooting the Tsubono Mining, but it was amazing. The electricity in the room suddenly turned off and the drone stopped flying. I put it in a porch ... "Actress business said" I was longing "from an early age. Her first step was a horror movie, a keen offer from Director Shimizu. She immediately saw "Jukai Village" with her family, saying, "I'm a series of screams. My mother and grandmother were the next scary. My father and sister are fine, and I'm still the scared. I did. " She was drawn to the "story of family, friendship, and sister bonds" that the director drew in the work. The role she challenged is the twin high school girl sisters involved in a mysterious event. Although it was a difficult role in two roles per person, "I switched from each costume and hairstyle as a switch to switch. I was not afraid of shooting because I concentrated on playing." However, when I saw the completed work in the preview, "I was very scared of it. I was surprised that I was in such a world." In her model work, she created her as Koki, taking advantage of her extraordinary appearance. However, she experienced in the movie that she had her name in her name, looking for her commonality with her, and imagining and thinking. She was immersed in performing, and she couldn't imagine what kind of work she would finish, but she said, "She learned the greatness of making one work with a team and was overwhelmed by the charm of her movie. " Her chest rang for the first time in her life. There was no fear of her horror there. She was saved by her father's words. "Because NG is a seed of OK takes." Her first performance and a month and a half shoot. She is a completely different environment from the work of a model that can end in one day. She said, "When I thought about the shooting of a certain scene, I consulted her father. Then," I just need to think that NG is a new chance for OK. " became". She became afraid of failure and was able to express the drastic expression. She was conscious of her eyes. In horror movies, they often show their faces up to convey fear. Her feature is her intention, but her screen is scared of fear and anxiety, and her eyes have no light. Her "eyes" as an actress, which is different from her shine at her model, is a must see her eyes at her climax. She is 19 years old. Her actress's path, "I was the most crazy in her life," is still a start line. While she is active as her model, she will surely come as an actor in Japan and abroad. She said, "I didn't think she would like it so much. She wants to be a person who can shake and fascinate the person she is looking at someday." She wants someone to be absorbed in what she is crazy about. Her new goal was found and her big eyes were shining. Her "Her sister, Cocomi's" Anxiety "is a big keyword in her" connection between her family and sisters. " In her private life, she gets along well with her sister Cocomi (20, photo) and she says, "I have a common feeling of her sister. She was the first part that she had in the role." She looks back. Recently, Cocomi's coming -of -age ceremony was realized. She said, "She looks at her older sister in kimono and she gets married someday she gets very anxious. Her sister doesn't have that, but she says," I'll be taken someday. ! "It may be more extreme than her father," she laughed.
