The iPad is sufficient and the MacB...


The iPad is sufficient and the MacBook cannot be replaced -mobile phone Watch

 I'm a Mac user.Because it is also a gamer, Windows gaming PCs are actually charged several times as much as Mac, but most errands other than games are done on the Mac.When asked why, I personally rely on the Apple Platform, while Mac is also a game environment.


 The desktop PC that you mainly use at home is a relatively new 2020 model Mac mini, but the laptop used when you go out is a very old MacBook of the 2015 model.And this MacBook was cut from the target model in this autumn OS update.It's time to buy a new one, but this doesn't make any progress.

 First of all, there is no replacement destination.If you think about it normally, it's a MacBook Air, but if you replace it there, the weight is 0..92kg to 1.It increases to 29kg.40 % increase.This weight increases is unbearable with the thing to carry around.To the latest 14 -inch MacBook Pro 1.It's 6kg, so I have to be sorry.

 In the first place, the opportunity to use is decreasing, and the motivation for replacement does not increase.The writer brings out MacBook mainly during overseas business trips and interviews, but neither has the opportunity.At the end of the CES coverage in January 2020, our MacBook has not moved from a fixed position in the house.

 In addition, there are more cases where it is not necessary to be a MacBook, or it is more convenient to not be a MacBook.

純正の「Lightning - USBカメラアダプタ」。iPhoneをデジカメに繋げられて便利、だけどUSBストレージだと電力が足りなくなりがち

 There are quite a lot of things that can do iOS/iPados today.For example, if you prepare an appropriate adapter, you can take out the ZIP file from a USB storage, and attach any file in it to an email.It's OK just with the standard app.

USB-CのiPadだと、Type-C - microUSBのケーブルでデジカメと直結できる。Type-Cのデジカメは持ってないからワカラン

 You can take out photos from the digital camera and edit trimming with Lightroom.If you have an app that can handle text files, you can deliver the manuscript to the email.I often use Apple genuine live transformations recently in MacOS, so the operation of Japanese input is almost the same on Mac and iPad.

 In other words, the main work flow that I do at work can be made on the iPad.And there are some points that iPads are better than old MacBook.

11インチiPad Pro。もうちょっと軽ければ、とは思うものの、キーボードをつけてもたいていのノートパソコンよりは軽い

 First of all, the lightness of the operation.Our 11 -inch iPad Pro is the second generation (equipped with A12Z) released in the spring of 2020, but the latest iPados 15 is crisp and more comfortable than the 2015 MacBook, which has become noticeable.Of course, if you buy the latest MacBook, the performance will be better, but even the use of RAW photos of the writer, for example, the most loaded RAW photo will work lightly on the iPad Pro of the A12Z iPad Pro.

iPadで事が足りていてMacBookが買い替えられない - ケータイ Watch

 If you buy a cellular model, the iPad will always be connected to the Internet even on the go.MacBook can be tethering on the iPhone, but I want to use the automatic synchronization of the memo app without stress, so I am grateful to always connect.

 The rest is weight.If you replace it with a MacBook Air, the weight will increase by about 40 %, but with an iPad, it will be slightly lighter.This is an important point considering carrying around.

10.5インチのiPad ProとSmart Keyboard。ちょっと古いiPadだが、現行の10.2インチiPadと同じ大きさだ

 For example, if you put a Smart Keyboard on the 11 -inch iPad Pro, which is the mainstay of the author, it is about 800g, so it is slightly lighter than about 920g of MacBook.By the way, 10.2 inch iPad or 10.If you attach Smart KEBOARD to a 5 -inch iPad Pro, it will be about 725g, so it will be a little lighter.

 Actually, if the iPad mini has a Smart Keyboard, it is the lightest, but unfortunately Apple does not have this size keyboard.Alternatively, there is a way to connect the Bluetooth keyboard to the iPhone, but the connection tends to be unstable, and the iPhone cannot use live conversion, so it becomes old and low -precision Japanese conversion, so I want to avoid

Astro Slide 5G。こう見えて5G対応のAndroidスマートフォンである

 Also, I think that I can get a terminal called "ASTRO SLIDE 5G" that I invested on Indiegogo last year, so I wonder if the text input when going out is fine.Astro is about 300g and has a full keyboard, so it is the lightest touch typing environment.Since the model GEMINI was used as a memo terminal at the time of coverage, the practicality was almost proven (although the battery was too expanded and could not be used).

 In this way, even without a MacBook, there are many cases where iPad or smartphone can be managed.My MacBook is a replacement timing, but the motivation to buy a new one does not increase.

 However, I think that MacBook must be replaced.I'm worried about the iPad only when interviewing overseas (I don't know next), and my MacBook also has the role of preparing for the main Mac breakdown.

However, it is hard to be heavy, so I want Apple to revive less than 1kg of MacBook.I'm waiting for a lightweight and compact MacBook unique to M1 chip.