"Kotori Cafe" appeared in Tokyu Han...


"Kotori Cafe" appeared in Tokyu Hands Ikebukuro "POP-UP SHOP"!Corporate Release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

「ことりカフェ」東急ハンズ池袋「Pop-Up Shop」に登場!


Category: Event

「ことりカフェ」東急ハンズ池袋「Pop-Up Shop」に登場! 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Release issuance Childmpany: Kotori Cafe Co., Ltd.

Until Sunday, October 14 for a limited time!A large set of miscellaneous goods designed with cute birds ♪ "Kotori Cafe Ueno Main Store" (http: // kotoricafe "based on the Childncept of" Coffee time ♪ while watching the birds. ".Kotori Cafe Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shiho Kawabe, Taito-ku, Tokyo), which operates JP/), will be held at "Tokyu Hands Ikebukuro 1F" until October 14, 2018 (Sun).I will participate in "SHOP".This time, "Kotori Cafe" reChildmmends cute birds and bird fans nationwide.Kotori Cafe new goods will also be sold.About "Kotori Cafe" in February 2014 with "Kotori Cafe Omotesando" in Minami -Aoyama, "Kotori Cafe Kichijoji" in June, "Kotori Cafe Shinsaibashi" in April 2016 in front of the Mitaka Mori Mori Museum.(Supervised: Kotori Cafe/Management: Exeed Japan Co., Ltd. Kaichi Yasuichi http: // www.ExcedJapan.Child.JP/), Kotori Cafe Sugamo in December (operated: Birdmore CEO Naoki Kohata http: // www.birdmore.Childm/)をオープン。各店内には、インコをはじめ、カナリヤ、オウム、文鳥など、人気の小鳥たち約25羽が勢揃い。衛生面やニオイについては、小鳥スペースをガラス張りのケージで完全に区切るなど徹底配慮。表参道店は話題のインコケーキ、吉祥寺店は地元人気スイーツ店「パティシエ ジュン ホンマ」(本社:武蔵野市 オーナーパティシエ 本間淳)と、それぞれ小鳥をモチーフにしたオリジナルスイーツを共同開発。また、店内には全国各地から取り寄せた“ことりグッズ”も販売。癒しのひとときと空間を提供する話題の“鳥カフェ”。また、2016年11月に「ことりカフェ」公式小鳥雑貨専門店1号店となる「ことりカフェGOODS SHOP/よいなdeことのわ」(運営:小鳥雑貨専門店「よいなdeことのわ」)を東京・西新井に、2017年2月に第2号店目となる「ことりと。」(運営:小鳥専門店「ことりや ふぁみりぃ/ペットショップ ふぁみりぃ」)を九州・大分県大分市にオープン。2018年4月「ことりカフェ表参道」より「ことりカフェ上野本店」へ本店、および本社を移転。■「ことりカフェ上野本店」アクセス〒1-0002 東京都台東区上野桜木1-8-6(JR上野駅公園口徒歩14分/日暮里駅南口徒歩10分/千代田線根津駅徒歩6分/台東区コミュニティバス「東西めぐりん」7.In front of Yanaka Shimizu Town Park Bus Stop) Business hours: 11: 00-19: 00 (regular holidays: irregular holidays) * Relocated from "Kotori Cafe Omotesando" at the end of March 2018 0013 1-14-7 Shimorenju, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo (15 minutes on foot from Kichijoji Station, Mitaka Station) Opening hours: 10: 30-18: 00 (regular holidays: irregular holidays) ■ "Kotori Cafe Shinsaibashi" Access Access 4-14-1 Minami Funaba, Chuo-ku, Osaka Minami Funaba BRICK3F (8 minutes on foot from Shinsaibashi Station) Business hours: 11: 00-19: 00 (regular holidays: irregular holidays) ■ "Kotori Cafe Sugamo" Access 〒 170-0002 3-18-13 Sugamo, Toshima-ku (5 minutes walk from Sugamo Station) Business hours: 10: 00-18: 00 ■ "Kotori Cafe GOODS SHOP / Good de Konowa" Access 〒123-0842 3 Kurihara, Adachi-ku, Tokyo -30-14 (7 minutes walk from Nishiarai Daishi Station) Business hours / Business hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday / 11: 00-18: 00 10-1 Furuko, Oita City Tenjin Building 1F regular holiday / Business hours: Every Tuesday / 2nd Friday / 11: 00-16: 00 -6427-5115mail: info@kotoricafe.JPURL: www.kotoricafe.JP Company Press Release To PRTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.