NEC Networks & System Integration C...


NEC Networks & System Integration Corp. sells software base stations that can build a local 5G environment with general-purpose servers | IT Leaders

[New products / services]

March 1, 2022 (Tuesday) IT Leaders Editorial Department

NEC Networks & System Integration Corp. (NESIC) started offering the local 5G software base station "FW-L5G-1" on February 28, 2022. We implemented the base station function as software that runs on a general-purpose server. As a result, the effort and cost of introducing local 5G can be reduced. Developed in collaboration with FLARE SYSTEMS (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) based on the University of Tokyo Industry-Academia Collaborative Venture Creation Program (4th term).

NECネッツエスアイ、汎用サーバーでローカル5G環境を構築できるソフトウェア基地局を販売 | IT Leaders

FW-L5G-1 is a local 5G software base station (Photo 1). Realize the functions of the base station including the core network with a general-purpose server. This keeps costs low compared to typical local 5G environments that require dedicated hardware. In addition, since it operates on a general-purpose server, it can be operated for a long time using a commercially available portable power supply even in places where there is no permanent power supply equipment.

Photo 1: Appearance of a local 5G base station constructed using the software base station "FW-L5G-1" (Source: NEC)

As one of the features, it has acquired the technical standard conformity certification and construction design certification by TELEC. This makes it possible to apply for a radio station license with a simple procedure. As a result, the lead time until operation in the actual environment can be shortened.

Since the upstream and downstream communication speeds from the base station to the terminal can be flexibly controlled, it is easy to transmit a large-capacity, high-quality video. For example, by sharing high-quality images from cameras in real time without delay, it has been proven that underwater drone video distribution in fishing, on-site situation distribution in forestry, and on-site danger prediction in disaster prevention have been proven. ..

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NEC Networks & System Integration Corp./Software Base Station / Local 5G

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