Music Natalie Sho Sakurai is a surp...


Music Natalie Sho Sakurai is a surprise stage greeting from Hokkaido to Okinawa, Arashi "RECORD OF MEMORIES" The first day of the nationwide release

2021 November 26, 20:49 6182

嵐のライブフィルム「ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×20 FILM “Record of Memories”」が本日11月26日に全国公開された。これを記念した舞台挨拶に櫻井翔と堤幸彦監督がサプライズで登壇した。

From the left, Director Yukihiko Tsutsumi and Sho Sakurai.(C) 2021 J Storm Inc.

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The stage greeting was broadcast at 198 cinemas nationwide, and about 135,000 people watched.Although the members and venues were not revealed in advance, Sakurai and Tsutsumi suddenly appeared on the Northern Tip of the Northern Einprex Asahikawa at the screening theater after the screening at 9:00 in the morning.As the audience screams, Sakurai greets, "Thank you, thank you."Looking back on the first performance of "ARASHI ANNIVERSARY TOUR 5x20" in Sapporo, the production of playing the piano on the tour was "I still can't forget the scenery from New Chitose Airport to the venue.I was sweating just by remembering it, but I was very nervous. But it was the first day that I often perform the first performance in Sapporo and all five people get nervous and nervous. "。

In response to Sakurai's desire to share the same time as a nationwide fans, two people answered in real time to posts sent to Twitter from each venue in real time. When asked about the inventor of the opening and ending in a drone video, Director Tsutsumi answered, "Yes, I am," and said, "I wanted to use a drone nearby. There was no choice but he said he would do it again if he failed. " Sakurai also said, "The drone is quite small and I don't think the person at the venue did not know what was flying." In addition, Sakurai said, "I thought again during this time, but the end roll is amazing. The movie staff roll is a great number of people, and Directed by Matsumoto is brilliant. I like that. I am impressed by the members. I said again my thoughts on the work.

From the left, Director Yukihiko Tsutsumi and Sho Sakurai.(C) 2021 J Storm Inc.[拡大]

音楽ナタリー 櫻井翔が北海道から沖縄へ日本縦断のサプライズ舞台挨拶、嵐「Record of Memories」全国公開初日

Following Asahikawa, the stage greeting venue at 19:30 at night is the southernmost Okinawa cinema Q at the screening theater.Sakurai, who appeared at a venue in Naha City, which has a temperature of 24 ° C from Asahikawa, where the snow falls, said, "I was wondering what to do if you were in the morning again (laughs). Please visit me.Thank you, "he smiled and talked with Tsutsumi.According to Director Tsutsumi, who focused on cutting out the five facial expressions and humanity, he said, "The shoulders that touch each other with a little place, and the gaze exchange. This is just a storm humanity."In addition, Sakurai, who was asked for the songs that left an impression, reproduced the call and response in the first song, "Thanks Kangki Rain Arashi", and said, "It is the largest" Thank you Kangki Rainstorm ".I looked back on the enthusiasm.

Sakurai said today's birthday, "Today is the birthday of Ohno, congratulations to all the members since last night!He said, "I'm sorry today, but I'm sorry today, but I'm going to carry the four thoughts. Everyone is watching."Tell.Finally, "I'm happy that Ohno's 41st birthday at the same time as the memorable nationwide release date, so I'm glad I had such an opportunity on such a day.I want it, "he concluded the stage greeting.

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