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Special feature content introducing New Yorker Women's "How to Women's Muffler Wrap 12 Style".Corporate release

Category: Product Service

New Yorker Women's How to women's muffler Publish special content introducing 12 styles of winding. Company release

Release issuing company: Daido Forward Co., Ltd.

DyDo Forward Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo/President and CEO : Shin Okawa) has released the special content "How to women's muffler winding 12 STYLE" on its own mail order site. A muffler that changes the overall impression just by adding one to your outfit. NY.online recommends 12 styles of scarves, such as a simple arrangement that can be done easily, an arrangement that looks like an advanced person, and an arrangement that is recommended for formal occasions. Why don't you try various winding methods according to the item and coordination? ▽ Click here for the special page https://www.ny-onlinestore.com/special/ny/womens_muffler/index.html?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr ▼ Click here for the muffler product list https://www.ny- onlinestore.com/SearchItem?CID=5988&CID=5987&utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=prRecommended for cold people! The impression changes depending on the warm arrangement material and color! [Front knot] ▽Click here for how to tie it https://www.ny-onlinestore.com/special/ny/womens_muffler/04.html?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=prThe volume makes your face look smaller [Back knot]▽ Click here for how to wrap https://www.ny-onlinestore.com/special/ny/womens_muffler/05.html?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr Feminine & Cute [Single Ribbon Wrap] ▽ Click here for how to wrap https:// www.ny-onlinestore.com/special/ny/womens_muffler/06.html?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr ▽ Click here for the special page including other arrangements https://www.ny-onlinestore.com/special/ny /womens_muffler/index.html?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr ▼Click here for muffler product list https://www.ny-onlinestore.com/SearchItem?CID=5988&CID=5987&utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr ■ About the New Yorker "NEWYORKER" proposes a style that is basic yet has the essence of the times and trends against the background of high quality. The history and know-how of DyDo Limited, a company that manages farms, manufactures and sells clothing in its own group, is used in its manufacturing attitude. NEWYORKER will pursue even higher quality with the original tartan = "house tartan" as a brand symbol. http://www.newyorker.co.jp/?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr About the fashion mail order site “NY Online” The official mail order site “NY Online” directly managed by DyDo Forward Co., Ltd. is popular with NEWYORKER, Sally Scott, etc. Brands can be purchased from a wide selection of products similar to stores. https://www.ny-onlinestore.com/?utm_source=newssite&utm_medium=pr ■ Company profile Company name: Daido Forward Co., Ltd. Corporate press release To PRTIMES top

Information source: PRTIMES Source of this release: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000606.000003270.html It is current as of the date of publication. Please note that it is subject to change without prior notice.