The media Ambissa Grand Prize Okina...


The media Ambissa Grand Prize Okinawa Times and Kyodo News coexisted in the report of "GSDF resident at Henoko New Base"

The GSDF's Aquarium Aquarium, which conducts actual training with the U.S. Army = February 2020, the US military blue beach training area in Kinbu -cho, Okinawa Prefecture

 Sapporo -based citizen group "Media Amvisus" (representative, Mayor Fumio Ueda) announced the 2021 "Media Anvasus Grand Prize", which recognizes news from a citizen's perspective.As a prize, the Self -Defense Forces were reported to Henoko New Base by Okinawa Times and Kyodo News.[Photo] In the Okinawa Times "Portrait of" Future "", the Excellence Award Newspaper Labor Journalism Grand Prize was reported on January 25 of the same year.He specially reported that the top of the Ground Self -Defense Force and the U.S. Marines in Japan had been confidential by having the AIST Defense Corps, the AIST in the new base, at the new base for 15 years.The editorial committee member of this newspaper and the co -communication editorial committee members of the co -communication were coexisted, and the results were also published in media nationwide for the distribution of Kyodo News.In the election, "cooperation by reporters beyond the company's frame" was evaluated.Abe said, "I was able to borrow the power of Kyodo News and deliver problems nationwide."I talked each.There were 25 types of print categories and 38 recommendations in the video section."Why did Daisuke Muramoto disappear from television?"


「辺野古新基地に陸自常駐」報道にメディア・アンビシャス大賞 沖縄タイムスと共同通信が合同取材