Not only high -speed / large capaci...


Not only high -speed / large capacity!New era of "5g x business" drawn by KDDI: 5G!"ARM version Windows 10" special feature

 日本HPがARM64ベースの統合チップ「Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 8cx Gen 2 5G Compute Platform」を採用したノートPC「HP Elite Folio」の国内販売を始める。同テクノロジーを採用した製品はまだ少ない。いち早く新しい製品を投入することに、PCメーカーとしてどのような狙いがあるのか。HP Elite Folioが築く新しい市場とその立ち位置について、この製品に搭載されているテクノロジーの鍵を握る主要企業に話を伺った。

KDDI サービス企画開発本部 5G・IoTサービス企画 ビジネス開発グループリーダー 大川祥一氏KDDI サービス企画開発本部 5G・IoTサービス企画 デバイスグループ マネージャー 古閑裕朗氏

 KDDI keeps running at the forefront to build the 5G era.The 5G network, which has entered the practical stage, mainly in the city center, is expected to be an important social infrastructure not only for the IT industry but also for Japan as a whole.The reason is that the use of mobile networks is continuing to diversify more than ever.

 "After the corona evil, traffic around the terminal has been increasing. The way it is used has changed a lot," said Kogi.The common sense of "working in a fixed place" is now being overturned.In addition to connecting on a mobile device alone, the PC is connected to a mobile network using tethering and internal SIMs with smartphones.

 "The peak of mobile phone traffic is mostly at night, but the number of home work and teleworking due to corona evil has slightly pushed the daytime traffic," Koki explains.At the same time, the increase in VPN lines and new applications have increased rapidly.

 The use of networks, such as increased traffic, changes in time for access, and increasing VPN users, continues to expand every day.

 Meanwhile, the expectations for 5G will increase.Currently, the area provided is limited, but Okawa will talk about his future plans as follows.

 "We are planning to maintain about 50,000 base stations by the end of 2021. Currently, the NSA (NON-Stand-Alone is a combination of existing LTE facilities and 5G equipment), but in the future SA (Stand.-alone: Only 5G equipment) will be composed, and it will be a full -fledged development.

 As cases where 5G is expected to be used, there are many news in the fields such as IoT and autonomous driving, but what are the major changes that are attracting attention in the business scene near us?The easiest thing to feel is to be able to achieve high -speed large -capacity communication with cables.Wi-Fi is also listed as an existing technology that realizes cableless, but Okawa explains the 5G advantage as follows.

 "Is it a surprisingly large merit that is released from the cable? Especially 5G is hard to interfere, for example, the radio waves generated from various machines in a factory intersect, and Wi-Fi becomes unstable.There is also, but 5g is likely to be stable even in such places. "(Mr. Okawa).

 5G is effective in cases where such phenomena occur in the office.As a specific example, it is also expected that video production companies and others use this stability to use it for remote production."Until the camera puts the camera into the site, I usually bring a PC to control multiple images.So, it is particularly attracting attention in the industry "(Mr. Okawa)

高速・大容量だけではない! KDDIがビジョンを描く「5G×ビジネス」の新時代:5G搭載!“ARM版Windows 10”特集 第三弾

 What other use cases for general business are listed?Mr. Okawa said, "There is also a technology called" network slice ", but the realization period is scheduled when the 5G equipment has reached the SA period.This is a solution using MEC. "

 Network slicing is a mechanism that virtually divides network resources according to the service.If there is a priority service, you can allocate resources there, so it is a technology that is expected to be realized in the future.

 MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing), on the other hand, is a technology that eliminates the delay that occurs when accessing the server via the Internet.Realized by placing the edge server that receives the processing near the user.

 "This technology is often featured in automatic driving and IoT use, but there is a service called" AWS Wavelength "as a business perspective use case (Okawa).


 AWS Wavelength has previously been accessed to the server via the Internet to use the AWS, but to execute the processing of AWS Wavelength installed in KDDI's core network facilities near users.It is a service that realizes a very low delay.

 "If you are already using AWS, you can operate it with exactly the same feeling as now. I think the response will be better and more practical. For example, AR.If you use (Augmented Reality), you will need to have a low delay as a system, but in the future you will have the option of rendering the MEC side and distributing the video, which will result in performance.You can do it with a not so expensive device. You will be able to deliver the merits of AR to many users. "(Mr. Okawa)

AWS Wavelengthでは超低遅延環境でAWSが運用できる

 In this case, the terminal that operates AWS is not required.If you have a high affinity with 5G, such as HP Elite Folio (Folio), and can be driven for a long time due to constant connection, it can be a dedicated terminal that can control AWS at any time, regardless of location.It has various possibilities depending on the type of application and services to be implemented, and it can be said that it is a solution that can greatly change business depending on the idea.

 "Another thing that is attracting attention in retail is the use of XR space. In this field, 90 % of Japanese purchasing behaviors are in real stores, and there are not many ECs.What was used is the use of XR space that makes use of the features of 5G. "(Mr. Okawa)


 To put it simply, a virtual space is created in the network, and the sales company will use CG to give a presentation to increase customer willingness to purchase and improve customer satisfaction.Customers also use MEC here to access not only FOLIO, but also smartphones and tablets to receive attractive product descriptions.It is an image that the good parts of the real store and the EC will be even clearer.

 "In the past, the use of virtual space requires high -performance specifications with powerful graphics like gaming PCs, but 5G and MEC can easily use the XR space regardless of the terminal.Okawa explains.With the spread of 5G in the future, I am very looking forward to how the business scene in the near future will change.

 What is the expectation of KDDI for Folio, which is equipped with ARM version Windows, which has a high affinity with 5G?Mr. Kokashi said, "I think that the work style change prompted by the corona evil and the domestic event of a large international sporting event is not always transient. There are 5g in the aftercorona era, and the ARM version.There is also a Folio with Windows. It starts up quickly, connects to cloud services quickly, and lasts a long time. The concept of Folio and Qualcom's Snapdragon concept is the concept of "Always Connected" in the future.I think. "

 The point that Koki likes the most is that the low power consumption performance at all times is always connected."LTE consumes more power than Wi-Fi, and it increases even more when it becomes 5G that uses a wide band. Snapdragon, which integrates processors and communication functions, has less power consumption compared to performance.. In the 5g era, it should be more true. The fact that the device platform itself has low power consumption is among not only for users but also for those who provide communication services. "Mr. Kogan)

 In addition, in "HP Elite Folio 5g", trendy networks such as KDDI's "Close Packet Access", "KDDI Flex Remote Access", and "KDDI EMM Powered by VMware Workspace ONE" are unusual use of the LTE environment and EMM.It has been confirmed through the operation test.Mr. Koki added, "I think that securing security in teleworking and telework is one of the things that customers are particularly concerned about."

 "PCs are required to fully utilize MEC -related services in the 5G era. In the aftercona era, the area where 5G can be used should be further expanded, and it is a real use of the 5G features.I hope that a business that makes virtual a hybrid will be born. I would also like to pay attention to the trends of Folio, which is compatible with such an era. "(Okawa).

 The 5g era is finally approaching due to KDDI's efforts.I want to make a good preparation in the near future trends.

This article was partially edited by the ITMEDIA NEWS editorial department with the cooperation of Japan HP.

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