NEC started providing "NEC shelf -p...


NEC started providing "NEC shelf -pointed point observation service" using AI.Pre -deployment at Tokyu Store | Retail Guide

NEC Corporation (hereinafter NEC) has launched a cloud service "NEC Shelf -based point observation service" that focuses on product shelves and supports DX in retail stores for retailers such as supermarkets and drugstores.

In this service, AI automatically visualizes the inventory of the product shelf from the camera video, and provides employees with information on shelves that require supplementation of products and prelude.This service was adopted by Tokyu Store Co., Ltd. ahead of this service.

In recent years, the retail business has had various issues, such as a decline in market size due to a declining birthrate and aging population and a decline in population, and an increase in labor costs due to a shortage of labor. Above all, in order to maintain the product shelf in the best situation, the actual store needs to work on "sales floor check" to grasp the status of product shelves and "product out" to replenish products, and employees' sales floor and backyard. There is a lot of work load. Under these circumstances, NEC, which has been supporting IT systems of various stores for many years, has maximized the ability of the product shelves that affect the competitiveness of the store and minimizes its operation costs in the future. We considered the key to the key, and has begun a new "NEC shelf -specific observation service" that focuses on the product shelves and supports the DX of the store. First of all, as the first installment, we will start providing a “sales floor check function” that visualizes the present of the product shelf, and will enhance functions such as the “product alert function” that informs shelves that require products in the future.

NEC、AI活用した「NEC 棚定点観測サービス」の提供開始。東急ストアで先行展開 | リテールガイド

[Features of this Service] 1.NEC Utilization of unique AI technology, easy to check the inventory of inventory from mobile apps, register one product shelf image for pre -learning by image recognition technology that utilizes NEC's unique AI.AI automatically visualizes the inventory of the product shelf in real time.In addition, the special mobile app can extract only the product shelf part from the image taken with the in -store camera, correct the distortion, and easily check it with a smartphone.In addition, product shelves that require product replenishment and notification to apps are possible.By utilizing handwritten memo functions, it can also be used for information sharing such as work instructions.

2. In the industry, the industry is equipped with a person's erasing function, and privacy -consideration camera operation has been realized.By erasing the reflection of a person, the condition of the product shelf can be confirmed stably, and the camera image can be managed in consideration of privacy.

3. Provided as video cloud services, including camera equipment, as video cloud services including camera equipment.Because it is an IP camera, it can be easily introduced without complicated construction.In addition, by saving the camera video inside the store on the cloud, it is possible to grasp the situation and manage the situation from the headquarters and outside the store, so that it is efficiently operated.

■ Digital Marketing Division DX Promotion Division, Shuhei Yamaguchi, "Tokyu Store is trying to provide products without being out of stock so that customers can have a comfortable shopping experience.I am highly hoping that the introduction of the NEC shelf -specific observation service will reduce the operating load due to goods and improve the service centered on customers by introducing the "NEC shelf -pointed point observation service" this time.The Tokyu Store will continue to work to achieve a comfortable and seamless shopping experience in response to our customers' expectations."